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My notes for UNSW COMP3121: Algorithms and Programming Techniques

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Table of Contents

  1. Course Outline
  2. Introduction
  3. Divide and Conquer
  4. Integer Multiplication I
  5. Integer Multiplication II
  6. Fast Fourier Transform
  7. The Greedy Method
  8. Dynamic Programming
  9. Maximum Flow
  10. String Matching
  11. Linear Programming
  12. Intractability

Course Outline


  • 4 assignments (10% each)
  • Final Exam (60%)


  • An algorithm is a collection of precisely defined steps that are executable using certain specified mechanical methods.
  • By "mechanical" we mean the methods that do not involve any creativity, intuition or even intelligence.
  • We deal with sequential (not parallel) and deterministic (not randomised) algorithms.


  • Sometimes it is not obvious that an algorithm:
    • Terminates,
    • Will not run in exponentially many steps (in the size of the input), and
    • Produces a desired solution.
  • Mathematical proofs are needed for such circumstances.

Stable Matching Problem

  • Suppose there are hospitals and doctors. Every hospital submits a list of doctor preferences and every doctor submits a list of hospital preferences.
  • A stable matching algorithm produces a set of pairs for a hospital and a doctor so that the following never happens:
    • For two pairs and ,
      • Hospital prefers doctor and
      • Doctor prefers hospital .
  • A stable matching always exists, but this is not obvious.

Gale-Shapley Algorithm


  • Claims to prove:
    • The algorithm terminates after iterations of the loop.
    • The algorithm produces a matching.
    • The matching is stable.

Divide and Conquer

Landau Notation

Big-O Notation

  • We say if there exists positive constants and such that for all .
  • is said to be an asymptotic upper bound for .
  • Useful to (over-)estimate the complexity of a particular algorithm.

Big- Notation

  • We say if there exists positive constants and such that for all .
  • is said to be an asymptotic lower bound for .
  • Useful to say that an algorithm runs in at least .


  • if and only if .
  • We say if and . That is, and have the same asymptotic growth rate.
  • Sum property:
    • If and , then .
  • Product property:
    • If and , then .
    • If and is a constant, then .
  • These properties also hold for , , , or .
  • , that is, logarithms of any base are interchangeable in asymptotic notation. For this reason we typically write instead.

Counting Inversions

  • Suppose there are users ranking the same set of movies. We want to determine for any two users and how similar their tastes are.
  • Enumerate the movies on 's list. For movie on 's list we denote the position of that movie on 's list as .


  • A good measure of the degree of similarity between users and is to count the number of inversions.
  • Inversions are the total number of pairs of movies , such that movie precedes movie on 's list but movie is higher than movie on 's list.
    • That is, but .
    • For example, 4 and 7 form an inversion because .
  • The brute force approach is a quadratic time algorithm . A divide and conquer approach can achieve time .
  • We do a modified merge sort algorithm where we count inversions at the merge step.


  • Each time we reach an element of , each remaining element to be merged in counts as an inversion. In this diagram, when we merge 6 there are 5 remaining elements in so we add 5 inversions.
  • We add this number of inversions (across and ) to the number of inversions within and themselves.


  • Recurrences arise in estimations of time complexity of divide and conquer algorithms.
  • Counting inversions in an array of size requires recursing on each half of the array ( and ) and counting inversions across the partition in linear time.
  • Suppose a divide and conquer algorithm reduces a problem of size to many problems of smaller size with overhead cost to split up the problem and combine the solutions.
    • Depth of recursion
  • To estimate an algorithm's efficiency we do not need the exact solution of a recurrence. We only need the growth rate of the solution (asymptotic behaviour) and the approximate sizes of the constants involved. (Master Theorem)

Integer Multiplication I

Master Theorem

  • Define the critical exponent and the critical polynomial .


  1. If for some , then .
  2. If , then .
  3. If for some , and for some and some , holds for all , then .
  4. If none of these conditions hold, the Master Theorem is not applicable.
  • is a consequence of .


  • Let .
  • The critical exponent is so the critical polynomial is .
  • for small . (Case 1)
  • Therefore .

Arithmetic Operations


  C C C C C    carry
    X X X X X  first integer
+   X X X X X  second integer
  X X X X X X  result
  • Adding 3 bits can be done in constant time and so the entire algorithm runs in linear time .
  • There is no asymptotically faster algorithm to add two -bit numbers because we have to read every bit of the input.


        X X X X  first integer
      * X X X X  second integer
        X X X X  O(n^2) intermediate operations:
      X X X X      O(n^2) elementary multiplications
    X X X X        O(n^2) elementary additions
  X X X X
X X X X X X X X  result of length 2n
  • Assume two X's can be multiplied in time.
  • The above procedure runs in time .
  • It is not known whether we can multiply two -bit numbers in linear time.
  • We can use divide and conquer to achieve faster than quadratic time.

Applying Divide and Conquer to Multiplication of Large Integers

  • Split the two input numbers and into halves:
    • - the least significant bits.
    • - the most significant bits.
  • The 4 products , , and can be calculated recursively in the same manner.
  • Each multiplication of two digit numbers is replaced by four multiplications of digit numbers. With the linear overhead to shift and add: .
  • The critical exponent so the critical polynomial is . Then, . (Case 1)
  • Therefore . We gained nothing from divide and conquer.

The Karatsuba Trick

  • In 1960, Anatoly Karatsuba found an algorithm (later called "divide and conquer") that multiplies two -digit numbers in .
  • Previously we saw that .
  • But rearranging, .
    • We save one multiplication at each round of recursion.
  • 3 products , and .

Integer Multiplication II

Generalising Karatsuba's Algorithm

  • We try dividing the numbers , into 3 pieces. With ,
    • , and
    • .
  • The product yields 5 coefficients and 9 products:
    • These coefficients resemble multiplying polynomials.
  • Write and where and . We seek the coefficients of .
  • Let .
  • Since is of degree 4, we need 5 values to uniquely determine it. For simplicity, we choose .
  • We reconstruct by evaluating and , , , in a similar way.
  • For we have,
    • These only involve a constant number of additions (linear time).
  • We require only 5 multiplications of large -bit numbers:
  • To go from these 5 values to the coefficients that we seek, we solve a system of 5 linear equations in 5 variables:
  • Using Gaussian elimination,
    • These expressions do not involve any multiplications of two large numbers and thus can be done in linear time, where is the number of bits.
  • With these coefficients, we can form the polynomial and then compute in linear time using bitwise shifts of the coefficients and a constant number of additions.
  • Thus, we obtain with only 5 multiplications.
  • Instead of multiplying two -bit numbers, we do 5 multiplications of -bit numbers with an overhead of additions, shifts, etc. all in linear time , so: which by the Master Theorem gives .
  • The original Karatsuba algorithm runs in and so we got a significantly faster algorithm.

The General Case I

  • We generalise this and slice and into many slices of bits. That is, and have bits.
  • Then, .
  • As before, we form the polynomials and and let .
  • is of degree so we can evaluate at points, say , and then reconstruct the polynomial from these values.


  • Define vectors and . Then let such that . is said to be the linear convolution of and , denoted .
  • If we form polynomials with coefficients from and , their product has coefficients given by .

The General Case II

  • Evaluating takes linear time since it requires multiplications of a -bit number by a constant.
  • We then multiply large numbers times .
  • We reconstruct these values of to get the coefficients of the polynomial which requires multiplications of a constant by a large number, which is linear time.
  • At the multiplication step, .
    • Each is a -bit number.
    • Each term has absolute value at most .
    • There are such terms.
  • Therefore, and so . Letting , we see that the function values are -bit numbers, where is a constant.
  • We have reduced a multiplication of two -digit numbers to multiplications of -digit numbers plus a linear overhead of additions, splitting, etc, so: .
  • We ignore the constant and apply the Master Theorem to get .
  • Note that which can be made arbitrarily close to 1 by choosing a sufficiently large .
  • Therefore using a large enough number of slices allows us to get a runtime arbitarily close to linear time.
  • However, for large , evaluating involves an extremely large constant factor , resulting in a slow algorithm despite the fact that asymptotic bounds improve as increases.
  • For this reason, Python implements multiplication of large numbers only using two slices (the original Karatsuba algorithm).

Fast Fourier Transform


  • In our strategy to multiply polynomials fast, we:
    • Evaluated and at distinct points ,
    • Multiplied them point by point using multiplications of large numbers to get values of , and
    • Reconstructed the coefficients of .
  • Previously we chose to be the integers which required us to compute values such as . As the value of increases, the value of explodes causing a rapid increase in the computational complexity of our polynomial multiplication algorithm.
  • We want to choose values for to avoid the explosion of size when we evaluate while computing . We would like but this cannot be achieved with real numbers.

Complex Numbers

  • To multiply complex numbers, we multiply the moduli and add the arguments.

If and , then .

Corollary. If , then .

Complex Roots of Unity

  • We are interested in the solutions of , known as roots of unity of order .
  • Solving , we see that and .
  • Let . Then , i.e. all roots of unity of order can be written as powers of . We say that is a primitive root of unity of order . Note that there are only distinct values here, as .

is a primitive root of unity of order if and only if .

  • The product of two roots of unity of order is given by which is itself a root of unity of the same order.
  • The set of all roots of unity of order , is closed under multiplication (and by extension, under taking powers).

Cancellation Lemma. For all positive integers , and integers , .

The Fast Fourier Transform

  • Given 2 polynomials of degree at most , and we evaluate and at distinct points .

The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

  • Let be a sequence of real or complex numbers, and let the corresponding polynomial be .
  • Let for all , the values of at the roots of unity of order .
  • The sequence of values is called the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of .
  • Our polynomials and have degree , so the corresponding sequences of coefficients have only terms.
  • We defined the DFT of a sequence as having the same length as the original sequence and we must obtain the values at all roots of unity of order .
  • We do this by padding the sequences and with zeroes corresponding to the terms since .
  • The DFT of a sequence can be computed very fast using a divide and conquer algorithm called the Fast Fourier Transform.

The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

  • We can now compute the DFTs of the two 0-padded sequences:
  • For each we multiply the corresponding values and , obtaining .
  • We then use the inverse transformation for DFT, called IDFT, to recover the coefficients of the product polynomial from the sequence .
  • We can assume that is a power of 2, otherwise we can pad with zero coefficients until its number of coefficients becomes the nearest power of 2.

For every which is not a power of 2, the smallest power of 2 larger or equal to is smaller than .

  • Problem. Given a sequence , compute its DFT, i.e. find the values at for all such that .
  • The idea is to use divide and conquer by splitting the polynomial into the even powers and the odd powers:
  • Let us define and . Note is odd since we assume is a power of 2.
    • Hence, .
    • The polynomials and each have coefficients while has coefficients.
  • We have reduced the problem from evaluating with coefficients to evaluating two polynomials and each with coefficients at points .
  • Since is a power of 2, and hence even, we can use the cancellation lemma to deduce that is a root of unity of order .
    • Note goes up to but there are only distinct roots of unity of order . Thus we simplify the later terms as repetitions of the earlier terms.
  • We can write .
    • We have reduced a problem of size to two such problems of size plus a linear overhead to multiply the terms.
  • which by Case 2 of the Master Theorem gives since .
  • FFT is a method of replacing many multiplications with a procedure.

The Inverse Fast Fourier Transform

  • The evaluation of a polynomial at roots of unity of order can be represented by the matrix-vector product:

  • We need a way to reconstruct the coefficients from these values.
  • Since is a square Vandermonde matrix with distinct rows, it is invertible, so:

The inverse of matrix is found by simply changing the signs of the exponents and dividing by .

  • We get:

  • This is not so different to the original matrix-vector product.
  • The inverse FFT requires us to convert from the sequence of values , denoted by back to the sequence of coefficients .
  • To do this we use the same FFT algorithm with 2 changes:
    • The root of unity is replaced by , and
    • The resulting output values are divided by .
  • We can now compute the product of two polynomials and in time .
    • Finding the DFTs and of and each run in .
    • Multiplying and to get runs in .
    • Finding the IDFT of to get runs in .
    • Thus we can find the convolution of two -term sequences in .

The Greedy Method

  • A greedy algorithm is one that solves a problem by dividing it into stages, and rather than exhaustively searching all the ways to get from one stage to the next, instead only considers the choice that appears best. This obviously reduces the search space, but it is not always clear whether the locally optimal choice leads to the globally optimal outcome.
  • The greedy method does not always work. Frameworks exist to determine whether a problem can be solved using a greedy algorithm.
  • We focus on proving the correctness of greedy algorithms. There are two main methods of proof:
    • Greedy stays ahead: prove that at every stage, no other algorithm could do better than our proposed algorithm.
    • Exchange argument: consider an optimal solution, and gradually transform it to the solution found by our proposed algorithm without making it any worse.
  • See the example problems in Lectures 6-8.
  • Proving Correctness of Greedy Algorithms

Single Source Shortest Paths I

  • Suppose we have a directed graph with non-negative weight assigned to each edge and a designated (source) vertex .
  • We want to find for every the shortest path from to .
  • This is accomplished by a very elegant greedy algorithm developed by Edsger Dijkstra in 1959.

For every vertex on a shortest path from to , the shortest path from to is just the truncation of that path ending at .

Dijkstra's Shortest Paths Algorithm

  • The algorithm builds a set of vertices for which the shortest path has already been established, starting with an empty set and adding one vertex at a time.
  • At each stage of the construction, we add the vertex which has the shortest path from to with all intermediate vertices already in .
    • The first vertex added to is itself, with path length zero.
  • At each of steps, we scan an array of length . We also run the constant time update procedure at most once for each edge. The algorithm therefore runs in .
    • In a simple graph (no self loops or parallel edges) we have so we can simplify this to .
  • A more efficient implementation using an augmented heap can achieve a time complexity of . Assuming the graph is connected, so we can simplify to .

Minimum Spanning Trees

  • A minimum spanning tree of a connected graph is a subgraph of (with the same set of vertices) which is a tree, and among all such trees it minimises the total length of all edges in .
  • Let be a connected graph with all lengths of edges of distinct and a non-empty proper subset of the set of all vertices of . Assume that is an edge such that and and is of minimal length among all the edges having this property. Then must belong to every minimum spanning tree of .
  • There are two famous greedy algorithms for the minimum spanning tree problem. Both algorithms build up a forest, beginning with all isolated vertices and adding edges one by one.
  • Prim's algorithm uses one large component, adding one of the isolated vertices to it at each stage. This algorithm is very similar to Dijkstra's algorithm, but adds the vertex closest to rather than the one closest to the starting vertex .

Kruskal's Algorithm

  • We order the edges in a non-decreasing order of their weights.
  • An edge is added if its inclusion does not introduce a cycle in the graph constructed thus far, or discarded otherwise.
  • The process terminates when the forest is connected, i.e. when edges have been added.
  • Kruskal's algorithm produces a minimal spanning tree and if all weights are distinct then such a tree is unique.
  • We need to quickly determine whether a certain new edge will introduce a cycle. An edge will introduce a cycle in the forest if and only if there is already a path between and , i.e. and are in the same connected component.


  • In our implementation of Kruskal's algorithm, we use a data structure called Union-Find which handles disjoint sets. This data structure supports three operations:
    • , which returns a structure in which all elements are placed into distinct singleton sets. This operation runs in time where .
    • which returns the (label of the) set to which belongs. This operation runs in time .
    • which changes the data structure by replacing sets and with the set . A sequence of initial consecutive operations run in time .
  • We do not give the runtime of a single operation but a sequence of consecutive such operations. Such time complexity analysis is called amortized analysis; it estimates average cost of an operation in a sequence of operations, in this case .
  • initial consecutive operations refers to the first operations performed after . There may be operations between these.
  • is the vertex set of a graph, of the form . We will label each set by one of its elements, called the representative of the set.
  • The simplest implementation:
    • An array such that means that belongs to the set with representative ,
    • An array such that contains the number of elements in the set with representative , and
    • An array such that contains pointers to the head and tail of a linked list containing the elements of the set with representative .
  • If is not the representative of any set, then is zero and the list is empty.
  • with two sets and with representatives and is defined as:
    • Assume (i.e. ) otherwise perform instead.
    • For each , update from to .
    • Update to and to zero.
    • Append the list to the list and replace with an empty list.

Efficient Implementation of Kruskal's Algorithm

  • We first sort the edges of graph which takes . Since , we can rewrite this as .
  • We start with isolated vertices which will be merged into connected components until all vertices belong to a single connected component. We use the Union-Find data structure to keep track of the connected components.
  • For each edge on the sorted list of edges, we use two operations to determine whether vertices and belong to the same component. If not, i.e. if and where , we add edge to the spanning tree being constructed and perform to merge the connected components containing and .
  • We perform operations, each costing , as well as operations which in total cost .
  • The initial sorting of the edges dominates so is the overall time complexity.

Dynamic Programming

  • The idea is to solve a large problem recursively by building from (carefully chosen) subproblems of smaller size.
  • Optimal substructure property. We must choose subproblems so that the optimal solutions to the subproblems can be combined into an optimal solution for the full problem.
  • Greedy algorithms view a problem as a sequence of stages and we consider only the locally optimal choice at each stage. Some greedy algorithms are incorrect and fail to construct a globally optimal solution. Also, greedy algorithms are unhelpful for certain types of problems, such as "count the number of ways to ...". Dynamic programming can be used to efficiently consider all the options at each stage.
  • Divide and conquer used recursion to break a large problem into disjoint subproblems. However, dynamic programming is charcaterised by overlapping subproblems.
  • Overlapping subproblems property. We must choose subproblems so that the same subproblem occurs several times in the recursion tree. When we solve a subproblem, we store the result so that subsequent instances of the same subproblem can be answered by just looking up a value in a table.
  • A dynamic programming algorithm consists of three parts:
    • A definition of the subproblems,
    • A recurrence relation, which determines how the solutions to smaller subproblems are combined to solve a larger subproblem, and
    • Any base cases, which are the trivial subproblems - those for which the recurrence is not required.
  • The original problem may be one of our subproblems, or it may be solved by combining results from several subproblems, in which case we must also describe this process.
  • The time complexity of our algorithm is usually given by multiplying the number of subproblems by the average time taken to solve a subproblem using the recurrence.
  • See the example problems in Lectures 9-11.
  • Notation. is the value of that minimises . We also have .

Single Source Shortest Paths II

  • Suppose we have a directed weighted graph with edge weights which can be negative, but without cycles of negative total weight, and a (source) vertex .
  • We want to find the weight of the shortest path from vertex to every other vertex .
  • This differs to the SSSP problem solved by Dijkstra's algorithm because we allow negative edge weights, so the greedy strategy no longer works.
  • We disallow cycles of negative total weight because with such a cycle, there is no shortest path. You can take as many laps around a negative cycle as you like.

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

For any vertex , there is a shortest path without cycles.

It follows that every shortest path contains any vertex at most once, and therefore has at most edges.

  • For every vertex , let us find the weight of a shortest path consisting of at most edges, for each up to .
  • Suppose the path in question is , with the final edge going from to .
  • Then, must be itself the shortest path from to of at most edges, which is another subproblem.
  • No such recursion is necessary if or if .
  • Subproblems. For all and all , let be the problem of determining , the length of a shortest path from to which contains at most edges.
  • Recurrence. For all and , .
  • Base cases. and for , .
  • The overall solutions are given by .
  • We proceed in rounds (). In each round, each edge of the graph is considered only once. Therefore the time complexity is .
  • This method is sometimes called relaxation because we progressively relax the additional constraint on how many edges the shortest paths can contain.
  • The SPFA (Shortest Paths Faster Algorithm) speeds up the later rounds by ignoring some edges. This optimisation and others (e.g. early exit) do not change the worst case time complexity.
  • The Bellman-Ford algorithm can be augmented to detect cycles of negative weight.

All Pairs Shortest Paths

  • Suppose we have a directed weighted graph with edge weights which can be negative, but without cycles of negative total weight.
  • We want to find the weight of the shortest path from every vertex to every other vertex .

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

  • Label the vertices of as where .
  • Let be the set of vertices allowed as intermediate vertices. Initially is empty, and we add vertices one at a time.
  • Subproblems. For all and , let be the problem of determining , the weight of a shortest path from to using only as intermediate vertices.
  • Recurrence. For all , .
  • Base cases. .
  • The overall solutions are given by , where all vertices are allowed as intermediates.
  • Each of subproblems is solved in constant time, so the time complexity is .

Maximum Flow

Flow Networks

  • A flow network is a directed graph in which each edge has a positive integer capacity .
  • There are two distinguished vertices: a source and a sink ; no edge leaves the sink and no edge enters the source.


  • Examples of flow networks (possibly with several sources and sinks):
    • Transportation networks
    • Gas pipelines
    • Computer networks
  • A flow in is a function , which satisfies:
    1. Capacity constraint: for all edges we require , i.e. the flow through any edge does not exceed its capacity.
    2. Flow conservation: for all vertices we require , i.e. the flow into any vertex (other than the source and the sink) equals the flow out of that vertex.
  • The value of a flow is defined as , i.e. the flow leaving the source or equivalently the flow arriving at the sink.
  • Given a flow network, our goal is to find a flow of maximum value.

Integrality Theorem. If all capacities are integers (as assumed earlier), then there is a flow of maximum value such that is an integer for each edge .

Residual Flow Networks

  • Given a flow in a flow network, the residual flow network is the network made up of the leftover capacities.

flow-network residual-flow-network

  • Suppose the original flow network has an edge from to with capacity , and that units of flow are being sent through this edge.
  • The residual flow network has two edges:
    1. an edge from to with capacity , and
    2. an edge from to with capacity .
  • These capacities represent the amount of additional flow in each direction. Note that sending flow on the "virtual" edge from to counteracts the already assigned flow from to .
  • Edges of capacity zero (when or ) need not be included.
  • Suppose the original flow network has an edge from to with capacity and flow units, and an edge from to with capacity and flow units.
  • In this case, the residual flow network has edges:
    1. an edge from to with capacity , and
    2. an edge from to with capacity .
  • This is because from to , the forward edge allows additional units of flow, and we can also send up to units to cancel the flow through the reverse edge.

Augmenting Paths

  • An augmenting path is a path from to in the residual flow network.


  • The capacity of an augmenting path is the capacity of its "bottleneck" edge, i.e. the edge of smallest capacity.
  • We can now send that amount of flow along the augmenting path, recalculating the flow and the residual capacities for each edge used.
  • Suppose we have an augmenting path of capacity , including an edge from to . We should:
    • cancel up to units of flow being sent from to ,
    • add the remainder of these units to the flow being sent from to ,
    • increase the residual capacity from to by , and
    • reduce the residual capacity from to by .
  • For the above augmenting path, after sending 4 units of flow along this path, the new residual flow network becomes:


Solving the Maximum Flow Problem

Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

  • Keep adding flow through new augmenting paths for as long as it is possible.
  • When there are no more augmenting paths, you have achieved the largest possible flow in the network.
  • The proof is based on the notion of a minimal cut in a flow network.
  • A cut in a flow network is any partition of the vertices of the underlying graph into two subsets and such that:
    1. and
  • The capacity of a cut is the sum of all the capacities of all edges leaving and entering , i.e. . Note that capacities of edges going in the opposite direction (from to ) do not count.
  • Given a flow , the flow through a cut is the total flow through edges from to minus the total flow through edges from to , i.e. .

For any flow , the flow through any cut is equal to the value of the flow, i.e. .

  • An edge from to counts its full capacity towards , but only the flow through it towards .
  • An edge from to counts zero towards , but minuses the flow through it from .
  • Therefore, .
  • It follows that , so the value of any flow is at most the capacity of any cut.


  • In this example, and .

Max Flow Min Cut Theorem. The maximal amount of flow in a flow network is equal to the capacity of the cut of minimal capacity.

  • Since is at most , then if we find a flow which equals the capacity of some cut , then such flow must be maximal and the capacity of such a cut must be minimal.

Assume that the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm has terminated. Define to be the source and all vertices such that there is a path in the residual flow network from to . Define to be the set of all vertices for which there is no such path. Since there are no more augmenting paths from to , then the sink belongs to .

All the edges from to are fully occupied with flow, and all the edges from to are empty (proof omitted).


  • Since all edges from to are occupied with flows to their full capacity, and also there is no flow from to , then . Thus, such a flow is maximal and the corresponding cut is a minimal cut.
  • The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm can potentially run in time proportional to the value of the max flow, which can be exponential in the size of the input.
  • In a flow network, otherwise there are vertices other than the source which don't have any incoming edges, or vertices other than the sink which don't have any outgoing edges. We therefore simplify to .
  • The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm has worst-case time complexity of where is the value of a maximum flow. In general if there are edges in the graph, each of capacity , then may be up to . Since the edge capacities are specified using only bits, the algorithm does not run in polynomial time in general.
  • In some circumstances the time complexity of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is .

Edmonds-Karp Algorithm

  • The Edmonds-Karp algorithm improves the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm in a simple way: always choose the shortest path from the source to the sink , where the "shortest path" means the fewest number of edges, regardless of their capacities.
  • This algorithm runs in time.
  • The fastest max flow algorithm to date is an extension of the Preflow-Push algorithm and runs in time .
  • The Edmonds-Karp algorithm is a specialisation of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, so its time complexity is also bounded by . It can be proved that it finds augmenting paths, each in time using BFS, so an alternative bound for its time complexity is .
  • The time complexity can be written .

Applications of Network Flow

  • Flow networks with multiple sources and sinks are reducible to networks with a single source and single sink by adding a super-source and super-sink and connecting them to all sources and sinks respectively by edges of infinite capacity.


  • Sometimes not only the edges but also the vertices of the flow graph might have capacities which limit the total throughput of the flow coming to the vertex and leaving the vertex: .
  • We can also reduce this to a situation with only edge capacities. Suppose vertex has capacity . Split into two vertices and . Attach all of 's incoming edges to and all its outgoing edges from . Connect and with an edge of capacity .


Bipartite Graphs

A graph is said to be bipartite if its vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets and such that every edge has one end in the set and the other in the set .

  • A matching in a graph is a subset such that each vertex of the graph belongs to at most one edge in .
  • A maximum matching in is a matching containing the largest possible number of edges.


  • We can turn a Maximum Bipartite Matching problem into a Maximum Flow problem: Create two new vertices and (the source and sink). Construct an edge from to each vertex in , and from each vertex in to . Orient the existing edges from to . Assign capacity 1 to all edges.
  • Since all capacities in the flow network are 1, we need only denote the direction of the edge in the residual graph.

max-bipartite-matching max-bipartite-matching

String Matching

  • Suppose you have an alphabet of characters.
  • You want to determine whether a string appears as a contiguous substring of a much longer string .
  • The naive string matching algorithm runs in .


Rabin-Karp Algorithm

  • We compute a hash value for the string in the following way:
    • First, map each symbol to a corresponding integer : , so as to identify each string with a sequence of these integers.
    • Then, when we refer to an integer or , we refer to the ID of the symbol or .
    • We can therefore identify with a sequence of IDs , each between 0 and inclusive. Viewing these IDs as digits in base , we can construct a corresponding integer .
    • This can be evaluated efficiently using Horner's rule: , requiring only additions and multiplications.
    • Next we choose a large prime number and define the hash value of as . We require that fits in a register.
  • Recall that where .
  • We want to efficiently find all such that the string of length of the form and string are equal.
  • For each contiguous substring of string we also compute its hash value as .
  • We can now compare the hash values and and do a symbol-by-symbol matching only if .
  • Such an algorithm would only be faster than the naive symbol-by-symbol comparison only if we can compute the hash values of substrings faster than comparing strings and character by character.
  • We use recursion: we compute efficiently from by doing the following:
    • Since , then by multiplying both sides by we obtain
    • Consequently, .
    • To find , we use the precomputed value , multiply it by and again take the remainder modulo .
    • Also, since and are each less than , it follows that .
    • Thus, since we chose such that fits in a single register, all the values and the intermediate results for the above expression also fit in a single register.
  • Thus, we first compute and using Horner's rule.
  • The subsequent values of for are computed in constant time using the above recursion.
  • is compared with and if they are equal the strings and are compared by brute force character-by-character to confirm whether they are genuinely equal.
  • Since was chosen large, the false positives when but are very unlikely, which makes the algorithm run fast in the average case.
  • However, when we use hashing we cannot achieve useful bounds for the worst case performance.

Finite Automata

  • A string matching finite automaton for a pattern of length has:
    • many states which correspond to the number of characters matched thus far, and
    • a transition function where and . is the state you go to if you were in state and then saw a character .
  • Suppose that the last characters of the text match the first characters of the pattern , and that is the next character in the text. Then is the new state after character is read, i.e. the largest so that the last characters of (ending at the new character ) match the first characters of .
  • We first suppose that is given as a pre-constructed table. For example, if , then the table defining would be:

string-matching-finite-automata string-matching-finite-automata

  • To compute the transition function (this table):
    • Let denote a prefix of length of the string .
    • Being at state means that so far we have matched the prefix .
    • If we now see an input character , then is the largest such that the prefix of string is a suffix of the string .
    • In the particular case where , i.e. , then and so .
    • If however, we cant extend our match from length to . To find , the largest such that is a suffix of , we match the string against itself: we can recursively compute a function which for each returns the largest integer such that the prefix of is a proper suffix of .
    • Suppose we have already found that , i.e. is the longest prefix of which is a proper suffix of .
    • To compute , we first check whether .
      • If true, then .
      • If false, then we cannot extend . The next longest prefix of which is a proper suffix of is , so we check whether .
        • If true, then .
        • If false, then check whether , and so on...

Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm


  • There are values of , and for each we might try several values .
  • We maintain two pointers: the left pointer (the start of the match we are trying to extend) and the right pointer at .
  • After each step of the algorithm (i.e. each comparison between and ), exactly one of these two pointers is moved forwards.
  • Each can take up to values, so the total number of steps is . This is an example of amortisation.
  • The time complexity of this algorithm is linear .
  • We can now do our search for string in a longer string .
  • Suppose is the longest prefix of which is a suffix of .
  • To answer the same question for , we begin by checking whether .
    • If true, then the answer for is .
    • If false, check whether ...
  • If the answer for any is , we have a match.
    • Reset to state to detect any overlapping full matches.
  • By the same two pointer argument, the time complexity is .

knuth-morris-pratt knuth-morris-pratt

Looking for Imperfect Matches

  • Given a very long string , a shorter string , where , and an integer , we want to find all matches for in which have up to errors.
  • We split into substrings of (approximately) equal length. Then any match in with at most errors must contain a substring which is a perfect match for a substring of .
  • We look for all perfect matches in for each of the parts of . For every match, we test by brute force whether the remaining parts of match sufficiently with the appropriate parts of .

Linear Programming

  • In the standard form the objective to be maximised is given by and the constraints are of the form:
  • To get a more compact representation of linear programs, we use vectors and matrices.
  • Let represent a (column) vector, .
  • Define a partial ordering on the vectors in by if and only if the corresponding inequalities hold coordinate-wise, i.e. if and only if for all .
  • Write the coefficients in the objective function as , the coefficients in the constraints as an matrix and the RHS values of the constraints as .
  • The standard form can be formulated simply as:
    • maximise
    • subject to the following two (matrix-vector) constraints:
  • Thus, a Linear Programming optimisation problem can be specified as a triplet () which is the form accepted by most standard LP solvers.
  • The full generality of LP problems does not appear to be handled by the standard form. LP problems could have:
    • equality constraints,
    • unconstrained variables (i.e. potentially negative values ), and
    • absolute value constraints.
  • An equality constraint of the form can be replaced by two inequalities and . Thus, we can assume all constraints are inequalities.
  • Each occurrence of an unconstrained variable can be replaced by the expression where are new variables satisfying the equality .
  • For a vector , we can define . Some problems are naturally translated into constraints of the form . This also poses no problem as we can replace such absolute value constraints with two linear constraints: and .
  • In the standard form, any vector which satisfies the two constraints is called a feasible solution, regardless of what the corresponding objective value might be.


  • Maximise subject to:
  • Adding the first two inequalities gives . Since all variables are constrained to be non-negative, then we know that , i.e. the objective does not exceed 54. Can we do better?
  • We try to look for coefficients to be used to form a linear combination of the constraints:
  • Summing up all these inequalities and factoring, we get .
  • If we compare this to our objective, we see that if we choose such that:
  • then .
  • Combining this with the above inequalities, we get .
  • Consequently, in order to find a tight upper bound for our objective in the original problem , we have to find which solve problem :
    • Minimise subject to:
  • Then, will be a tight upper bound.
  • This new problem is called the dual problem of .
  • We repeat the whole procedure to find the dual of , denoted . We are now looking for to obtain:
  • Summing these up and factorising we get .
  • If we choose multipliers such that:
  • then .
  • Combining this with the above we get .
  • Consequently, finding the double dual program amounts to maximising the objective subject to the constraints:
  • Thus, the double dual program is just itself.
  • Recall that the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm produces a maximum flow by showing that it terminates only when we reach the capacity of a minimal cut. Looking for the multipliers reduced a maximisation problem to an equally hard minimisation problem.
  • In general, the primal Linear Program and its dual are:

linear-prog linear-prog

Weak Duality Theorem

If is any feasible solution for and is any feasible solution for , then:

(proof omitted).

  • Thus, the value of (the objective of for) any feasible solution of is an upper bound for the set of all values of (the objective of for) all feasible solutions of , and every feasible solution of is a lower bound for the set of feasible solutions for .
  • If we find a feasible solution for which is equal to a feasible solution to , this common value must be the maximal feasible value of the objective of and the minimal feasible value of the objective of .


Feasibility of Algorithms

  • A (sequential) algorithm is said to be polynomial time if for every input it terminates in polynomially many steps in the length of the input.
  • The length of an input is the number of symbols needed to describe the input precisely.

Decision Problems and Class

  • A decision problem is a problem with a YES or NO answer.
  • A decision problem is in class (polynomial time, denoted if there exists a polynomial time algorithm which solves it.


  • A decision problem is in class (non-deterministic polynomial time, denoted ) if there exists a problem such that:
    1. for every input , is true if and only if there is some for which is true, and
    2. the truth of can be verified by an algorithm running in polynomial time in the length of only.
  • We call a certificate for and a certifier.
  • Class problems are problems that can be verified in polynomial time whereas Class problems are problems that can be solved in polynomial time.
  • For example, consider the decision problem "integer is not prime". Then we need to find a problem such that is true if and only if there is some for which is true. Naturally, " is divisibe by ". can indeed be verified by an algorithm running in polynomial time in the length of only.


  • Is it the case that every problem in is also in ?
  • The conjecture that is a strictly larger class of decision problems than is known as the "" hypothesis, and it is widely considered to be one of the hardest open problems in mathematics.

Polynomial Reductions

  • Let and be two decision problems. We say that is polynomially reducible to if and only if there exists a function such that:
    1. maps instances of into instances of .
    2. maps YES instances of to YES instances of and NO instances of to NO instances of , i.e. is YES if and only if is YES.
    3. is computable by a polynomial time algorithm.

Cook's Theorem

Every problem is polynomially reducible to the SAT problem.

  • SAT problem:


  • There are cases to consider in the SAT problem.
  • The SAT problem is in class since given an evaluation of the propositional variables one can determine in polynomial time whether the formula is true for such an evaluation.
    • If each clause involves exactly two variables (2SAT), then we are in class .
  • This means that for every decision problem there exists a polynomial time computable function such that:
    1. for every instance of , produces a propositional formula ;
    2. is true if and only if is satisfiable.


  • An decision problem is -complete (-) if every other problem is polynomially reducible to .
  • Thus, Cook's theorem says that SAT is -complete.
  • -complete problems are the hardest problems since a polynomial time algorithm for solving an -complete problem would make every other problem also solvable in polynomial time.
  • But if (as commonly hypothesised), then there cannot be any polynomial time algorithms for solving an -complete problem.

Proving -completeness

Let be an -complete problem, and let be another problem. If is polynomially reducible to , then is also -complete (proof omitted).

Reducing 3SAT to VC

  • We want to find a polynomial time reduction from 3SAT to Vertex Cover (VC).

vertex-cover 3sat-to-vc

  • An instance of 3SAT consisting of clauses and propositional variables is satisfiable if and only if the corresponding graph has a vertex cover of size at most (proof omitted).

Optimisation Problems

-hard Problems

  • Let be a problem and suppose we have a "black box" device which for every input instantaneously computes .
  • We consider algorithms which are polynomial time in . This means algorithms which run in polynomial time in the length of the input and which, besides the usual computational steps, can also use the above mentioned "black box".
  • We say that a problem is -hard (-) if every problem is polynomial time in , i.e. if we can solve every problem using a polynomial time algorithm which can also use a black box to solve any instance of .
  • We do not require to be an problem nor a decision problem. It can also be an optimisation problem.
  • It is important to be able to figure out if a problem at hand is -hard in order to know that one has to abandon trying to come up with a feasible polynomial time solution.
  • All -complete problems are equally difficult because any of them is polynomially reducible to any other. However, the related optimisation problems can be very different. Some of these optimisation problems allow us to get within a constant factor of the optimal answer.
    • Vertex Cover permits an approximation which produces a cover at most twice as large as the minimum vertex cover.
    • Metric TSP permits an approximation which produces a tour at most twice as long as the shortest tour.


My notes for UNSW COMP3121: Algorithms and Programming Techniques




