Getting and cleaning data project script in R see also "Code Book.txt"
The "run_analysis.R" script must be in the same directory
as "getdata_projectfiles_UCI HAR" note that
the script works with the zipfile and does not touch the data.
Output is the textfile "tidyDataSet.txt" containing onl
the mean and std of each dataset. It:
- Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set.
- Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
- Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names.
And, - In addition corresponding to Item 5 of the assignment,creates a second
independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity
and each subject "averagesdf" data.frame containing
the average values of all measurements by subject and activity.
"averagesdf" is not printed out but becomes available in the environment. Sample partial output:
averagesdf[40:45,1:5] subjectID activity tBodyAcc-mean()-X tBodyAcc-mean()-Y tBodyAcc-mean()-Z
40 7 SITTING 0.2846746 -0.01461098 -0.12246460
41 7 STANDING 0.2827235 -0.01457403 -0.09977783
42 7 LAYING 0.2501767 -0.02044115 -0.10136104
43 8 WALKING 0.2746863 -0.01866289 -0.10725209
44 8 WALKING_UPSTAIRS 0.2588802 -0.02824151 -0.11512212
45 8 WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS 0.2834841 -0.02110587 -0.10759814