This project is deprecated in favor of a virtualenvwrapper
Minimalistic set of convenience functions for managing Python virtual environments using the venv
module. Inspired by virtualenvwrapper
Download the functions.bash
script and source it in your shell.
The following functions are now available:
mkvirtualenv VENV-NAME
workon VENV-NAME
rmvirtualenv VENV-NAME
Their behavior is almost equivalent to the behavior of the eponymous virtualenvwrapper
Running the tests requires bats
to be installed.
From the repository root, execute
bats test/functions.bats
It's an excellent collection of scripts. However it wraps virtualenv
which - when creating virtual environments - copies the system Python binary to the virtual environment, leading to drawbacks discussed here. Using the built-in venv
module is more robust.
Additionally, I'm only using five of the many functions provided by virtualenvwrapper