(The efficiency for signal and background is different only if specified)
The efficiency reported in each subsection refers after the cuts of the previous subsection
At least 1
- abs(Muon_eta[0])<2.4 && Muon_pt[0]>26
Acceptance: 0.756
- (Muon_looseId[0] && Muon_pfIsoId[0]>1)
Acceptance: 0.86
- jet_jetid>0 && jet_puid>0 && Jet_muonIdx1!=0
- Jet_pt[3]>20 && nJet (after selected jets)>=4
Acceptance: 0.84
- max(Jet_btagDeepFlavB) > 0.2793 (medium)
Signal : 0.968
Background: 0.921
For the signal, after the cuts discussed above:
$\Delta R_{LHE-JET}<0.4$ Acceptance: 0.43
Different Partons match to different Jets
Acceptance: 0.917
All the 4 partons are in the firsts 7 jets in pt
Acceptance: 0.966
JPANet was the best classifier
Efficiency | |
bLept | 0.80 |
allJets | 0.54 |