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Adding Bespoke IV letter code
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pzivich committed Nov 22, 2023
1 parent 5810679 commit 38bfab5
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Showing 7 changed files with 516 additions and 0 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions ReBespokeIV/
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# RE: "Estimating the Effect of a Treatment When There Is Nonadherence in a Trial"

### Paul N Zivich


The folder includes the code to replicate the simulations (Python only) and example (Python, R, SAS) for the two-stage
regression bespoke instrumental variable (BSIV) approach described in the letter and referenced paper.

Data is available from


## File Manifesto

- Python code for the estimating functions for the two-stage regression BSIV.

- Python code to replicate the Obstetrics and Periodontal Therapy Study example.

- R code to replicate the Obstetrics and Periodontal Therapy Study example.

- SAS code to replicate the Obstetrics and Periodontal Therapy Study example.

- Python code to process the publicly available Obstetrics and Periodontal Therapy Study data for the replications.

- Python code to run the simulation experiment described in the letter.
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# Bespoke Instrumental Variable via two-stage regression as an M-estimator
# Estimating function for Python simulations and example
# Paul Zivich (2023/11/22)

import numpy as np
from delicatessen.estimating_equations import ee_regression

def ee_2sr_bsiv(theta, y, r, a, L):
# Parameters
idxL = L.shape[1] + 2
beta = theta[0:2] # Parameters of interest
alpha = theta[2:idxL] # Nuisance parameters for E[Y | L]
gamma = theta[idxL:] # Nuisance parameters for E[A | L]

# Control arm model (E[Y | L])
ee_control = ee_regression(alpha, L, y, # Regression for Y given L
model='linear') # ... via linear model
ee_control = ee_control * (1 - r) # Restricting to control arm for fit
yhat =, alpha) # Predicted values for Y

# Received treatment model (E[A | L, R=1])
ee_receipt = ee_regression(gamma, L, a, # Regression for A given L
model='linear') # ... via linear model
ee_receipt = ee_receipt * r # Restricting to non-control arm for fit
ahat =, gamma) # Predicted values for A

# Controlled direct effect
X = np.asarray([np.ones(ahat.shape), ahat]).T # Stacking a new design matrix together
ee_cde = ee_regression(beta, X=X, y=y, # Regression for Y given A-hat
model='linear', # ... via linear model
offset=yhat) # ... with Y-hat offset term
ee_cde = ee_cde * r # Restricting to non-control arm for fit

# Returning stacked estimating functions
return np.vstack([ee_cde, ee_control, ee_receipt])
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# Bespoke Instrumental Variable via two-stage regression as an M-estimator
# Paul Zivich (2023/11/22)


# Reading in Data
d <- read.csv("processed.csv")

# The root-finding algorithm has trouble with generic starting values,
# so we will instead 'pre-wash' the nuisance model fits and use those
# as starting values.

ef_nui <- function(data){
r <- data$R
a <- data$A
y <- data$Y
l1 <- data$L1
l2 <- data$L2
yhat <- theta[1] + theta[2]*l1 + theta[3]*l2
ahat <- theta[4] + theta[5]*l1 + theta[6]*l2

c((1-r)*(y - yhat),
(1-r)*(y - yhat)*l1,
(1-r)*(y - yhat)*l2,
r*(a - ahat),
r*(a - ahat)*l1,
r*(a - ahat)*l2)

inits <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
mestr <- m_estimate(estFUN=ef_nui, data=d,
inits_wash <- roots(mestr)

# Solving the overall estimating equations with Geex

ef_overall <- function(data){
r <- data$R
a <- data$A
y <- data$Y
l1 <- data$L1
l2 <- data$L2
yhat <- theta[3] + theta[4]*l1 + theta[5]*l2
ahat <- theta[6] + theta[7]*l1 + theta[8]*l2
cde <- theta[1] + theta[2]*ahat
ytilde <- y - yhat

c(r*(ytilde - cde),
r*(ytilde - cde)*ahat,
(1-r)*(y - yhat),
(1-r)*(y - yhat)*l1,
(1-r)*(y - yhat)*l2,
r*(a - ahat),
r*(a - ahat)*l1,
r*(a - ahat)*l2)

inits <- c(0, 0, inits_wash)
mestr <- geex::m_estimate(estFUN=ef_overall, data=d,
theta <- roots(mestr) # Point estimates
se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mestr))) # Variance estimates

# Processing results to display
beta0 = theta[1]
beta0_se = se[1]
beta0_ci = c(beta0 - 1.96*beta0_se, beta0 + 1.96*beta0_se)
beta1 = theta[2]
beta1_se = se[2]
beta1_ci = c(beta1 - 1.96*beta1_se, beta1 + 1.96*beta1_se)

print(c(beta0, beta0_ci))
print(c(beta1, beta1_ci))

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# Bespoke Instrumental Variable via two-stage regression as an M-estimator
# Paul Zivich (2023/11/22)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from delicatessen import MEstimator

from estfunc import ee_2sr_bsiv

# Reading in data
d = pd.read_csv("processed.csv")
d['intercept'] = 1

# Processing data into array for delicatessen
r = np.asarray(d['R'])
a = np.asarray(d['A'])
L = np.asarray(d[['intercept', 'L1', 'L2']])
y = np.asarray(d['Y'])

# Running the M-estimator procedure

def psi(theta):
return ee_2sr_bsiv(theta=theta, y=y, a=a, r=r, L=L)

estr = MEstimator(psi, init=[0., ]*8)
estimates = np.asarray(estr.theta)
ci = estr.confidence_intervals()

# Results
print("Beta_0", np.round(estimates[0], 2), np.round(ci[0, :], 6))
print("Beta_1", np.round(estimates[1], 2), np.round(ci[1, :], 6))

# Repeating but with a bootstrap
bs_iters = 5000
beta0_rep, beta1_rep = [], []

for i in range(bs_iters):
ds = d.sample(frac=1, replace=True)
r = np.asarray(ds['R'])
a = np.asarray(ds['A'])
L = np.asarray(ds[['intercept', 'L1', 'L2']])
y = np.asarray(ds['Y'])

# Applying M-estimator to resampled data
estr = MEstimator(psi, init=[0., ] * 8)

beta0_se = np.std(beta0_rep, ddof=0)
beta1_se = np.std(beta1_rep, ddof=0)
beta0_ci = [estimates[0] - 1.96*beta0_se,
estimates[0] + 1.96*beta0_se]
beta1_ci = [estimates[1] - 1.96*beta1_se,
estimates[1] + 1.96*beta1_se]

print("Beta_0", np.round(estimates[0], 2), np.round(beta0_ci, 6))
print("Beta_1", np.round(estimates[1], 2), np.round(beta1_ci, 6))

# -------------------------------------------------
# Sandwich
# Beta_0 -0.33 [-0.428549 -0.233846]
# Beta_1 0.18 [0.004587 0.358593]
# Bootstrap
# Beta_0 -0.33 [-0.431346 -0.23105 ]
# Beta_1 0.18 [-0.00159 0.364769]
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Bespoke Instrumental Variable via two-stage regression as an M-estimator
Paul Zivich (2023/11/22)

* Reading in formatted data;

* M-estimator via PROC IML;
PROC IML; /*All steps are completed in PROC IML*/
Read data into IML */
use dat; /*Open input data from above*/
read all var {r} into r; /*Read in each column needed as its own vector*/
read all var {a} into a;
read all var {y} into y;
read all var {l1} into l1;
read all var {l2} into l2;
close dat;
n = nrow(r); /*Save number of observations in data */

Defining estimating equation */
q = 8; /*Save number parameters to be estimated*/

START efunc(beta) global(r, a, y, l1, l2); /*Start to define estimating function */
/*Processing predicted values from models*/
yhat = beta[3] + beta[4]*l1 + beta[5]*l2; /*hatY = E[Y | L, R=0]*/
ahat = beta[6] + beta[7]*l1 + beta[8]*l2; /*hatA = Pr(A=1 | L, R=1)*/
cde = beta[1] + beta[2]*ahat; /*Parameters of interest*/
ytilde = y - yhat; /*tildeY = Y - hatY*/

/*Estimating functions*/
ef_1 = r#(ytilde - cde); /*EF for \beta_0*/
ef_2 = r#(ytilde - cde)#ahat; /*EF for \beta_1*/
ef_3 = (1-r)#(y - yhat); /*EF for intercept of hatY*/
ef_4 = (1-r)#(y - yhat)#l1; /*EF for L1 term of hatY*/
ef_5 = (1-r)#(y - yhat)#l2; /*EF for L2 term of hatY*/
ef_6 = r#(a - ahat); /*EF for intercept of hatA*/
ef_7 = r#(a - ahat)#l1; /*EF for L1 term of hatA*/
ef_8 = r#(a - ahat)#l2; /*EF for L2 term of hat A*/

/*Stacking estimating functions together*/
ef_mat = ef_1||ef_2||ef_3||ef_4||ef_5||ef_6||ef_7||ef_8;
RETURN(ef_mat); /*Return n by q matrix for estimating functions*/
FINISH efunc; /*End definition of estimating equation*/

START eequat(beta); /*Start to define estimating equation (single argument)*/
ef = efunc(beta); /*Compute estimating functions*/
RETURN(ef[+,]); /*Return column sums, 1 by q vector)*/
FINISH eequat; /*End definition of estimating equation*/

Root-finding */
initial = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; * Initial parameter values;
optn = q || 1; * Set options for nlplm, (8 - requests 8 roots,1 - printing summary output);
tc = j(1, 12, .); * Create vector for Termination Criteria options, set all to default using .;
tc[6] = 1e-9; * Replace 6th option in tc to change default tolerance;
CALL nlplm(rc, /*Use the Levenberg-Marquardt root-finding method*/
beta_hat, /*... name of output parameters that give the root*/
"eequat", /*... function to find the roots of*/
initial, /*... starting values for root-finding*/
optn, , /*... optional arguments for root-finding procedure*/
tc); /*... update convergence tolerance*/

Baking the bread (approximate derivative) */
par = q||.||.; * Set options for nlpfdd, (3 - 3 parameters, . = default);
CALL nlpfdd(func, /*Derivative approximation function*/
deriv, /*... name of output matrix that gives the derivative*/
na, /*... name of output matrix that gives the 2nd derivative - we do not need this*/
"eequat", /*... function to approximate the derivative of*/
beta_hat, /*... point where to find derivative*/
par); /*... details for derivative approximation*/
bread = - (deriv) / n; * Negative derivative, averaged;

Cooking the filling (matrix algebra) */
residuals = efunc(beta_hat); * Value of estimating functions at beta hat (n by q matrix);
outerprod = residuals` * residuals; * Outerproduct of residuals (note transpose is flipped from slides);
filling = outerprod / n; * Divide by n for filling;

Assembling the sandwich (matrix algebra) */
sandwich = ( inv(bread) * filling * inv(bread)` ) / n;

Formatting results for output */
vars = {"beta_0","beta_1","Y|R=0","R|L1,R=0","R|L2,R=0","A|R=1","A|L1,R=1","A|L2,R=1"};
est = beta_hat`; /*Point estimates*/
se = sqrt(vecdiag(sandwich)); /*Extract corresponding SE for each parameter*/
lcl = est - 1.96*se; /*Calculated lcl*/
ucl = est + 1.96*se; /*Calculate ucl*/
PRINT vars est se lcl ucl; /*Print information to the Results Viewer*/

CREATE ests_mest VAR {vars est se lcl ucl}; /*Create an output data set called `out`*/
APPEND; /*... that includes the parameter estimates, variance, and SE*/
CLOSE ests_mest; /*Close the output*/

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# Bespoke Instrumental Variable via two-stage regression as an M-estimator
# Process publicly available data from Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences Resources Portal
# ( to replicate the analysis.
# Paul Zivich (2023/11/22)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Reading in original data
d = pd.read_csv("OPT_Study_Person-level_Data.csv")

# Restricting to only columns needed
d = d[['Group', 'Tx comp?', 'OFIBRIN1', 'ETXU_CAT1', 'V5 %BOP']].copy()

# Recoding some variables from the excel formatting
d['assign'] = np.where(d['Group'] == 'T', 1, 0)
d['complete'] = np.where(d['Tx comp?'] == 'Yes', 1, 0)
d['OFIBRIN1'] = pd.to_numeric(d['OFIBRIN1'], errors='coerce')
d['ETXU_CAT1'] = pd.to_numeric(d['ETXU_CAT1'], errors='coerce')
d['V5 %BOP'] = d['V5 %BOP'] / 100

# Dropping observations with missing data
d = d.dropna(subset=['V5 %BOP', 'OFIBRIN1', 'ETXU_CAT1']).copy()

# Renaming variables for consistency with the paper
d['R'] = d['assign']
d['A'] = d['complete']
d['Y'] = d['V5 %BOP']
d['L1'] = d['OFIBRIN1']
d['L2'] = d['ETXU_CAT1']

# Outputting as a CSV for use across programs
d[['R', 'A', 'Y', 'L1', 'L2']].to_csv("processed.csv")

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