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951 lines (849 loc) · 27.9 KB
Bomb Lab



One Solution

There are more than one possible solutions, one of which is

Border relations with Canada have never been better.
1 2 4 8 16 32
7 327
0 0
4 3 2 1 6 5

Give them to the bomb, you will get these output:

Welcome to my fiendish little bomb. You have 6 phases with
which to blow yourself up. Have a nice day!
Phase 1 defused. How about the next one?
That's number 2.  Keep going!
Halfway there!
So you got that one.  Try this one.
Good work!  On to the next...
Congratulations! You've defused the bomb!

Dangerous Functions

The following function and those who call it are dangerous:

void explode_bomb();

👉 Set a breakpoint at the entry of this function to avoid explosion.

(gdb/lldb) b explode_bomb

Phase 1


0x40131b <+0>:     cmp    BYTE PTR [rdi],0x0
0x40131e <+3>:     je     0x401332 <string_length+23>
0x401320 <+5>:     mov    rdx,rdi
0x401323 <+8>:     add    rdx,0x1
0x401327 <+12>:    mov    eax,edx
0x401329 <+14>:    sub    eax,edi
0x40132b <+16>:    cmp    BYTE PTR [rdx],0x0
0x40132e <+19>:    jne    0x401323 <string_length+8>
0x401330 <+21>:    repz ret 
0x401332 <+23>:    mov    eax,0x0
0x401337 <+28>:    ret
int string_length(char* s);


0x401338 <+0>:     push   r12
0x40133a <+2>:     push   rbp
0x40133b <+3>:     push   rbx
0x40133c <+4>:     mov    rbx,rdi
0x40133f <+7>:     mov    rbp,rsi
0x401342 <+10>:    call   0x40131b <string_length>  ; l1 = string_length(s1);
0x401347 <+15>:    mov    r12d,eax
0x40134a <+18>:    mov    rdi,rbp
0x40134d <+21>:    call   0x40131b <string_length>  ; l2 = string_length(s2);
0x401352 <+26>:    mov    edx,0x1
0x401357 <+31>:    cmp    r12d,eax  ; if (l1 == l2)
0x40135a <+34>:    jne    0x40139b <strings_not_equal+99>  ; else
0x40135c <+36>:    movzx  eax,BYTE PTR [rbx]  ; R[al] = s1[0]
0x40135f <+39>:    test   al,al  ; if (s1[0] == '\0')
0x401361 <+41>:    je     0x401388 <strings_not_equal+80>  ; then
; else, i.e. (s1[0] != '\0')
0x401363 <+43>:    cmp    al,BYTE PTR [rbp+0x0]  ; if (*s1 == *s2)
0x401366 <+46>:    je     0x401372 <strings_not_equal+58>  ; then
0x401368 <+48>:    jmp    0x40138f <strings_not_equal+87>  ; else
0x40136a <+50>:    cmp    al,BYTE PTR [rbp+0x0]  ; if (*s1 == *s2)
0x40136d <+53>:    nop    DWORD PTR [rax]  ; no operation
0x401370 <+56>:    jne    0x401396 <strings_not_equal+94>  ; else
0x401372 <+58>:    add    rbx,0x1  ; ++s1
0x401376 <+62>:    add    rbp,0x1  ; ++s2
0x40137a <+66>:    movzx  eax,BYTE PTR [rbx]  ; R[al] = *s1
0x40137d <+69>:    test   al,al  ; if (*s1 == '\0')
0x40137f <+71>:    jne    0x40136a <strings_not_equal+50>  ; else
; return 0;
0x401381 <+73>:    mov    edx,0x0  ; *s1 == '\0'
0x401386 <+78>:    jmp    0x40139b <strings_not_equal+99>
0x401388 <+80>:    mov    edx,0x0  ; s1[0] == '\0'
0x40138d <+85>:    jmp    0x40139b <strings_not_equal+99>
; return 1;
0x40138f <+87>:    mov    edx,0x1  ; *s1 != *s2
0x401394 <+92>:    jmp    0x40139b <strings_not_equal+99>
0x401396 <+94>:    mov    edx,0x1  ; temp = 1;
0x40139b <+99>:    mov    eax,edx  ; result = temp;
0x40139d <+101>:   pop    rbx
0x40139e <+102>:   pop    rbp
0x40139f <+103>:   pop    r12
0x4013a1 <+105>:   ret
int strings_not_equal(char* s1, char* s2) {  /* 0x401338 */
  int l1 = string_length(s1);  /* <+10> */
  int l2 = string_length(s2);  /* <+21> */
  if (l1 == l2) {  /* <+31> */
    while (*s1 != '\0') {  /* <+39> <+69> */
      if (*s1 == *s2) {  /* <+50> */
        ++s1;  /* <+58> */
        ++s2;  /* <+62> */
      } else {
        return 1;/* <+87> */
    return 0;  /* <+73> <+80> */
  } else {
    return 1;  /* <+99> */


0x400ee0 <+0>:     sub    rsp,0x8
0x400ee4 <+4>:     mov    esi,0x402400
0x400ee9 <+9>:     call   0x401338 <strings_not_equal>
0x400eee <+14>:    test   eax,eax
0x400ef0 <+16>:    je     0x400ef7 <phase_1+23>
0x400ef2 <+18>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>
0x400ef7 <+23>:    add    rsp,0x8
0x400efb <+27>:    ret
void phase_1(char* input) {  /* 0x400ee0 */
  /* run `x/s 0x402400` in gdb */
  char* key = "Border relations with Canada have never been better.";
  if (strings_not_equal(input/* %rdi */, key/* %rsi */)) {
  } else {

So, the 1st line should be

Border relations with Canada have never been better.

Phase 2


0x40145c <+0>:     sub    rsp,0x18
0x401460 <+4>:     mov    rdx,rsi
0x401463 <+7>:     lea    rcx,[rsi+0x4]
0x401467 <+11>:    lea    rax,[rsi+0x14]
0x40146b <+15>:    mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],rax
0x401470 <+20>:    lea    rax,[rsi+0x10]
0x401474 <+24>:    mov    QWORD PTR [rsp],rax
0x401478 <+28>:    lea    r9,[rsi+0xc]
0x40147c <+32>:    lea    r8,[rsi+0x8]
0x401480 <+36>:    mov    esi,0x4025c3   ; "%d %d %d %d %d %d"
0x401485 <+41>:    mov    eax,0x0        ; n = 0
0x40148a <+46>:    call   0x400bf0 <__isoc99_sscanf@plt>
0x40148f <+51>:    cmp    eax,0x5                         ; n -  5
0x401492 <+54>:    jg     0x401499 <read_six_numbers+61>  ; n >  5
0x401494 <+56>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>         ; n <= 5 
0x401499 <+61>:    add    rsp,0x18
0x40149d <+65>:    ret
int read_six_numbers(char* s, int a[]);


0x400efc <+0>:     push   rbp
0x400efd <+1>:     push   rbx
0x400efe <+2>:     sub    rsp,0x28  ; allocate local array
0x400f02 <+6>:     mov    rsi,rsp   ; head of the array
0x400f05 <+9>:     call   0x40145c <read_six_numbers>
; use `x/6wd $rsp` to examine these numbers
0x400f0a <+14>:    cmp    DWORD PTR [rsp],0x1      ; a[0] -  1
0x400f0e <+18>:    je     0x400f30 <phase_2+52>    ; a[0] == 1
0x400f10 <+20>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>  ; a[0] != 1
0x400f15 <+25>:    jmp    0x400f30 <phase_2+52>
0x400f17 <+27>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rbx-0x4]  ; R[eax] = a[i-1]
0x400f1a <+30>:    add    eax,eax                  ; R[eax] = a[i-1] + a[i-1]
0x400f1c <+32>:    cmp    DWORD PTR [rbx],eax      ; a[i] -  2*a[i-1]
0x400f1e <+34>:    je     0x400f25 <phase_2+41>    ; a[i] == 2*a[i-1]
0x400f20 <+36>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>  ; a[i] != 2*a[i-1]
0x400f25 <+41>:    add    rbx,0x4  ; ++i
0x400f29 <+45>:    cmp    rbx,rbp                ; &a[i] -  &a[5]
0x400f2c <+48>:    jne    0x400f17 <phase_2+27>  ; &a[i] != &a[5]
0x400f2e <+50>:    jmp    0x400f3c <phase_2+64>  ; &a[i] == &a[5]
0x400f30 <+52>:    lea    rbx,[rsp+0x4]   ; R[rbx] = &a[1]
0x400f35 <+57>:    lea    rbp,[rsp+0x18]  ; R[rbp] = &a[5]
0x400f3a <+62>:    jmp    0x400f17 <phase_2+27>
0x400f3c <+64>:    add    rsp,0x28
0x400f40 <+68>:    pop    rbx
0x400f41 <+69>:    pop    rbp
0x400f42 <+70>:    ret
void phase_2(char* input) {  /* 0x400efc */
  int a[6];  /* <+2> */
  int n = read_six_numbers(input, a);  /* <+9> */
  if (a[0] != 1) {  /* <+14> */
  int* curr = &a[1];  /* <+52> */
  int* last = &a[5];  /* <+57> */
  do {
    int value = curr[-1];  /* <+27> */
    value += value;        /* <+30> */
    if (*curr != value) {  /* <+32> */
    ++curr;  /* <+41> */
  } while (curr != last);  /* <+45> */

So, the 2nd line should begin with

1 2 4 8 16 32

Phase 3


0x400f43 <+0>:     sub    rsp,0x18
0x400f47 <+4>:     lea    rcx,[rsp+0xc]  ; int y
0x400f4c <+9>:     lea    rdx,[rsp+0x8]  ; int x
0x400f51 <+14>:    mov    esi,0x4025cf   ; "%d %d"
0x400f56 <+19>:    mov    eax,0x0
0x400f5b <+24>:    call   0x400bf0 <__isoc99_sscanf@plt>
0x400f60 <+29>:    cmp    eax,0x1                  ; n -  1
0x400f63 <+32>:    jg     0x400f6a <phase_3+39>    ; n >  1
0x400f65 <+34>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>  ; n <= 1
0x400f6a <+39>:    cmp    DWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],0x7  ; x -  7
0x400f6f <+44>:    ja     0x400fad <phase_3+106>   ; x >  7
0x400f71 <+46>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rsp+0x8]  ; x <= 7
; enter the switch
0x400f75 <+50>:    jmp    QWORD PTR [rax*8+0x402470]  ; switch (x)
; use `x/8gx 0x402470` to examine the table, which gives
;   0x402470: 0x0000000000400f7c 0x0000000000400fb9
;   0x402480: 0x0000000000400f83 0x0000000000400f8a
;   0x402490: 0x0000000000400f91 0x0000000000400f98
;   0x4024a0: 0x0000000000400f9f 0x0000000000400fa6
; thus we have
; case 0:
0x400f7c <+57>:    mov    eax,0xcf
0x400f81 <+62>:    jmp    0x400fbe <phase_3+123>
; case 2:
0x400f83 <+64>:    mov    eax,0x2c3
0x400f88 <+69>:    jmp    0x400fbe <phase_3+123>
; case 3:
0x400f8a <+71>:    mov    eax,0x100
0x400f8f <+76>:    jmp    0x400fbe <phase_3+123>
; case 4:
0x400f91 <+78>:    mov    eax,0x185
0x400f96 <+83>:    jmp    0x400fbe <phase_3+123>
; case 5:
0x400f98 <+85>:    mov    eax,0xce
0x400f9d <+90>:    jmp    0x400fbe <phase_3+123>
; case 6:
0x400f9f <+92>:    mov    eax,0x2aa
0x400fa4 <+97>:    jmp    0x400fbe <phase_3+123>
; case 7:
0x400fa6 <+99>:    mov    eax,0x147
0x400fab <+104>:   jmp    0x400fbe <phase_3+123>
; default:
0x400fad <+106>:   call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>  ; (unsigned) x > 7
0x400fb2 <+111>:   mov    eax,0x0
0x400fb7 <+116>:   jmp    0x400fbe <phase_3+123>
; case 1:
0x400fb9 <+118>:   mov    eax,0x137
; leave the switch
0x400fbe <+123>:   cmp    eax,DWORD PTR [rsp+0xc]  ; t -  y
0x400fc2 <+127>:   je     0x400fc9 <phase_3+134>   ; t == y
0x400fc4 <+129>:   call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>  ; t != y
0x400fc9 <+134>:   add    rsp,0x18
0x400fcd <+138>:   ret
void phase_3(char* input) {
  unsigned int x
  unsigned int y;
  int n = sscanf(input, "%d %d", &x, &y);
  if (n <= 1) {
    explode_bomb();  /* <+34> */
  unsigned int t;  /* %rax */
  switch (x) {  /* <+39> */
  case 0:
    t = 0x0cf;  /* 207 */
  case 1:
    t = 0x137;  /* 311 */
  case 2:
    t = 0x2c3;  /* 707 */
  case 3:
    t = 0x100;  /* 256 */
  case 4:
    t = 0x185;  /* 389 */
  case 5:
    t = 0x0ce;  /* 206*/
  case 6:
    t = 0x2aa;  /* 682 */
  case 7:
    t = 0x147;  /* 327 */
    explode_bomb();  /* <+106> */
    t = 0;
  if (t != y) {  /* <+123> */
    explode_bomb();  /* <+129> */

So, the 3rd line should begin with any one of the following 8 cases:

0 207
1 311
2 707
3 256
4 389
5 206
6 682
7 327

Phase 4


0x400fce <+0>:     sub    rsp,0x8
0x400fd2 <+4>:     mov    eax,edx   ; t = c
0x400fd4 <+6>:     sub    eax,esi   ; t = c - b
0x400fd6 <+8>:     mov    ecx,eax   ; s = t
0x400fd8 <+10>:    shr    ecx,0x1f  ; s /= (1<<31)
0x400fdb <+13>:    add    eax,ecx   ; t += s
0x400fdd <+15>:    sar    eax,1     ; t /= 2
0x400fdf <+17>:    lea    ecx,[rax+rsi*1]  ; s = t + b
0x400fe2 <+20>:    cmp    ecx,edi   ; s - a
0x400fe4 <+22>:    jle    0x400ff2 <func4+36>
; s > a
0x400fe6 <+24>:    lea    edx,[rcx-0x1]
0x400fe9 <+27>:    call   0x400fce <func4>  ; t = func4(a, b, s-1)
0x400fee <+32>:    add    eax,eax           ; t += t
0x400ff0 <+34>:    jmp    0x401007 <func4+57>
; s <= a
0x400ff2 <+36>:    mov    eax,0x0  ; t = 0
0x400ff7 <+41>:    cmp    ecx,edi  ; s - a
0x400ff9 <+43>:    jge    0x401007 <func4+57>
0x400ffb <+45>:    lea    esi,[rcx+0x1]
0x400ffe <+48>:    call   0x400fce <func4>     ; t = func4(a, s+1, c)
0x401003 <+53>:    lea    eax,[rax+rax*1+0x1]  ; t = 1 + 2*t
; return t
0x401007 <+57>:    add    rsp,0x8
0x40100b <+61>:    ret
int func4(int a, int b, int c) {
  int func4(int a, int b, int c) {
  int t = c - b;
  int s = t;
  s /= (1<<31);
  t += s;
  t /= 2;
  s = t + b;
  if (s > a) {
    t = func4(a, b, s-1);
    t += t;
  } else {
    t = 0;
    if (s < a) {
      t = func4(a, s+1, c);
      t = 1 + t + t;
  return t;


0x40100c <+0>:     sub    rsp,0x18
0x401010 <+4>:     lea    rcx,[rsp+0xc]
0x401015 <+9>:     lea    rdx,[rsp+0x8]
0x40101a <+14>:    mov    esi,0x4025cf  ; "%d %d"
0x40101f <+19>:    mov    eax,0x0
0x401024 <+24>:    call   0x400bf0 <__isoc99_sscanf@plt>
0x401029 <+29>:    cmp    eax,0x2                ; n -  2
0x40102c <+32>:    jne    0x401035 <phase_4+41>  ; n != 2
0x40102e <+34>:    cmp    DWORD PTR [rsp+0x8],0xe  ; x - 0xe
0x401033 <+39>:    jbe    0x40103a <phase_4+46>
0x401035 <+41>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>  ; x > 0xe
0x40103a <+46>:    mov    edx,0xe
0x40103f <+51>:    mov    esi,0x0
0x401044 <+56>:    mov    edi,DWORD PTR [rsp+0x8]
0x401048 <+60>:    call   0x400fce <func4>  ; z = func4(x, 0, 14)
0x40104d <+65>:    test   eax,eax  ; z & z
0x40104f <+67>:    jne    0x401058 <phase_4+76>    ; z != 0
0x401051 <+69>:    cmp    DWORD PTR [rsp+0xc],0x0  ; y -  0
0x401056 <+74>:    je     0x40105d <phase_4+81>    ; y == 0
0x401058 <+76>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>  ; y != 0
0x40105d <+81>:    add    rsp,0x18
0x401061 <+85>:    ret
void phase_4(char* input) {
  unsigned int x, y;
  unsigned int n = sscanf(input, "%d %d", &x, &y);
  if (n != 2 || x > 14) {
    explode_bomb();  /* <+41> */
  int z = func4(x, 0, 14);  /* <+60> */
  if (z || y) {  /* <+65> <+69> */
    explode_bomb();  /* <+76> */

👉 It is not easy to find a formula in closed form for the recursive function func4(). However, we only need one x such that func4(x, 0, 14) == 0. So, the 4th line should begin with any one of the following cases:

0 0
1 0
3 0

Phase 5


0x401062 <+0>:     push   rbx
0x401063 <+1>:     sub    rsp,0x20
0x401067 <+5>:     mov    rbx,rdi
0x40106a <+8>:     mov    rax,QWORD PTR fs:0x28  ; store canary
0x401073 <+17>:    mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18],rax
0x401078 <+22>:    xor    eax,eax
0x40107a <+24>:    call   0x40131b <string_length>
0x40107f <+29>:    cmp    eax,0x6
0x401082 <+32>:    je     0x4010d2 <phase_5+112>  ; wanted
0x401084 <+34>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>
0x401089 <+39>:    jmp    0x4010d2 <phase_5+112>
; enter the loop
0x40108b <+41>:    movzx  ecx,BYTE PTR [rbx+rax*1]  ; int R[ecx] = a[i]
0x40108f <+45>:    mov    BYTE PTR [rsp],cl    ; char M[R[rsp]] = a[i]
0x401092 <+48>:    mov    rdx,QWORD PTR [rsp]  ; long R[rdx] = M[R[rsp]]
0x401096 <+52>:    and    edx,0xf    ; a[i] is the least significant byte
0x401099 <+55>:    movzx  edx,BYTE PTR [rdx+0x4024b0]  ; s = M[0x4024b0 + s]
0x4010a0 <+62>:    mov    BYTE PTR [rsp+rax*1+0x10],dl  ; a[i] = s
0x4010a4 <+66>:    add    rax,0x1  ; ++i
0x4010a8 <+70>:    cmp    rax,0x6  ; i - 6
0x4010ac <+74>:    jne    0x40108b <phase_5+41>  ; while (i != 0)
; leave the loop
0x4010ae <+76>:    mov    BYTE PTR [rsp+0x16],0x0  ; a[6] == '\0'
0x4010b3 <+81>:    mov    esi,0x40245e    ; "flyers" as the 2nd arg
0x4010b8 <+86>:    lea    rdi,[rsp+0x10]  ;   &a[0]  as the 1st arg
0x4010bd <+91>:    call   0x401338 <strings_not_equal>
0x4010c2 <+96>:    test   eax,eax
0x4010c4 <+98>:    je     0x4010d9 <phase_5+119>  ; wanted
0x4010c6 <+100>:   call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>
0x4010cb <+105>:   nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
0x4010d0 <+110>:   jmp    0x4010d9 <phase_5+119>
0x4010d2 <+112>:   mov    eax,0x0
0x4010d7 <+117>:   jmp    0x40108b <phase_5+41>
0x4010d9 <+119>:   mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x18]  ; the stored canary
0x4010de <+124>:   xor    rax,QWORD PTR fs:0x28
0x4010e7 <+133>:   je     0x4010ee <phase_5+140>  ; no overflow
0x4010e9 <+135>:   call   0x400b30 <__stack_chk_fail@plt>
0x4010ee <+140>:   add    rsp,0x20  ; clean up
0x4010f2 <+144>:   pop    rbx
0x4010f3 <+145>:   ret

Key Steps

  1. From <+24> to <+34>, we know Line 5 should be a 6-char string (excluding the '\0' at the end).

  2. There is a 6-step loop between <+41> and <+74>, which does not call explode_bomb(). So, it's safe to set a breakpoint after it, and let the process keep running until <+76> is hit.

  3. From <+76> to <+100>, we know the target string at 0x40245e is flyers, which is indeed 6-char long.

  4. Now, it's time to examine the loop in detail. We are working on a little-endian system, so a[i] resides in the least-significant byte, and the the net effect of the 3 instructions beginning at <+81> is

    R[rdx] = ZeroExtend(a[i] % 0x10);

    So, the C code for the loop might be

    void phase_5(char* input) {
      if (string_length(input) != 6) explode_bomb();
      for (char* curr = a; curr != a+6; ++curr) {
        int t = *curr;    /* ecx */
        long s = t % 16;  /* rdx */
        s = *(int *)(0x4024b0 + s);
        *curr = (char) s;
  5. The 16 bytes beginning at 0x4024b0, denoted as char b[16], are

    (lldb) x/16bd 0x4024b0
    0x4024b0: 109
    0x4024b1: 97
    0x4024b2: 100
    0x4024b3: 117
    0x4024b4: 105
    0x4024b5: 101
    0x4024b6: 114
    0x4024b7: 115
    0x4024b8: 110
    0x4024b9: 102
    0x4024ba: 111
    0x4024bb: 116
    0x4024bc: 118
    0x4024bd: 98
    0x4024be: 121
    0x4024bf: 108

    while the 6 bytes in flyers, beginning at 0x40245e, denoted as char c[6], are

    (lldb) x/6bd 0x40245e
    0x40245e: 102
    0x40245f: 108
    0x402460: 121
    0x402461: 101
    0x402462: 114
    0x402463: 115

    So, the mapping gives a strong implication to the answer:

    c[0] == 102 == b[0x9]
    c[1] == 108 == b[0xf]
    c[2] == 121 == b[0xe]
    c[3] == 101 == b[0x5]
    c[4] == 114 == b[0x6]
    c[5] == 115 == b[0x7]
  6. The 6 bytes in Line 5, denoting as char a[6], should be

    a[0] == 0x9 + 0x10*K
    a[1] == 0xf + 0x10*K
    a[2] == 0xe + 0x10*K
    a[3] == 0x5 + 0x10*K
    a[4] == 0x6 + 0x10*K
    a[5] == 0x7 + 0x10*K

    The answer is not unique. When k == 4 the answer is

    0x49 == 'I'
    0x4f == 'O'
    0x4e == 'N'
    0x45 == 'E'
    0x46 == 'F'
    0x47 == 'G'

Phase 6


0x4010f4 <+0>:     push   r14
0x4010f6 <+2>:     push   r13
0x4010f8 <+4>:     push   r12
0x4010fa <+6>:     push   rbp
0x4010fb <+7>:     push   rbx
0x4010fc <+8>:     sub    rsp,0x50  ; allocate array
0x401100 <+12>:    mov    r13,rsp
0x401103 <+15>:    mov    rsi,rsp
0x401106 <+18>:    call   0x40145c <read_six_numbers>
0x40110b <+23>:    mov    r14,rsp  ; save &a[0] for later use

read_six_numbers() implies Line 6 must begin with 6 integers. So, the first 2 lines in the C code looks like

int a[6];
read_six_numbers(input, a);  /* <+18> */

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

; initialize the loop
0x40110e <+26>:    mov    r12d,0x0  ; int i = 0
; enter the loop
0x401114 <+32>:    mov    rbp,r13  ; R[rbp] == &a[i]
0x401117 <+35>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [r13+0x0]  ; unsigned int t = a[i]
0x40111b <+39>:    sub    eax,0x1  ; t -= 1
0x40111e <+42>:    cmp    eax,0x5                  ;          t -  5
0x401121 <+45>:    jbe    0x401128 <phase_6+52>    ; unsigned t <= 5
0x401123 <+47>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>  ;          t >  5
0x401128 <+52>:    add    r12d,0x1  ; ++i
0x40112c <+56>:    cmp    r12d,0x6               ; i -  6
0x401130 <+60>:    je     0x401153 <phase_6+95>  ; i == 6
; enter the inner loop
0x401132 <+62>:    mov    ebx,r12d  ; int j = i
0x401135 <+65>:    movsxd rax,ebx   ; R[rax] = j
0x401138 <+68>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rsp+rax*4]  ; R[eax] = a[j]
0x40113b <+71>:    cmp    DWORD PTR [rbp+0x0],eax    ; a[i-1] -  a[j]
0x40113e <+74>:    jne    0x401145 <phase_6+81>      ; a[i-1] != a[j]
0x401140 <+76>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>    ; a[i-1] == a[j]
0x401145 <+81>:    add    ebx,0x1  ; ++j
0x401148 <+84>:    cmp    ebx,0x5                ; j -  5
0x40114b <+87>:    jle    0x401135 <phase_6+65>  ; j <= 5
; leave the inner loop
0x40114d <+89>:    add    r13,0x4  ; a += 1
0x401151 <+93>:    jmp    0x401114 <phase_6+32>
; leave the loop

The jbe in <+45> tells us the temporary int in %eax should be unsigned.

The nested loops between <+32> and <+93> correspond to the following C code:

for (int i = 0; true; ) {
  unsigned int t = a[i] - 1;
  if (t > 5) explode_bomb();  /* <+47> */
  if (i == 6) break;
  for (int j = i; j <= 5; ++j)
    if (a[i-1] == a[j])  /* <+76> */

It tells us the 6 numbers must be distinct (implied by <+76>) and within {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} (implied by <+47>); their order, however, is undetermined. Try the most natural one, for example:

(lldb) x/6wd $rsp
0x7fffffffe4c0: 1
0x7fffffffe4c4: 2
0x7fffffffe4c8: 3
0x7fffffffe4cc: 4
0x7fffffffe4d0: 5
0x7fffffffe4d4: 6

a[i] = 7 - a[i]

; initialize the loop
0x401153 <+95>:    lea    rsi,[rsp+0x18]  ; int* a_n = &a[6]
0x401158 <+100>:   mov    rax,r14         ; int* a_i = &a[i]
0x40115b <+103>:   mov    ecx,0x7  ; t = 7
; enter the loop
0x401160 <+108>:   mov    edx,ecx              ; s = t
0x401162 <+110>:   sub    edx,DWORD PTR [rax]  ; s = t - a[i]
0x401164 <+112>:   mov    DWORD PTR [rax],edx  ; a[i] = 7 - a[i] 👈
0x401166 <+114>:   add    rax,0x4  ; a_i += 1
0x40116a <+118>:   cmp    rax,rsi  ; a_i - a_n
0x40116d <+121>:   jne    0x401160 <phase_6+108>  ; a_i != a_n
; leave the loop

This loop replaces a[i] with 7 - a[i] for each i, that is

int* a_i = a;
int* a_n = a + 6;
int t = 7;
do {
  *a_i = 7 - *a_i;
  a_i += 1;
} while (a_i != a_n);

So, it's safe to go through the loop and stop after it.

Array of Nodes

; initialize the loop
0x40116f <+123>:   mov    esi,0x0  ; void* offset = 0
; enter the loop
0x401174 <+128>:   jmp    0x401197 <phase_6+163>
; enter the inner loop
0x401176 <+130>:   mov    rdx,QWORD PTR [rdx+0x8]  ; target = *(target + 8)
0x40117a <+134>:   add    eax,0x1  ; count += 1
0x40117d <+137>:   cmp    eax,ecx  ; count - value
0x40117f <+139>:   jne    0x401176 <phase_6+130>  ; while (count != value)
0x401181 <+141>:   jmp    0x401188 <phase_6+148>
; leave the inner loop
0x401183 <+143>:   mov    edx,0x6032d0  ; if (value <= 1)
; after if-else
0x401188 <+148>:   mov    QWORD PTR [rsp+rsi*2+0x20],rdx  ; b[i] = target
0x40118d <+153>:   add    rsi,0x4   ; offset += 4
0x401191 <+157>:   cmp    rsi,0x18  ; offset - 24
0x401195 <+161>:   je     0x4011ab <phase_6+183>
; enter the loop
0x401197 <+163>:   mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [rsp+rsi*1]  ; int value = *(int*)((void*) a + offset)
0x40119a <+166>:   cmp    ecx,0x1  ; value - 1
0x40119d <+169>:   jle    0x401183 <phase_6+143>  ; if (value <= 1)
0x40119f <+171>:   mov    eax,0x1  ; if (value > 1) count = 1
0x4011a4 <+176>:   mov    edx,0x6032d0  ; void* target = 0x6032d0
0x4011a9 <+181>:   jmp    0x401176 <phase_6+130>  ; inner loop
; leave the loop

This section is another loop:

T* b[6];
void* offset = 0;  /* <+123> */
/* <+130> */
while (offset != 24/* <+157> */) {
  T* target;
  int value = *(int*)((void*)a + offset);  /* <+163> */
  if (value > 1) {  /* <+166> */
    /* <+171> */
    int count = 1;
    target = 0x6032d0;  /* <+176> */
    do {
      target = *(T*)((void*)target + 8); /* <+130> */
    } while (count != value);  /* <+139> */
  } else {  /* value <= 1 */
    target = 0x6032d0;  /* <+143> */
  *((void*)b + offset*2) = target;  /* <+148> */
  offset += 4;
} /* <+181> */

From <+130> we know T must be a recursive data structure, e.g.

struct T {
  long data;
  T* next;

By looking at the bytes started at 0x6032d0, we know that it is a linked list:

(lldb) x/12gx 0x6032d0
0x6032d0: 0x000000010000014c 0x00000000006032e0
0x6032e0: 0x00000002000000a8 0x00000000006032f0
0x6032f0: 0x000000030000039c 0x0000000000603300
0x603300: 0x00000004000002b3 0x0000000000603310
0x603310: 0x00000005000001dd 0x0000000000603320
0x603320: 0x00000006000001bb 0x0000000000000000

So, the loop can be clarified as

T* b[6];
for (int i = 0; i != 6; ++i) {
  T* target = 0x6032d0;
  int value = a[i];
  int count = 1;
  while (count != value) {
    target = target->next; /* <+130> */
  b[i] = target;

Again, it's safe to go through the loop and stop after it (at <+183>).

The loop use int a[6] to build another array, located at %rsp+0x20 and denoted as T* b[6], whose elements come from the linked list and reordered by a[]'s elements':

# stop at <+183>
(lldb) x/6wd $rsp  # int a[6]
0x7fffffffe4c0: 6
0x7fffffffe4c4: 5
0x7fffffffe4c8: 4
0x7fffffffe4cc: 3
0x7fffffffe4d0: 2
0x7fffffffe4d4: 1
(lldb) x/6gx $rsp+0x20  # T* b[6]
0x7fffffffe4e0: 0x0000000000603320 0x0000000000603310
0x7fffffffe4f0: 0x0000000000603300 0x00000000006032f0
0x7fffffffe500: 0x00000000006032e0 0x00000000006032d0

Rebuild the List

0x4011ab <+183>:   mov    rbx,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x20]  ; T* rbx = b[0];  // head
0x4011b0 <+188>:   lea    rax,[rsp+0x28]  ; T** rax = &b[1];
0x4011b5 <+193>:   lea    rsi,[rsp+0x50]  ; T** rsi = &b[6];  // tail
0x4011ba <+198>:   mov    rcx,rbx         ; T* rcx = b[0];  // b[i-1]
; enter the loop
0x4011bd <+201>:   mov    rdx,QWORD PTR [rax]      ; T* rdx = *rax;  // b[i]
0x4011c0 <+204>:   mov    QWORD PTR [rcx+0x8],rdx   ; rcx->next = rdx;
0x4011c4 <+208>:   add    rax,0x8        ; rax += 1;  // &b[i+1]
0x4011c8 <+212>:   cmp    rax,rsi        ; rax - tail
0x4011cb <+215>:   je     0x4011d2 <phase_6+222>
0x4011cd <+217>:   mov    rcx,rdx        ; rcx = rdx;  // b[i]
0x4011d0 <+220>:   jmp    0x4011bd <phase_6+201>  ; while (rax != tail)
; leave the loop

This loop just rebuild a linked list according to the new order:

T** curr = &b[1];
T** tail = &b[6];
T*  prev =  b[0];
while (curr != tail) {
  prev->next = *curr;
  curr += 1;
  prev = *curr;

Sort by rank

At this point, %rdx holds b[5] and %rbx holds b[0].

0x4011d2 <+222>:   mov    QWORD PTR [rdx+0x8],0x0  ; b[5]->next = 0
0x4011da <+230>:   mov    ebp,0x5  ; i = 5
; enter the loop
0x4011df <+235>:   mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]  ; rax = rbx->next
0x4011e3 <+239>:   mov    eax,DWORD PTR [rax]      ; int eax = *rax
0x4011e5 <+241>:   cmp    DWORD PTR [rbx],eax      ; rbx->data -  eax
0x4011e7 <+243>:   jge    0x4011ee <phase_6+250>   ; rbx->data >= eax
0x4011e9 <+245>:   call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>  ; rbx->data <  eax
0x4011ee <+250>:   mov    rbx,QWORD PTR [rbx+0x8]  ; rbx = rbx->next
0x4011f2 <+254>:   sub    ebp,0x1  ; --i
0x4011f5 <+257>:   jne    0x4011df <phase_6+235>
; leave the loop

This loop checks each pair of neighbouring nodes:

b[5]->next = 0;  /* <+222> */
T* curr = b;
int i = 5/* <+230> */;
while (i != 0/* <+257> */) {
  T* next = curr->next;  /* <+235> */
  if (curr->data < next->data)
    explode_bomb();  /* <+245> */
  curr = curr->next;  /* <+250> */
  --i;/* <+250> */

It is now clear that the data field should begin with an int member:

struct node {
  int rank;
  int id;  /* optional */
  struct node* next;

and this member should keep decreasing along the list. Recall the original list:

(lldb) x/12gx 0x6032d0
0x6032d0: 0x000000010000014c 0x00000000006032e0
0x6032e0: 0x00000002000000a8 0x00000000006032f0
0x6032f0: 0x000000030000039c 0x0000000000603300
0x603300: 0x00000004000002b3 0x0000000000603310
0x603310: 0x00000005000001dd 0x0000000000603320
0x603320: 0x00000006000001bb 0x0000000000000000

It can be transformed into the following table:

Address rank id next
0x6032d0 0x14c 1 0x6032e0
0x6032e0 0x0a8 2 0x6032f0
0x6032f0 0x39c 3 0x603300
0x603300 0x2b3 4 0x603310
0x603310 0x1dd 5 0x603320
0x603320 0x1bb 6 0x000000

The ranks are initially unsorted. Sort then in the descending order, we have

Address rank id next
0x6032f0 0x39c 3 0x603300
0x603300 0x2b3 4 0x603310
0x603310 0x1dd 5 0x603320
0x603320 0x1bb 6 0x000000
0x6032d0 0x14c 1 0x6032e0
0x6032e0 0x0a8 2 0x6032f0

Column id gives the needed a[] used to build b[], see Array of Nodes. So, Line 6 should begin with

4 3 2 1 6 5

The rest of the code release the frame and recover callee saved registers:

0x4011f7 <+259>:   add    rsp,0x50
0x4011fb <+263>:   pop    rbx
0x4011fc <+264>:   pop    rbp
0x4011fd <+265>:   pop    r12
0x4011ff <+267>:   pop    r13
0x401201 <+269>:   pop    r14
0x401203 <+271>:   ret