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Travis-CI Coverage Technical Dept

Create simple Android forms


Basic Usage

  1. Create a "FromDescriptor" - It's the holder for the form

    FormDescriptor descriptor = FormDescriptor.newInstance();
    descriptor.setOnFormRowValueChangedListener(this); //Listen for changes
  2. Create sections with "SectionDescriptor" and add rows - Sections can have titles and rows (Form Elements)

    SectionDescriptor sectionDescriptor = SectionDescriptor.newInstance("tag","Title");
    //Add rows - form elements
    sectionDescriptor.addRow( RowDescriptor.newInstance("text",RowDescriptor.FormRowDescriptorTypeText, "Text", new Value<String>("test")) );
    sectionDescriptor.addRow( RowDescriptor.newInstance("dateDialog",RowDescriptor.FormRowDescriptorTypeDate, "Date Dialog") );
  3. To render your form, use the "FormManager" helper. You will need a ListView instance.

        FormManager formManager = new FormManager();
        formManager.setup(descriptor, mListView, getActivity());
  4. Attention! If you use EditText based form elements, make sure you set "windowSoftInputMode" to "adjustPan"

    Do it in your manifest:


    Or programmatically in the onCreate method of your activity

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  5. Create elements with custom type identifier and a FormCell class. You can also submit configs to use objects in your cell

    String customType = "customRowIdentifier";
    CellViewFactory.getInstance().setRowTypeMap(customType, CustomFormCell.class);
    RowDescriptor customRow = RowDescriptor.newInstance("custom",customType, "title", new Value<String>("value"));
    HashMap<String, Object> cellConfig = new HashMap();

Use annotations for models

  1. You can create a form from a POJO by adding annotations to your model properties

    public class Entry {
                label = R.string.lb_title,
                rowDescriptorType = RowDescriptor.FormRowDescriptorTypeText,
                sortId = 1,
                section = R.string.section_general
        public String title;
                label = R.string.lb_description,
                rowDescriptorType = RowDescriptor.FormRowDescriptorTypeTextView,
                sortId = 2,
                section = R.string.section_general
        public String description;
                label = R.string.lb_date_dialog,
                rowDescriptorType = RowDescriptor.FormRowDescriptorTypeDate,
                sortId = 4,
                section = R.string.section_date
        public Date date;
                label = R.string.lb_date_inline,
                rowDescriptorType = RowDescriptor.FormRowDescriptorTypeDateInline,
                tag = "customDateInlineTag",
                sortId = 3,
                section = R.string.section_date
        public Date dateInline;
  2. Use "FormDescriptorAnnotationFactory" to create a FormDescriptor from your model

    FormDescriptorAnnotationFactory factory = new FormDescriptorAnnotationFactory(getActivity());
    FormDescriptor descriptor = factory.createFormDescriptorFromAnnotatedClass(entry);


  1. Define custom validators by implementing FormValidator
    public class EmailValidator implements FormValidator {
        private static final String EMAIL_PATTERN =
                        + "[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$";
        public RowValidationError validate(RowDescriptor descriptor) {
            Value value = descriptor.getValue();
            if (value.getValue() != null && value.getValue() instanceof String) {
                String val = (String) value.getValue();
                return (val.matches(EMAIL_PATTERN)) ? null : new RowValidationError(descriptor,  R.string.validation_invalid_email);
            return new RowValidationError(descriptor, R.string.validation_invalid_email);

} ```

  1. With annotations Specify validator classes as an array of .class items

            label =,
            rowDescriptorType = RowDescriptor.FormRowDescriptorTypeEmailInline,
            sortId = 2,
            validatorClasses = {EmailValidator.class, BlankStringValidator.class}
    public String email;
  2. Or add validators to rowdescriptors manually

    RowDescriptor rowDescriptor = RowDescriptor.newInstance("valid",
        "Email Test",
        new Value<String>("notavalidemail"));
    rowDescriptor.addValidator(new EmailValidator());


QMBForm is not available at the maven repository yet. But it's a gradly based android-library project.

  1. Include the QMBFrom directory as a library module in your application
  2. see sample application:

Add this to your build.gradle dependencies section

compile project(":lib:QMBForm")

Add this to your settings.gradle

include ':app', ':lib:QMBForm'

QMBForm has no dependencies to other third party libs (but compile '') is needed

Supported Form Elements

Most elements have an inline version (label on the same line as the displayed value) and a normal version (label on separate line above displayed value).

  • Available elements:
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeName = "name";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeText = "text";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeTextInline = "textInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeDetail = "detail";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeDetailInline = "detailInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeTextView = "textView";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeTextViewInline = "textViewInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeURL = "url";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeEmail = "email";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeEmailInline = "emailInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypePassword = "password";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypePasswordInline = "passwordInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeNumber = "number";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeNumberInline = "numberInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeCurrency = "currency";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypePhone = "phone";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeInteger = "integer";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeIntegerInline = "integerInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorSpinner = "selectorSpinner";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorSpinnerInline = "selectorSpinnerInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPickerDialog = "selectorPickerDialog";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeDateInline = "dateInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeTimeInline = "timeInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeDate = "date";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeTime = "time";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeBooleanCheck = "booleanCheck";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeBooleanSwitch = "booleanSwitch";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeButton = "button";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeButtonInline = "buttonInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorSegmentedControl = "selectorSegmentedControl";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorSegmentedControlInline = "selectorSegmentedControlInline";
  • Coming elements: (Avaiable at XLForm)
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeTwitter = "twitter";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeAccount = "account";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPush = "selectorPush";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorActionSheet = "selectorActionSheet";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorAlertView = "selectorAlertView";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPickerView = "selectorPickerView";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPickerViewInline = "selectorPickerViewInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeMultipleSelector = "multipleSelector";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorLeftRight = "selectorLeftRight";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeDateTimeInline = "datetimeInline";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeDateTime = "datetime";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypePicker = "picker";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeImage = "image";
      public static final String FormRowDescriptorTypeStepCounter = "stepCounter";

To do

  • Simpler cell customisation
  • More form elements
  • Form model


QMBForm is based on the ideas of XLForm - the most flexible and powerful iOS library to create dynamic table-view forms.

Thanks guys!