This package is where we define all of our QCR-specific extensions to the ROS Trees package. This can include things like:
- leaves that are locked to specific action server namespaces and classes
- leaves tied to a specific robot configuration
- branches depending on QCR-specific leaves
- leaves or branches that shouldn't be made available to a wider audience
- extensions that don't make sense for all potential users of ROS Trees.
The general goal is for anything that can be generalised to live in the "common leaves" library of [ROS Trees]. This encourages higher-quality leaves, and improved usability on new robot platforms.
If you are looking to get started on using behaviour trees on robots, there are a number of resources available:
- The README for ROS Trees has a comprehensive summary of everything available in the ecosystem
- A getting started tutorial goes through creating a bottle binning behaviour tree from scratch
- The process if problem solving with behaviour trees is described in this guide, including TL;DR instructions
- There are also a list of suggested resources at the end of the guide