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301 lines (300 loc) · 7.57 KB

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301 lines (300 loc) · 7.57 KB

tf2onnx Support Status

Domain: "" (default domain)

Tensorflow Op Convertible to ONNX Op Versions
Abs 1 ~ 17
Acos 7 ~ 17
Acosh 9 ~ 17
Add 1 ~ 17
AddN 6 ~ 17
AddV2 1 ~ 17
AdjustContrastv2 1 ~ 17
AdjustHue 11 ~ 17
AdjustSaturation 11 ~ 17
All 6 ~ 17
Any 6 ~ 17
ArgMax 1 ~ 17
ArgMin 1 ~ 17
AsString 9 ~ 17
Asin 7 ~ 17
Asinh 9 ~ 17
Atan 7 ~ 17
Atan2 9 ~ 17
Atanh 9 ~ 17
AvgPool 1 ~ 17
AvgPool3D 1 ~ 17
BatchMatMul 1 ~ 17
BatchMatMulV2 1 ~ 17
BatchMatMulV3 1 ~ 17
BatchToSpaceND 1 ~ 17
BiasAdd 1 ~ 17
BiasAddV1 1 ~ 17
Bincount 11 ~ 17
BitwiseAnd 18
BitwiseOr 18
BitwiseXor 18
BroadcastTo 8 ~ 17
CTCGreedyDecoder 11 ~ 17
Cast 1 ~ 17
Ceil 1 ~ 17
CheckNumerics 1 ~ 17
ClipByValue 8 ~ 17
CombinedNonMaxSuppression 12 ~ 17
ComplexAbs 1 ~ 17
Concat 1 ~ 17
ConcatV2 1 ~ 17
Const 1 ~ 17
ConstV2 1 ~ 17
Conv1D 1 ~ 17
Conv2D 1 ~ 17
Conv2DBackpropInput 1 ~ 17
Conv3D 1 ~ 17
Conv3DBackpropInputV2 1 ~ 17
Cos 7 ~ 17
Cosh 9 ~ 17
CropAndResize 10 ~ 17
CudnnRNN 10 ~ 17
Cumsum 11 ~ 17
DenseBincount 11 ~ 17
DenseToDenseSetOperation 11 ~ 17
DepthToSpace 1 ~ 17
DepthwiseConv2d 1 ~ 17
DepthwiseConv2dNative 1 ~ 17
Div 1 ~ 17
DivNoNan 9 ~ 17
Dropout 1 ~ 17
DynamicPartition 9 ~ 17
DynamicStitch 10 ~ 17
Einsum 12 ~ 17
Elu 1 ~ 17
EnsureShape 1 ~ 17
Equal 1 ~ 17
Erf 1 ~ 17
Exp 1 ~ 17
ExpandDims 1 ~ 17
FFT 1 ~ 17
FIFOQueueV2 8 ~ 17
FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs 10 ~ 17
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars 10 ~ 17
Fill 7 ~ 17
Flatten 1 ~ 17
Floor 1 ~ 17
FloorDiv 6 ~ 17
FloorMod 7 ~ 17
FusedBatchNorm 6 ~ 17
FusedBatchNormV2 6 ~ 17
FusedBatchNormV3 6 ~ 17
Gather 1 ~ 17
GatherNd 1 ~ 17
GatherV2 1 ~ 17
Greater 1 ~ 17
GreaterEqual 7 ~ 17
HardSwish 14 ~ 17
HashTableV2 8 ~ 17
Identity 1 ~ 17
IdentityN 1 ~ 17
If 1 ~ 17
Invert 18
InvertPermutation 11 ~ 17
IsFinite 10 ~ 17
IsInf 10 ~ 17
IsNan 9 ~ 17
IteratorGetNext 8 ~ 17
IteratorV2 8 ~ 17
LRN 1 ~ 17
LSTMBlockCell 1 ~ 17
LeakyRelu 1 ~ 17
LeftShift 11 ~ 17
Less 1 ~ 17
LessEqual 7 ~ 17
Log 1 ~ 17
LogSoftmax 1 ~ 17
LogicalAnd 1 ~ 17
LogicalNot 1 ~ 17
LogicalOr 1 ~ 17
LookupTableFindV2 8 ~ 17
LookupTableSizeV2 1 ~ 17
Loop 7 ~ 17
MatMul 1 ~ 17
MatrixBandPart 7 ~ 17
MatrixDeterminant 11 ~ 17
MatrixDiag 12 ~ 17
MatrixDiagPart 11 ~ 17
MatrixDiagPartV2 11 ~ 17
MatrixDiagPartV3 11 ~ 17
MatrixDiagV2 12 ~ 17
MatrixDiagV3 12 ~ 17
MatrixSetDiagV3 12 ~ 17
Max 1 ~ 17
MaxPool 1 ~ 17
MaxPool3D 1 ~ 17
MaxPoolV2 1 ~ 17
MaxPoolWithArgmax 8 ~ 17
Maximum 1 ~ 17
Mean 1 ~ 17
Min 1 ~ 17
Minimum 1 ~ 17
MirrorPad 1 ~ 17
Mul 1 ~ 17
Multinomial 7 ~ 17
Neg 1 ~ 17
NoOp 1 ~ 17
NonMaxSuppressionV2 10 ~ 17
NonMaxSuppressionV3 10 ~ 17
NonMaxSuppressionV4 10 ~ 17
NonMaxSuppressionV5 10 ~ 17
NotEqual 1 ~ 17
OneHot 1 ~ 17
Pack 1 ~ 17
Pad 1 ~ 17
PadV2 1 ~ 17
ParallelDynamicStitch 10 ~ 17
Placeholder 1 ~ 17
PlaceholderV2 1 ~ 17
PlaceholderWithDefault 1 ~ 17
Pow 1 ~ 17
Prelu 1 ~ 17
Prod 1 ~ 17
QueueDequeueManyV2 8 ~ 17
QueueDequeueUpToV2 8 ~ 17
QueueDequeueV2 8 ~ 17
RFFT 1 ~ 17
RFFT2D 1 ~ 17
RaggedGather 11 ~ 17
RaggedRange 11 ~ 17
RaggedTensorFromVariant 13 ~ 17
RaggedTensorToSparse 11 ~ 17
RaggedTensorToTensor 11 ~ 17
RaggedTensorToVariant 13 ~ 17
RandomNormal 1 ~ 17
RandomNormalLike 1 ~ 17
RandomShuffle 10 ~ 17
RandomStandardNormal 1 ~ 17
RandomUniform 1 ~ 17
RandomUniformInt 1 ~ 17
RandomUniformLike 1 ~ 17
Range 7 ~ 17
RealDiv 1 ~ 17
Reciprocal 1 ~ 17
Relu 1 ~ 17
Relu6 1 ~ 17
Reshape 1 ~ 17
ResizeBicubic 7 ~ 17
ResizeBilinear 7 ~ 17
ResizeNearestNeighbor 7 ~ 17
ReverseSequence 8 ~ 17 (Except 9)
ReverseV2 10 ~ 17
RightShift 11 ~ 17
Rint 11 ~ 17
Roll 10 ~ 17
Round 1 ~ 17
Rsqrt 1 ~ 17
SampleDistortedBoundingBox 9 ~ 17
SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 9 ~ 17
Scan 7 ~ 17
ScatterNd 11 ~ 17
SegmentMax 11 ~ 17
SegmentMean 11 ~ 17
SegmentMin 11 ~ 17
SegmentProd 11 ~ 17
SegmentSum 11 ~ 17
Select 7 ~ 17
SelectV2 7 ~ 17
Selu 1 ~ 17
Shape 1 ~ 17
Sigmoid 1 ~ 17
Sign 1 ~ 17
Sin 7 ~ 17
Sinh 9 ~ 17
Size 1 ~ 17
Slice 1 ~ 17
Softmax 1 ~ 17
SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits 7 ~ 17
Softplus 1 ~ 17
Softsign 1 ~ 17
SpaceToBatchND 1 ~ 17
SpaceToDepth 1 ~ 17
SparseFillEmptyRows 11 ~ 17
SparseReshape 11 ~ 17
SparseSegmentMean 11 ~ 17
SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments 11 ~ 17
SparseSegmentSqrtN 11 ~ 17
SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments 11 ~ 17
SparseSegmentSum 11 ~ 17
SparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments 11 ~ 17
SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits 7 ~ 17
SparseToDense 11 ~ 17
Split 1 ~ 17
SplitV 1 ~ 17
Sqrt 1 ~ 17
Square 1 ~ 17
SquaredDifference 1 ~ 17
SquaredDistance 12 ~ 17
Squeeze 1 ~ 17
StatelessIf 1 ~ 17
StatelessWhile 7 ~ 17
StopGradient 1 ~ 17
StridedSlice 1 ~ 17
StringLower 10 ~ 17
StringToNumber 9 ~ 17
StringUpper 10 ~ 17
Sub 1 ~ 17
Sum 1 ~ 17
TFL_PRELU 7 ~ 17
TFL_TFLite_Detection_PostProcess 11 ~ 17
TFL_WHILE 7 ~ 17
Tan 7 ~ 17
Tanh 1 ~ 17
TensorListFromTensor 7 ~ 17
TensorListGetItem 7 ~ 17
TensorListLength 7 ~ 17
TensorListReserve 7 ~ 17
TensorListResize 7 ~ 17
TensorListSetItem 7 ~ 17
TensorListStack 7 ~ 17
TensorScatterAdd 16 ~ 17
TensorScatterMax 16 ~ 17
TensorScatterMin 16 ~ 17
TensorScatterSub 16 ~ 17
TensorScatterUpdate 11 ~ 17
Tile 1 ~ 17
TopKV2 1 ~ 17
Transpose 1 ~ 17
TruncateDiv 1 ~ 17
Unique 11 ~ 17
Unpack 1 ~ 17
UnsortedSegmentMax 11 ~ 17
UnsortedSegmentMin 11 ~ 17
UnsortedSegmentProd 11 ~ 17
UnsortedSegmentSum 11 ~ 17
Where 9 ~ 17
While 7 ~ 17
ZerosLike 1 ~ 17

Domain: ""

Tensorflow Op Convertible to ONNX Op Versions

Domain: ""

Tensorflow Op Convertible to ONNX Op Versions
Conv2DBackpropInput 1
CropAndResize 1
MatrixInverse 1
Range 1

Domain: "ai.onnx.contrib"

Tensorflow Op Convertible to ONNX Op Versions
Equal 1
NotEqual 1
RegexSplitWithOffsets 1
SentencepieceOp 1
SentencepieceTokenizeOp 1
StaticRegexReplace 1
StringJoin 1
StringSplit 1
StringSplitV2 1
StringToHashBucketFast 1
WordpieceTokenizeWithOffsets 1