git clone this project, then mv nvim.lua ~/.config/nvim
- Download Nerd Font
- Unzip and copy to
- Run the command
fc-cache -fv
to manually rebuild the font cache - Run
to see all fonts installed
or there will be some text garbled in neovim.
has basic setting for neovim.
is for keymap, include basic, plugin and lsp.
is for language server protocal, which provides code complete, goto definition, code diagnositic...
include many useful plugin, like telescope.nvim.
Language server protocal can give you the power of go to definition, auto-completion, lints...
- open
, add server with optional config inM.servers
. - execute
in neovim, find servername, pressi
to install. (or you can install language server by yourself, just need to ensure it is executable inPATH
) - execute
in neovim, to check server has attahed to buffer(with correct file type).
- preconfigured servers
Here are preconfigured servers, which means you only need to install language server and no need any
- clangd for c/c++
- pylsp for python, support auto detect venv
- gopls for golang
- html for html
- sumneko_lua for lua
once language server is attahed to your buffer(use :LspInfo
to check), you will get those keymaps.
go to symbol definitiongr
go to referencesgi
go to definition<leader>ff
format file<leader>rn
rename symbol in project<leader>ca
code action<leader>e
open diagnositic floating window]d
next diagnositic[d
previous diagnositic
a highly extendable fuzzy finder.
to find files.CTRL-n
to find buffers.<leader>fo
to find recently opened files.<leader>fg
to live grep in project.<leader>fs
to list symbols in current file(need lsp support).<leader>fa
to list symbols in project(need lsp support).F3
to find projects you opened.
file explor for neovim. In nvimtree, you may check your project structure, add/delete/remove files.
toggle nvimtree.g?
in nvimtree, and you will see help.
smart commenting plugin.
to toggle comment, support multiple lines selection.
move to anywhere with 2 characters.
- press
, and there will be characters in your screen, press characters on some position and you will jump to it.
easily edit surrond character
- press
inside some sentence"asfasfasadf"
will be delete. - press
inside some sentence"asfasfasadf"
will be replaced with'asfasfasadf'
. - press
inside some wordasfasfasadf
will be added around.
edit lua/keymap/common.lua
for common(no plugin, no lsp) keybindings.
edit lua/keymap/plugin.lua
for plugin keybindings.
edit lua/keymap/lsp.lua
for lsp keybindings.
- open
, find plugin you want to remove. - delete
use xxx
, save file, execute:source%
, execute:PackerSync
, pressy
to confirm delete.