Quipucords Deployer is now archived in favor of using the Quipucords Helm Chart for deploying Discovery to OpenShift and Kubernetes Clusters.
Discovery Helm Chart - https://quipucords/quipucords-helm-chart
Discovery Helm Repo - https://quipucords/quipucords-helm-repo
Script and template for deploying the Discovery product to OpenShift.
discodeploy [--help] [--deploy | --create-pull-secret | --undeploy]
$ discodeploy --help
To see the additional help for running the command.
Primary usage to deploy Discovery to OpenShift:
$ discodeploy --deploy
And to undeploy Discovery from OepnShift:
$ discodeploy --undeploy
Also, best to visit the Quipucords Deployer Wiki pages for more detailed documentation.