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Write modern GPU shaders in Python! Provides a Python to SpirV compiler, to start with.


SpirV is a binary platform-independent represenation for GPU shaders. This module makes it easier to write SpirV shaders in Python.

This should be useful for anything built on top of wgpu-py.


The main idea is that end-users can use pyshader to transform a certain shader representation into another. E.g. Python into SpirV.

Under the hood, pyshader is a micro compiler-framework featuring its own intermediate representation (IR). Different "front-ends" could target this IR, and the IR could be compiled to other targets than SpirV.

At the moment, the only available compile step is from a Python function to SpirV. More paths may be added in the future, e.g. WGSL.

Running Python on the GPU? This is crazy!

Perhaps, but there are certain advantages:

  • Other Python libraries that target the GPU struggle with re-using code between shaders. Projects either use a weird form of string templating or design an overly complex templating engine. Disclamer, I am (partly) responsible for both of these examples. Anyway, if you can simply use Python functions that can call each-other, that makes things a lot easier.
  • Writing shaders in GLSL means that the shaders need to be compiled to SpirV, which means either end-users need the Lunar SDK, or you need to ship pre-compiled shaders. This complicates distribution.
  • It's simply cool that you can write a shader in Python :)

But Almar, you tried compiling Python to JavaScript in PScript, and that approach does not scale well because what you write is really ... JS shiver.

I believe it's different with PyShader for two main reasons: Firstly, pyshader always remains limited to the use of shaders, which are generally small. Secondly, pyshader is strongly typed, targeting a representation that's close to machine code. If your code compiles, it'll probably just do what you mean.

Current status

Consider this alpha. The python2shader compiler is working and relatively complete, but error messages may be cryptic, and the documentation may need some love.


pip install pyshader

Example usage (a simple mesh shader)

from pyshader import python2shader, vec3, vec4, mat4

def vertex_shader(
    vertex_pos=("input", 0, vec3),
    transform=("uniform", (0, 0), mat4),
    out_pos=("output", "Position", vec4),
    out_pos = transform * vec4(vertex_pos, 1.0)

def fragment_shader_flat(
    color=("uniform", (0, 1), vec3), out_color=("output", 0, vec4),
    out_color = vec4(color, 1.0)  # noqa


If you want to use,, or, you need to seperately install the Vulkan SDK.


This code is distributed under the 2-clause BSD license.


The ShaderModule class

A ShaderModule is a representation of a shader. It's input is the shader source, e.g. a Python function. It can then be converted to bytecode and/or to SpirV.

  • input: property that holds the input source (e.g. the Python function object).
  • to_bytecode: method to get the bytecode representing this shader module.
  • to_spirv: method to get the binary representation of the SpirV module (bytes).

The python2shader(func) function

Convert a Python function to a ShaderModule object. Takes the bytecode of the given function and converts it to our internal bytecode. From there it can be converted to binary SpirV. All in dependency-free pure Python.


GPU programming feels a bit different. This is for example expressed by the heavy use of types representing vectors and matrices. Pyshader has is's own type system to represent GPU specific types.

There are a handful of leaf types:

  • void
  • boolean -> True or False
  • f16, f32, f64 -> floating point number of various size
  • u8 -> unsigned byte
  • i16, i32, i64 -> signed integers of various size

Then there is the Vector class. One can create a vector type by specifying the number of elements (2-4) and one of the numeric leaf types, e.g. Vector(2, f32). Similarly the Matrix class can be used to create matrix types, e.g. Matrix(4, 4, f32).

For convenience, there are several builtin vector and matrix types:

  • Float vectors: vec2, vec3, vec4
  • Integer vectors: ivec2, ivec3, ivec4
  • Boolean vectors: bvec2, bvec3, bvec4
  • Square matrices: mat2, mat3, mat4
  • Other matrics: mat3x2, mat4x2, mat2x3, mat4x3, mat2x4, mat3x4

Further, one can specify types where each element is any of the above types, e.g. Array(100, vec4). In some cases one can also define an array of undefined size: Array(vec2).

Structs can be created using e.g. Struct(foo=f32, bar=ivec4). Note that arrays can contain structs, and structs can contain arrays.

Python shader syntax

To write shaders in Python, you need to follow some rules. Let's start with your function's name. It must contain one of "compute", "vertex" or "fragment", to indicate the type of shader.

Function arguments

Each argument of your function must be annotated with a 3-element tuple. This may be done either using an annotation or a "default value". Both flavours are equally valid, but the latter may prevent linting issues.

def your_vertex_shader(
    argument_name: (resource_type, slot, type_info)
# or
def your_vertex_shader(
    argument_name=(resource_type, slot, type_info)

There are 6 possible resource types. These are specified as a string, but we also provides an enum for convenience:

  • RES_INPUT: For vertex shaders this means a vertex buffer. For fragment shaders it means the output of the vertex shader. These can also be builtin inputs (see info on slot below).
  • RES_OUTPUT: For vertex shaders these will be available as inputs to the fragment shader, or builtin outputs. For fragment shaders this is e.g. the output color. Note that shaders do not have return values: you must assign to the output argument. Yes, this looks a bit weird.
  • RES_UNIFORM: Small(ish) data in a uniform buffer. This will typically be a struct combining all uniform data.
  • RES_BUFFER: A storage buffer that can be written to or read from.
  • RES_TEXTURE: A texture object.
  • RES_SAMPLER: A sampler (defines how a texture must be sampled).

For input and output resources, the slot is an integer, or a string specifying the name of the builtin input/output, e.g. "VertexId" or "Position". For the other resource types the slot is a 2-tuple specifying bind group and binding. Integers are also allowed, implying bind group zero.

For most resource types, type_info is a type as specified in the previous section. These can also be specified as a string. For textures, type_info must contain the dimension ("1d", "2d", "3d" or "cube"), and the texture format.

Strict typing

Pyshader uses type inference, so you don't have to worry about specifying types except for the function's input arguments. The typing is strict though, and there is no implicit conversion from integers to floats; you need to explicitly cast them.

Vector element access

The Python shader syntax supports a nice feature from GLSL to easily access the elements of a vector:

    v = vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
    # These are all equivalent
    v2 = vec2(v[0], v[1])
    v2 = v.xy  # xyzw
    v2 = v.rg  # rgba
    # Can also do this
    v3 = v.xzz
    scalar = v.y

Available functions

Pyshader features an stdlib containing many common shader operations. Many functions from the math module can also be used: e.g. math.sin().


Check out the Python shader examples to learn more: