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A Toolkit for analyzing next-generation DNA Re-Sequencing data

If you have any question ,contact the email: / and also join the QQ Group : 125293663 we will send you the newest Reseqtools (iTools_CodeXX.tar.gz) for you iTools_Code20141231.tar.gz

Function Introduce

iTools has 10 module, every module is the tool for dealing with specific format files. Here we main list 9  the most important modules:
1 Fatools                  main deals with Fasta format;
2 FqTools                  main deals with Fastq format;
3 SOAPtools                deals with SOAP format which is the result of SOAP[3].
4 CNSTools                 deals with cns format which is the result of soapsnp[4].
5 XamTools                 deals with sam/bam format which is the result of bwa[5]
6 Gfftools                 deals with gff format which is the genome annotation file.
7 Formatools               is the converter of some Custom format file.
8 Gametools                is the package for some classics games
9 Filetools                 is the tools for file with fixed format 
10 Vartools                 Tools For SOAP Variant
11 Othrtools                LDDecay etc
>Users also can comprehensive understand of function by get the readme/ppt

重测序分析集成工具包 linux 64位平台 静态编译 chmod 便可以直接运行了 (ReSeqTools/iTools)
即在linux64机上只须 tar -zxvf ReSeqTools_XXX.tar.gz ; cd iTools_Code; chmod 775 iTools ; ./ iTools -h ; 无须重新make
QQ交流群 群名称是Reseqtools QQ群号: 125293663

硕士毕业文章Thesis Disseration Paper (Master):
或者进入中国知网 搜: 基于重测序数据的群体SNP位点检测及基因型判断


The paper (title: ReSeqTools: an integrated toolkit for large-scale next-generation sequencing based resequencing analysis )is here:

Communication & Discussion QQ Group: 125293663 If you have any question ,contact the email: and also join the QQ Group : 125293663

重测序软件工具包 Fasta Fastq SOAP Sam Bam Gff CNS


######################swimming in the sky and flying in the sea ########################### ##