This is an example of reactive app.
Events are retrieved from database with Postgres async RX driver. For each event location is retrieved from external API using Netty RX http client, merged and emitted over REST API as json stream.
Frontend with JQuery, Node, Express, React and Oboe shows effects of such approach.
Except performance benefits in real environment of low connectivity, perceived performance is also increased.
Postgres database should be up and running as configured in
Start the Spring boot backend:
gradle bootRun --info
Start the Node frontend:
node public/app.js
Generate some events:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/rest/v1/events?count=5000
Checkout JQuery version on localhost:3000/simple
Checkout React version on localhost:3000/react
Warm up stream
Handle failures, retries and back-pressure
Fix rending for React table.
Use timestamp instead of date.