Allows the user to generate and execute select, insert, update and delete ‘SQL’ queries the underlying database without having to explicitly write ‘SQL’ code.
Release | Usage | Development |
# Not yet published in CRAN
# install.packages("ElectionsLATAM")
Install the R package using the following commands on the R console:
devtools::install_github("rOpenStats/ElectionsLATAM", build_opts = NULL)
To get started execute the following commands:
# 0. Load libraries
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.1.2
# 1. Costa Rica
costa.rica.ein.path <- file.path(getPackageDir(), "costa-rica")
ecological.inference.calvo <- EcologicalInferenceStrategyCalvoEtAl$new()
costa.rica.ein <-
ecological.inference.strategy = ecological.inference.calvo, = "2022-costa-rica-general-ballotage-n4",
scenario = "final",
data.input.path = costa.rica.ein.path,
input.file = "2021-generales_pivot_candidatos_n4.csv",
location.fields = c("id_unidad"),
votes.field = "votos",
#potential.votes.field = "habilitados",
ignore.fields = "habilitados",
col.types = cols(
.default = col_number(),
id_unidad = col_character()
dummy <- costa.rica.ein$loadInputPivotCandidatos()
#> INFO [20:22:04.850] Loading input election {input.filepath: `/Users/kenarab/Library/R/x86_64/4.1/library/ElectionsLATAM/extdata/costa-rica/2021-generales_pivot_candidatos_n4.csv`}
costa.rica.ein$output.election <- readr::read_delim(
paste("2022-ballotage_pivot_candidatos_n4.csv", sep = "_")),
delim = ";",
col_types = cols(
.default = col_double(),
id_unidad = col_character()
costa.rica.ein$runScenario(include.blancos = TRUE, include.ausentes = TRUE,
max.potential.votes.rel.dif = 0.32)
#> INFO [20:22:04.979] Setting seed {seed: `143324`}
#> INFO [20:22:05.052] Starting with {input.locations: `6661`, output.locations: `6738`, locations.available: `6661`}
#> INFO [20:22:05.274] After filtering locations {input.locations: `6661`, output.locations: `6661`}
#> INFO [20:22:05.316] After filtering comparable locations {threshold: `0.32`, non.comparable.locations: `84`, non.comparable.votes: `10507`, comparable.locations: `6577`, comparable.votes: `2072736`, input.locations: `6577`, output.locations: `6577`}
#> INFO [20:22:05.377] ParamsEstim {nR: `10`, nC: `5`}
#> INFO [20:22:12.564] calcFractions
#> INFO [20:22:12.574] Results for {description: `input.original`, results: `FA= 3.24|habilitados= 62.25|Otros= 2.81|PLN= 10.15|PLP= 4.6|PNR= 5.56|PSD= 6.25|PUSC= 4.62|blanco_y_nulo= 0.52`, total.votes: `2083243`}
#> INFO [20:22:12.585] Results for {description: `input`, results: `FA= 8.56|Otros= 7.4|PLN= 26.84|PLP= 12.19|PNR= 14.56|PSD= 16.55|PUSC= 12.18|blanco_y_nulo= 1.35|ausente= 0.37`, total.votes: `2072736`}
#> INFO [20:22:12.587] Results for {description: `output.original`, results: `habilitados= 63.79|PLN= 16.63|PSD= 18.64|blanco_y_nulo= 0.93`, total.votes: `1978230`}
#> INFO [20:22:12.590] Results for {description: `output`, results: `PLN= 43.39|PSD= 48.66|blanco_y_nulo= 2.43|ausente= 5.51`, total.votes: `1965668`}
#> INFO [20:22:12.591] Votes {total.input.votes: `2083243`, total.input.applied.votes: `2072736`, total.output.votes: `1978230`, total.output.applied.votes: `1965668`, change.input.output.votes: `0.9496`, change.input.output.applied.votes: `0.9483`, dismissed.input.votes: `0.995`, dismissed.output.votes: `0.9936`}
#> PLN PSD blanco_y_nulo ausente 1 - rowSums(dsOUTpre)
#> FA 81814 64970 22881 5464 3026
#> Otros 12350 120062 14979 4352 2180
#> PLN 557782 223 35 18 308
#> PLP 154001 67818 3104 27104 1539
#> PNR 35727 215442 139 50716 921
#> PSD 40 344126 21 26 115
#> PUSC 49679 179535 843 21195 2038
#> blanco_y_nulo 7509 9456 3961 4811 2425
#> ausente 1254 6329 12 4 58
#> 1 - rowSums(dsINpre) -4315 -562 -1182 -618 -981
costa.rica.test.path <- file.path(tempdir(), "test","costa-rica")
costa.rica.ein$exportBetab(output.folder = costa.rica.test.path, overwrite = TRUE)
#> INFO [20:22:12.603] Ecological inference Betab file writen {betab.filepath: `/var/folders/4r/f_k7yqz92p76h7b32m953pyr0000gp/T//RtmpqM9Jhh/test/costa-rica/2022-costa-rica-general-ballotage-n4-ein-betab-scen-final-s-143324.csv`}
dummy <- costa.rica.ein$generateOutputJSON(costa.rica.test.path,
filename = "balotaje_n4_ei.json")
#> INFO [20:22:12.629] Ecological inference json writen {json.filepath: `/var/folders/4r/f_k7yqz92p76h7b32m953pyr0000gp/T//RtmpqM9Jhh/test/costa-rica/balotaje_n4_ei.json`}
costa.rica.ein$makeSankeyDiagram(output.path = costa.rica.test.path)
#> INFO [20:22:12.638] Generating sankeyNetwork {nodes: `13`, links: `36`}
#> INFO [20:22:12.844] Generating webshot {sankey.d3.png.filepath: `/var/folders/4r/f_k7yqz92p76h7b32m953pyr0000gp/T//RtmpqM9Jhh/test/costa-rica/2022-costa-rica-general-ballotage-n4-ein-sankey-scen-final-s-143324.png`}
# Saving output table for reproducibility
# write_rds(costa.rica.ein$output.table, file.path(costa.rica.ein.path, "ein_2021_general_2022_ballotage.rds"))
Please note that the ‘ElectionsLATAM’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.