branch: foambuilder_pre1
git clone --branch foambuilder_pre1 --single-branch
This is an attempt of transform FEM workbench into general CAE workbench. Finally, only FemSolverObject is accepted into the official for multiple solver support
- CaeAnalysis: class should operate on diff category of solvers
- CaeSolver: extending Fem::FemSolverObject, factory pattern, create solver from name
- FoamCaseWriter: OpenFOAM case writer, the key part is meshing and case setup
- Fixed material as air or water
- 3D UNV meshing writing function, FreeCAD mesh export does not write boundary elements
- Use fem::constraint Constraint mapping CFD boundary: Force->Velocity (Displacement is missing), Pressure->Pressure, Symmetry is missing (Pulley), PressureOutlet (Gear), VelocityOutlet(Bearing),
branch: foambuilder_pre2
git clone --branch foambuilder_pre2 --single-branch
FemMaterial: A domo for general Materail model for any FEM not yet fully functional, to discuss with community for standardizing Material model, also design for other CAE analysis EletroMagnetics
FemConstraintFluidBoundary: CFD boundary conditions are catogeried into 5 types: inlet, outlet, wall, interface, freestream GUI menu and toolbar added
Run the OpenFoam sovler in external terminal, instead of waiting in solver control task panel
Use exteranal result viewer paraview CFD is cell base solution, while FEM is node base. It is not easy to reuse ResultObject volPointInterpolation - interpolate volume field to point field;
has be refactored to keep updated with latest FemWorkbench into branch: foambuilder1
- cpp code FemConstraintFluidBoundary has been merged into official (Aug 2016)
- TaskPanelFemSolverControl: a general FemSolver control TaskPanel (Sep 2016)
- python codes CfdCaseWriterFoam and module FoamCaseBuilder etc. (Sep 2016)
- basic RAS turbulent model and heat transfering case support (Oct 2016)
is moved into a new module "Cfd" (Oct 2016)git clone
VTK mesh import and export for both Fem and Cfd modules (Oct 2016)
CfdResult import and render pressure on FemMesh, not tested (Oct 2016)
tweaks (29/12/2016):
- feature: add Gmsh function, meshinfo, clearmesh toolbar items into CfdWorkbench
- feature: add double click CfdSolver to bring up CfdWorkbench and FemGui.setActiveAnalysis() automatically
- bugfix: can not load
if WorkingDir does not exist or not writable - bugfix: double click CfdAnalysis will activate CfdWorkbench instead of FemWorkbench, via adding
- feature: remove the limiation that freecad-daily must be started in terminal command, pyFoam need write access to current dir
- bugfix: boundary mesh is not appended to unv volume mesh in, due to recent femmesh code refactoring from Oct 2016 to Dec 2016. Bugfix from works! And it is merged
- bugfix can not run runFoamCommand() immediately after another runFoamCommand, which makes freecad-daily stopped/abort,
run and view progress in gnuplot in solver control task panel currently, CfdResult load button will freeze GUI, since result is not existent,
Set up and run solver via run script 'Allrun' abd okit
initalize internal field by potentialFoam
code style update
cmake file for adding Cfd into official
They have forked this CFD workbench into CfdFoam, focusing on OpenFOAM. see more at
pure python class of BoundaryCondition, instead of C++ FemConstraintFluidBoundary
paraview template
porous model
cfmesh for mesh refining
- FluidMaterial and stdmat material: a general FemMaterail object serve all kinds of CAE Analysis, commit to FemWorkbench as FemMaterial
- boundary layer setup based on Gmsh: commit to FemWorkbench
- restruct Cfd_SolverCommand to fit new Cfd solver , like Fenics
- CFD workbench icon is designed and located in Cfd module path
- runFoamCommand() refactoring to unicode path support is done
- fenics solver is devloed in
repo: - 3D mesh with boundary export is done via gmsh
- fenics solver related new classes are added into CFD workbench repo
- installation guide and tutorial on Win10 (output from WSL can be piped to Windows process in 1803)
- check if case path with space and utf8 char works in FoamCaseBuilder
- make runFoamCommand() work in Bash on windows 10 (WSL)
- 2 freecad std test files with CFD case setup, put into Cfd/Example/ or std path of freecad
- matplotlib for residual plot
- create new analysis from mesh file generated from external meshing tool
- ChoiceDialog to select solver
- pure python "CFdFluidBoundary", on par with C++ FemConstraintFluidBoundary
- TaskPanel to provide raw dict to override "CFdFluidBoundary" setting
- 2D meshing support: unv currently only deal with 3D, but possible to support 2D
- general initalizer bodysource class, added into solver object
- refactor FemSelfWeight as a general body force constraint
Qt5 and Python3 support for Cfd workbench in FreeCAD 0.19 release
- reorganize files as FemWorkbench
- bugfix for python3 in FreeCAD 0.19
- unit test and travis CI
- remove FenicsSolver submodule, make FenicsSolver an optional dependency
- mesh import TaskPanel with length scaling option
- FoamCaseBuilder unit test and CI
- FemFluidMaterial path, report bug
- wiki, documentation
- tutorial and example file update
split out contribution from South Africa team, to make it back to single contributor
run and view progress in gnuplot in solver control task panel
removed in 2009 to use only PLOT workbench of FreeCAD
Set up and run solver via run script 'Allrun'
initialize internal field by potentialFoam
check and remove
code style update
not significant
cmake file for adding Cfd into official