This is a Hubot adapter for Line Messaging API and it supports Line Business Center. This adapter currently only supports Reply Message API, but will include more features recently.
Because it is an adapter of hubot, first you must install hubot on your device. Follow the guidance on hubot official document.
Then install this adapter to your project by running
npm install --save hubot-line-messaging
There are several environment variables need to be set in your Node.js server
# optional
# If USER_PROFILE is SET (!==0), you can get additional user profile in res.message.user
If you are using Heroku, the command will be
heroku config:add HUBOT_NAME=${your_bot_name}
heroku config:add HUBOT_LINE_TOKEN=${your_token}
# optional
heroku config:add USER_PROFILE=${USER_PROFILE}
Once you configure environment variables on your system well, start your robot as bellow
./bin/hubot -a line-messaging
Create a new file - robot.js under your ./scripts/
folder. Add customize scipts as following in your robot.js
"use strict";
module.exports = function(robot){
robot.respond(/hello/i, function(res){
Restart your robot, then send a message - @botname hello
in line application. After that, you will receive a response - world
in line application.
Notice that we support only REPLY MESSAGE API for now, so use res.reply()
or res.emote()
only. res.send()
will reserved until PUSH MESSAGE API is officially supported.
As mentioned in Hubot's document, if your robot's name is BB8, wake it up like below:
- @BB8 ${keyword}
- BB8, ${keyword}
- BB8: ${keyword}
It won't response unless you include robot's name in the beginning of your message.
Types of supports:
- ImageMessage
- VideoMessage
- AudioMessage
- LocationMessage
- StickerMessage
The following is an example of how to listen and respond to complicated message types (sticker, location, image, ...etc).
var StickerMessage = require('hubot-line-messaging').StickerMessage
// Echo the same sticker to Line
// Customize a matcher for specific message type
var matcher = function(message){
// Not implement listener, so should CatchAllMessage.message
var stickerMsg = message.message;
if (stickerMsg && stickerMsg.type && stickerMsg.type === 'sticker'){
if(stickerMsg.stickerId === '1'){
return true
return false;
robot.listen(matcher, function(res){
var stickerMessage = res.message.message;
// This line is necessary to prevent error
res.envelope.message = stickerMessage;
var sticker = new SendSticker(stickerMessage.stickerId, stickerMessage.packageId);
There are several message type which is defined in LINE's document. You can require one of those like below
var LineMessaging = require('hubot-line-messaging')
var SendSticker = LineMessaging.SendSticker
var SendLocation = LineMessaging.SendLocation
var SendImage = LineMessaging.SendImage
var SendVideo = LineMessaging.SendVideo
var SendAudio = LineMessaging.SendAudios
var SendText = LineMessaging.SendText
Text is a common message type, can call it in two way.
// Generate a Text object
let text1 = new SendText('This is a text')
let text2 = new SendText('Second Line')
// Reply message
res.reply(text1, text2);
// Simply using string
res.reply('This is a text', 'Second Line');
let originalContentUrl = '';
let previewImageUrl = '';
// Reply message
res.reply(new SendImage(originalContentUrl, previewImageUrl));
let originalContentUrl = ''
let previewImageUrl = ''
// Reply message
res.reply(new SendVideo(originalContentUrl, previewImageUrl));
let originalContentUrl = ''
let duration = 240000
// Reply message
res.reply(new SendAudio(originalContentUrl, previewImageUrl));
// title, address, latitude, longitude
let location =
new SendLocation(
'〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目21−1',
// Send it as common way
// stickerId, packageId
let sticker = new SendSticker('1', '1');
// Send it as common way
Template message is composed of template and actions.
Template includes buttons, confirm and carousel. Actions includes postback, message and uri.
let msg = BuildTemplateMessage
.init('this is a template msg')
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Template Message',
text: 'Let me google for you'
.action('uri', {
label: 'Open Google',
uri: ''
.action('uri', {
label: 'Adapter Link',
uri: ''
let msg = BuildTemplateMessage
.init('this is a confirm msg')
text: 'confirm?'
.action('uri', {
label: 'OK',
uri: ''
.action('message', {
label: 'Cancel',
text: 'cancel request'
let msg = BuildTemplateMessage
.init('this is a carousel msg')
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Carousel Message 1',
text: 'text1'
.action('uri', {
label: 'Open Google',
uri: ''
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Carousel Message 2',
text: 'text2'
.action('uri', {
label: 'Adapter Link',
uri: ''
Debug on Heroku
heroku config:add HUBOT_LOG_LEVEL=debug
heroku logs --tail