This is a library which you can use to interface with your skyRC charger. Examples of what it can do is return the voltages of all the cells (even when not charging) and can also return charge data in real time - to one more decimal point than the display on the charger! It has only been tested with the D100V2 and will throw an error if it detects a different model - it should however work in theorey.
This library has been made by reverse engineering the protocol, and I therefore cannot guarantee that it is completely perfect. Note - this library is released under the MIT license, and therefore includes absolutely no warranty.**
This library is also not able to write changes to the charger or start charges
Example usage is below:
import skyrcUSB
# Get charger info
charger = skyrcUSB.Charger() # Instantiate object and connect
print(f"Model {charger.model_name} SW:{charger.software_version} \n")
# Get voltages for each cell
for sideID in range(2):
vcells = charger.getCellInfo(side=sideID)
if vcells:
print(f"{len(vcells)} Cells in the battery")
[print(f"Cell {i+1}: {v}mV") for i, v in enumerate(vcells)]
print(f"No Cells on side {chr(65+sideID)}")
# Get charger settings
print(f"\nThe charger is configured to not exceed {charger.maxTemp} C or {charger.maxCapacity} mah\n")
# Get charge data on side B
cstate = charger.getChargeData(1)
if cstate.isError():
print(f"Error: {cstate.getErrorString()}!!!\n")
if not cstate.isIdle(): # if charger is charging or finished
print(f"Status: {cstate.getStatusString()}")
print(f"Voltage: {cstate.voltage} mV")
print(f"Current: {cstate.current} mA")
print(f"Capacity: {cstate.capacity} mah")
print(f"Duration: {cstate.chargeDuration} seconds")
print("Charger has not started charging.")
Have a look at the ./examples/ directory for examples, although you will likely need to take a look at the source code for more advanced usage (who needs documentation?)
The license can be found in LICENSE.txt