- Smart Note Taking Application
Digital platform that allows users to create, manage, and organize text-based notes. It provides users with the ability to create, edit, categorize, and search for notes, making it easy to capture and retrieve information efficiently.
2. Features:
- User Registration and Login:
- Users can create accounts and log in securely.
- Create and Edit Notes:
- Users can create new text-based notes.
- Notes can be edited and updated as needed.
- Note Organization:
- Users can organize their notes into notebooks or folders.
- Notes can have tags for easy categorization.
- Attachments:
- Users can attach files (e.g., images, documents) to their notes.
- Trash and Recovery:
- Deleted notes are moved to the trash and can be recovered.
- Sharing:
- Users can share notes with others.
- Collaborative note editing and commenting.
- Data Requirements:
- User ID (Primary Key)
- Username
- Password
userID (PK) | username | password | |
101 | ridwan | mail@qridwan.com | ridwan123 |
102 | asad | mail@asad.com | asad123 |
- Note ID (Primary Key)
- User ID (Foreign Key)
- Note Title
- Note Content
- Creation Timestamp
- Update Timestamp
noteID (PK) | userID (FK) | note_title | content | created_at | updated_at |
1 | 101 | title 1 | content1 | timezone | timezone |
2 | 101 | title 2 | content2 | timezone | timezone |
3 | 102 | title 3 | content3 | timezone | timezone |
- Category ID (Primary Key)
- User ID (Foreign Key)
- Category Name
Example data for the "Categories" table:
categoryID (PK) | userID (FK) | category_name |
1 | 101 | Work |
2 | 101 | Personal |
- Tag ID (Primary Key)
- User ID (Foreign Key)
- Tag Name
Example data for the "Tags" table:
tagID (PK) | userID (FK) | tag_name |
1 | 101 | Important |
2 | 101 | Travel |
- Attachment ID (Primary Key)
- Note ID (Foreign Key)
- Attachment File Name
- Attachment File Type
- Attachment File Path
attID (PK) | noteID (FK) | att_filename | att_fitetype | att_file_path |
1 | 1 | note1 | png | work/note1.png |
- Notebook ID (Primary Key)
- User ID (Foreign Key)
- Notebook Name
- note id
notebookID | userID | notebook_name | note_id |
1 | 101 | book1 | 2 |
- Trash ID (Primary Key)
- User ID (Foreign Key)
- Deleted Note ID (Foreign Key)
- Deletion Timestamp
trashID (PK) | userID (FK | noteID (FK) | timestamp |
1 | 101 | 2 | 12/08/2023… |
- Sharing ID (Primary Key)
- Note ID (Foreign Key)
- Shared User ID (Foreign Key)
- Sharing Permissions
sharingID (PK) | noteID (FK) | sharedUserID (FK) | permissionID (FK) |
abc01 | 2 | 101 | 1 |
- permission ID (Primary key)
- permission name
permissionID (PK) | permission_name |
1 | edit |
2 | view |
3 | comment |
D. E/R Design for the Database:
Here's a simplified E/R diagram for the Note-Taking Application:
- Entities:
- User
- Note
- Category
- Tag
- Attachment
- Notebook
- Trash
- Sharing
- Permission
- User creates Note (One-to-Many)
- User (1) ------< Note (Many)
- User organizes Note into Category (Many-to-Many)
- User (Many) ------< Category_Note >------ (Many) Category
- User assigns Tag to Note (Many-to-Many)
- User (Many) ------< Tag_Note >------ (Many) Tag
- Note contains Attachment (One-to-Many)
- Note (1) ------< Attachment (Many)
- User organizes Note into Notebook (Many-to-Many)
- User (Many) ------< Notebook_Note >------ (Many) Notebook
- User deletes Note to Trash (One-to-Many)
- User (1) ------< Trash (Many) ------< Note (Many)
- User shares Note with other User (Many-to-Many)
- User (one) ------< Sharing >------ (Many) User
- Sharable note only have one permission (Many-to-One)
- Note (Many) >------ permission (One)