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GeoBlacklight for Princeton University Library

CircleCI Coverage

Initial Setup

git clone
cd pulmap
bundle install
yarn install

Setup server

  1. Install Lando DMG from
  2. To start: rake servers:start
  3. For test:
    • bundle exec rspec
  4. For development:
  5. To stop: rake servers:stop or lando stop

Reindex from figgy

The reindex is triggered on the figgy side.


$ ssh deploy@figgy-worker-prod1
$ tmux new -t [yourname]
$ cd /opt/figgy/current
$ BULK=true bundle exec rails c
> GeoResourceReindexer.reindex_geoblacklight


$ ssh deploy@figgy-web-staging1
$ tmux new -t [yourname]
$ cd /opt/figgy/current
$ BULK=true bundle exec rails c
> GeoResourceReindexer.reindex_geoblacklight

It takes a few minutes to get all the complete georesources. Then it invokes the updated event on each, which sends them to rabbitmq.

Then you'll start to see output like "Indexed into GeoBlacklight:..."

We usually run this overnight.

Auto-update from external services

Pulmap can listen for events published on a RabbitMQ fanout exhange. In order to use them, do the following:

  1. Configure the events settings in config/pulmap.yml
  2. Run WORKERS=GeoblacklightEventHandler rake sneakers:run

This will subscribe pulmap to the events and update geoblacklight records when they're created, updated, or deleted.