🚀 Enhancements
- Renaming Identifiers tab to Curator Controlled #452 (@carolyncole)
- Renders collection names as links #449 (@hectorcorrea)
- Publishing the ADR for the discussions and decisions made regarding the storage services used for files attached to Works #402 (@jrgriffiniii @bess)
- Ensures that clients cannot delete post-curation S3 Objects #430 (@jrgriffiniii)
🐛 Bug Fixes / Refactoring / Testing
- Allow S3 synchronization on show of Object #451 (@carolyncole)
- sowing seeds PDC describe import record #450 (@Twade968 @bess)
- S3 key already contains the DOI #445 (@carolyncole)
- Describe bitklavier to prepare for migration #446 (@Twade968)
- Render the proper value so that the table sorts correctly by last edited #443 (@hectorcorrea)
- Remove file ordering #437 (@carolyncole @bess)
- Reduces the default retry_interval #439 (@hectorcorrea)
- Adds nil check #434 (@hectorcorrea)
- Display of error messages when saving #431 (@hectorcorrea)
- Adding a test for creator reordering #429 (@carolyncole)
- Adding Tests for minting the correct ids #427 (@carolyncole)
Authors: 5
- @carolyncole
- Bess Sadler (@bess)
- Hector Correa (@hectorcorrea)
- James R. Griffin III (@jrgriffiniii)
- Tyler Wade (@Twade968)