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Google Geocode API wrapper supercharged with Python Data Model, which makes Gobject behave like a first class citizen.


pip install gobject


Assume we are working in Python REPL environement

Import modules: requests to make a request, json as a utility, gobject. Note that gobject dependency free library. It does not care about a source of JSON containing response from Google Geocode API.

import gobject, requests, json

Get JSON response from Google API

resp = requests.get('')
> <Response [200]>

We got the response from API, now lets initialize gobject. It can be done in two ways, first one is preffered.

gobj = gobject.load(resp.text)

# Or another way using the class Gobject
gobj_alt = gobject.Gobject(resp.text)

Beeing a Pythonic, gobject leverages Python Data Model to be first-class citizen in your code.

gobj == gobj_alt
> True

Important feature: gobject.load has an inverse function gobject.serialize. There exists a bijection relation. Wrap the data into an object, serialize it and compare to original data.

(gobject.load(resp.text)).serialize() == json.loads(resp.text)
> True

gobject API follows Google Geocode API, just read Geocode docs and you will find it in Gobject too

> <northeast: <lat: -5.1843219 ; lng: 106.972825>, southwest: <lat: -6.3708331 ; lng: 106.3831259>>

> <lat: -5.1843219 ; lng: 106.972825>

gobj.bounds.northeast == gobj.bounds.southwest
> False

gobj.bounds.northeast = gobj.bounds.southwest
gobj.bounds.northeast == gobj.bounds.southwest
> True

> 2


Gobject handles all (5 kinds) errors which may occur in 'status' field of a JSON response from Google Geocode API.

Lets make a request with non-existent place, such as Cappleble.

resp = requests.get('')
> <Response [200]>

And load its data into the gobject

wobj = gobject.load(resp.text)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ...
> gobject.exception.ZeroResultsError: The geocode was successful but returned no results.
This may occur if the geocoder was passed a non-existent address.

Exception message says exactly what we did, the cause of it is a non-existent place.

gobject supports all exceptions from Google API with their explanation messages.

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