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This is a single player game.

  • Main screen displays a math operation
  • Player can choose answer from the numbers on the screen


Pause and play feature:

Selected incorrect number? No problem, click again to unselect it!

Random generation of equations:

 const length = Math.round((Math.random() * 10) % 1) + 1;
        const startNum1 = Math.round((Math.random() * 10) % 4) + 1;
        const startNum2 = Math.round((Math.random() * 10) % 4) + 1;
        const mathOp = MATHOP[Math.round((Math.random() * 10) % 2)];
        let num1 = this.shuffled(NUMBERS).slice(
            startNum1 + length
        let num2 = this.shuffled(NUMBERS).slice(
            startNum2 + length
        if (parseInt(num1) < parseInt(num2) && mathOp === '-') {
            const temp = num1;
            num1 = num2;
            num2 = temp;
        const equation = `What is ${num1} ${mathOp} ${num2}?`;


  • Make the falling numbers and display on screen
  • Genarate equations
  • Make the falling numbers clickable, register the clicked number, right answer should delete the number
  • Bonus:
    • Add medium and hard levels for Math equation
    • Integrate Web music API to add game sounds


  • Util
    • Utility code for the velocity of fall of numbers
  • MovingObjects
    • Base class for moving objects
  • Numbers
    • Inherits from movingObjects
  • Equation
    • generates random math equations
  • Game
    • Holds core game functionality
  • GameView
    • stores a game instance,
    • stores a canvas to draw into



Architecture and Technology

CSS, Javascript, HTML, three.js, Web Audio API for game music

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1

Implement falling numbers on screen

  • create util class
    • const util - generates velocity of fall
    • util.inherits - inheritance
  • create movingobjects class
    • constructor with necessary arguments
    • MovingObject.prototype.move
    • MovingObject.prototype.draw (might differ for three.js)
  • create numbers class inheriting form movingobjects
    • function Number
    • Inherits from movingObject
  • create Game class *

Phase 2

Generate equations

  • create Equation class

Phase 3

  • Make numbers clickable
  • delete the number corresponding to the right answer
    • Game.prototype.rightanswer
  • Define logic for game-end
  • Implement game music if time permits


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