Send sms texts using Twillio as SMS service
- Download the folder and serve it to the web.
- Use database.sql to configure the needed tables.
- Set the database connection in database_connection/connection.php
- Open the connection.php file in the database_connection folder
- Set the servername, the username, the password and the dbname
- Set your values in the following files:
- incoming_message.php: replace with the path to this folder
- mailer.php: set the mail recipient to receive the incoming messages
- Set the Account Sid and Auth Token from in the cron_check.php file
- Set your twillio application to call /incoming_message.php when an incoming message is detected.
Send messages by calling prepare_message.php with following GET variables
: This variable takes the message to send to the recipient. The message can contain all ascii
: This variable contains the mobile phone number of the recipient. The following format should be used: ##4123123 (Where ## is the country code without leading zeroes.). E.g.: 324123123 (Belgian mobile number)name
: This variable is optional and contains the name of the recipient. If the name is given, the mail sent to you will contain the name of the
: This variable is optional and contains the timestamp of when the message should be sent. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.
Set a cron job to call cron_check.php
- Inbound messages are sent to the mail address set in the mailer.php file.
I'm actively working on this project. If you have questions, ideas for enhancement or if you find any bugs in the scripts, feel free to open an issue!
This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please feel free to use this code, modify it or redistribute it.