The given SPARQL queries are examples that may be reinterpreted and reused for applications.
(1) Who is not capable of running?
(2) How many families are located in the building?
SELECT (COUNT (DISTINCT ?family) AS ?familyCount) WHERE { ?family rdf:type sbeo:Family ; sbeo:locatedIn ?space . ?space rdf:type ?allTypeBuilding . ?allTypeBuilding rdfs:subClassOf* seas:Building . }
(3) Who has a bad quality of hearing ability (in the building)?
(4) What are the types of people concerning their physical characteristics??
SELECT ?person (?allTypePerson AS ?type) WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . }
(5) What are route preferences (for emergency evacuation, e.g., simplest path, shortest path) of each person?
SELECT ?person ?rp WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:routePreference ?rp . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . }
(6) What are the notification preferences (in terms of description, e.g., audio, textual) of each person??
SELECT ?person ?np WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:notificationPreference ?np . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . }
Spatial information
(7) What is the relative occupancy ratio of all corridors?
SELECT ?corridor ?value WHERE { ?corridor rdf:type seas:Corridor ; sbeo:currentOccupancy ?value . }
(8) How many points of interest are located on each floor of the building?
SELECT ?floor (COUNT (distinct ?poi) AS ?counter) WHERE { ?poi rdf:type sbeo:PointOfInterest ; sbeo:locatedIn ?space . ?space sbeo:locatedIn ?floor . ?floor rdf:type seas:BuildingStorey . } GROUP BY ?floor
(9) Which other spaces are adjacent to a specific space (e.g., kitchen) in the building?
SELECT ?adjacentSpace WHERE { ?kitchen rdf:type seas:Kitchen ; sbeo:adjacentTo ?adjacentSpace . ?adjacentSpace rdf:type ?space . ?space rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Space . }
(10) Which space (e.g., a specific building block) is a sub-part of which space (e.g., building)?
SELECT ?buildingBlock ?specificBuilding WHERE { ?buildingBlock rdf:type ?building ; sbeo:partOf ?specificBuilding . ?building rdfs:subClassOf* seas:Building . }
(11) What is the area of all corridors (it can be of any shape, such as, rectangular, circular, trapezoidal or triangular)?
SELECT ?corridor ?length ?width WHERE { ?corridor rdf:type seas:Corridor ; sbeo:length ?length ; sbeo:width ?width . }
(12) Which spaces are excluded (due to any reason such as limited access on account of a mobility impairment or privacy policy of spaces, e.g., hotels) for which person?
SELECT ?space ?person WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allType . ?allType rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . ?space rdf:type ?allTypeSpace ; sbeo:excludedFor ?person . ?allTypeSpace rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Space . }
Route graph
(13) How many nodes and edges are there in the graph-based representation of building?
SELECT (COUNT (DISTINCT ?edge) AS ?edgeCount) (COUNT (DISTINCT ?node) AS ?nodeCount) WHERE { ?edge rdf:type ?allTypePassage . ?allTypePassage rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Passage . ?node rdf:type ?allTypeRoutePoint . ?allTypeRoutePoint rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:RoutePoint . }
(14) What is the type of each route in terms of its graph-based representation (e.g., Shortest Path or Simplest Path)?
SELECT ?route ?graphBasedtype WHERE { ?route rdf:type ?allTypeRoute ; sbeo:routeType ?graphBasedtype . ?allTypeRoute rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Route . }
(15) What is the travel time of all exit routes for each person (the starting and ending points of each exit route is considered as origin and destination respectively)?
SELECT ?route ?time WHERE { ?route rdf:type ?allTypeRoute ; sbeo:travelTime ?time . ?allTypeRoute rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Route . }
(16) Who is using a hand-held device and of what type?
SELECT ?person ?device (?allTypeDevice AS ?deviceType) WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:uses ?device . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . ?device rdf:type ?allTypeDevice . ?allTypeDevice rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:HandheldDevice. } ORDER BY ?person
(17) Which sensors are installed in each space of a specific type (e.g., office)?
SELECT ?office ?sensor WHERE { ?sensor rdf:type ?allTypeSensor ; sbeo:installedIn ?office . ?allTypeSensor rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Sensor . ?office rdf:type seas:Office . } ORDER BY ?office
(18) How many fire protection devices are installed on the same floor where a specific person is located?
SELECT DISTINCT ?device ?person WHERE { ?device rdf:type ?allTypeIncidentProtection ; sbeo:locatedIn ?poi . ?poi rdf:type sbeo:PointOfInterest ; sbeo:locatedIn ?space2 . ?space1 rdf:type ?allTypeSpace1 ; sbeo:locatedIn ?floor . ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:locatedIn ?space1 . ?space2 rdf:type ?allTypeSpace2 ; sbeo:locatedIn ?floor . ?floor rdf:type seas:BuildingStorey . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . ?allTypeSpace1 rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Space . ?allTypeSpace2 rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Space . ?allTypeIncidentProtection rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:IncidentProtectionDevice . }
(19) Which activities (e.g, visit, evacuation, shopping) are being done in the building?
SELECT ?activity WHERE { ?activity rdf:type ?allTypeActivity . ?allTypeActivity rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Activity . }
(20) What is the availability status (i.e., Available or Unavailable) of each space?
SELECT ?space ?status WHERE { ?space rdf:type ?allTypeSpace ; sbeo:hasAvailabilityStatus ?status . ?allTypeSpace rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Space . }
(21) Where is each person located in the building?
SELECT ?person ?space WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:locatedIn ?space . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . }
(22) What is the role of each member within any group?
SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?role ?group WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:hasRole ?role . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . ?group rdf:type ?allTypeGroup ; sbeo:hasMember ?person . ?allTypeGroup rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Group . }
(23) How many times a person has deviated from the provided path?
SELECT ?person ?deviation WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:hasXTimesDeviated ?deviation . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . }
(24) What is the fitness status (i.e, Exhausted, Fit, or Injured) of each person?
SELECT ?person ?fitStatus WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:hasFitnessStatus ?fitStatus . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . }
(25) Which route is assigned to whom of which group (refers to a number of people that are classified together, e.g., a family)?
SELECT DISTINCT ?group ?person ?route WHERE { ?group rdf:type ?allTypeGroup ; sbeo:hasMember ?person . ?allTypeGroup rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Group . ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:assignedRoute ?route . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . ?route rdf:type ?allTypeRoute . ?allTypeRoute rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Route . }
(26) What is the motion state of each person (refers to the movement of a person, e.g., walking, standing, running, rolling, or scooting)?
SELECT ?person ?state WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:hasMotionState ?state . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . }
(27) What is the navigational state of each person (refers to the state while following a path to check either a person is following the provided path or deviating from it)?
SELECT ?person ?state WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:hasNavigationalState ?state . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . }
Emergency evacuation.
(28) Is there an incident in the building?
SELECT ?incident WHERE { ?incident rdf:type ?allTypeIncident . ?allTypeIncident rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Incident . }
(29) At what time an incident occurred?
SELECT ?incident ?startedTime WHERE { ?incident rdf:type ?allTypeIncident ; sbeo:startedAtTime ?startedTime . ?allTypeIncident rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Incident . }
(30) What is the availability status of the spaces that are a part of emergency evacuation routes?
SELECT ?route ?avStatus WHERE { ?route rdf:type sbeo:EmergencyEvacuationRoute ; sbeo:hasAvailabilityStatus ?avStatus . }
(31) How many groups are still in the process of evacuating the building ?
SELECT ?group WHERE { ?group rdf:type ?allTypeGroup ; sbeo:hasActivityStatus sbeo:Evacuating . ?allTypeGroup rdfs:subClassOf* sbeo:Group . }
(32) What is the impact of activities on persons having mild quality of seeing ability?
(33) What is the severity of the incidents for mobility-impaired persons (of all types)?
(34) What are the intensities (refers to the magnitude or strength) of the events occurred?
(35) Who has evacuated the building successfully (refers to the activity status of a person he who completes his/her provided exit route)?
SELECT ?person WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?allTypePerson ; sbeo:hasActivityStatus sbeo:Evacuated . ?allTypePerson rdfs:subClassOf* foaf:Person . }