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葵花宝典 |
- 高等代数
- 微积分、数学分析
- 实变函数论、实分析
- 复变函数论、复分析
- 泛函分析
- 常微分方程
- 偏微分方程
- 微分几何
- 数据结构
- 数值计算
- 优化方法
- 王道计算机考研 计算机组成原理
- CS:APP3e --- Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective 3/E
- CMU's 15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems
- 王道计算机考研 操作系统
- CS:APP3e --- Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective 3/E
- CMU's 15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems
- Linux
- Docker
- 王道计算机考研 计算机网络
- CS:APP3e --- Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective 3/E
- CMU's 15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems
- Stanford's CS144: Computer Network
- 计算机网络层次结构
- MIT's MIT6.824: Distributed System
- CMU's 15-418/Stanford's CS149: Parallel Computing
- Georgia Tech's CSE6220: Intro to High-Performance Computing
- C/C++
- MATLAB/Octave
- Python
- 编译原理
- UML --- The Unified Modeling Language is a general-purpose, developmental, modeling language in the field of software engineering that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.
- 设计原则
- 设计模式
- Git --- Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
- Pthreads --- POSIX threads
- OpenMP --- The OpenMP API supports multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming in C/C++ and Fortran.
- MPI --- Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a standardized and portable message-passing standard designed to function on parallel computing architectures.
- CUDA --- NVIDIA's GPU programming interface and toolkits.
- Open CASCADE --- A open-source C++ SDK for dealing with 3D CAD data.
- Gmsh --- Gmsh is an open source 3D finite element mesh generator with a built-in CAD engine and post-processor.
- CGNS --- The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a general, portable, and extensible standard for the storage and retrieval of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis data.
- VTK --- The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is open source software for manipulating and displaying scientific data.
- Plot3D --- A simple file format for CFD developed by NASA Ames Research Center.
- OpenFOAM --- A C++ framework for developing unstructured mesh generators and second-order finite volume solvers.
- DNDSR --- A C++ framework for developing CFD solvers based on compact high-order finite volume schemes.
- FLEXI --- A Fortran framework for developing solvers based on the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spectral element method (SEM) for the unsteady compressible Navier--Stokes equations and more.
- PyFR --- A open-source Python based framework for solving advection--diffusion type problems on streaming architectures using the flux reconstruction (FR) approach of Huynh.
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