- On a high-level consists of a typical TypeScript with React/Redux setup with Routes that connect to pages.
- The pages contain components made up of sub-components and state and logic.
- Used Redux to manage the app's state in a single place and keep changes more traceable.
- The logic is placed into reducers and functions encapsulating redux dispatches.
- primarily configures the baseURL where the server API should be reachable
- contains central Redux store depending on reducers within /app/src/features
- uses react-router for typical url-based routing
- uses hash router to allow user to navigate to specific url in single-page application
- high-level components used in Routes.tsx that are composed of components
individual components, recursively composed of sub-components and state and logic (i.e. services), serve to be used in pages
only in rare cases, if at all, would a component be used directly in Routes.tsx
- primarily consists of reducers and their associated setup for user with store.ts
- primarily serves as a convenient wrapper / abstraction providing a predictable promise resolve/error interface around many reducer-related actions and dispatches
- Read through & complete tutorials of TypeScript, React, Redux
- This can be deployed stand-alone and that is recommended, but its functionality will be severely limited without a working API base URL configured in constants
- It can be run locally by going to
and runningyarn install
followed byyarn start
- There is a running deployment on Netlify that is not guaranteed to be up-to-date as it takes too many resources to rebuild on every commit
- https://quantx-algo.netlify.app/ (quantx taken)