Requirements ║ Features ║ Installation ║ Update ║ Uninstall ║ Donate ║ Disclaimer
• OS: Windows 7-11_
• Spotify: Click to Download_
• For Windows Desktop only (do not download from Microsoft store)_
• PowerShell: version 5 (or higher)_
• Blocks all ads in the client_
• Set custom settings using SpotX (hide podcasts and more)_
• Block Spotify automatic updates (optional)_
• Code minification_
• Just run install.bat• Warning: The file should not contain any danger to your device. However, everything you install is done at your own risk. Install it, if you know what you're doing. (See virus-check.png)_
• Reinstall Spotify on your computer (recommended)_
• Just run uninstall.bat
All this files with SpotX is a modified version of the official Spotify client, provided as an evaluation version.
We wrote some code, we modified some.
None of the entered codes are purely my own idea (I found inspiration, and then I made it my way and above all simpler and clearer).
It's for educational purposes only. Use it at your own risk!
By using or contributing to this project, you agree to the terms mentioned.
By using, you agree to the License Terms as well.