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Purge test resources #164

Purge test resources

Purge test resources #164

name: Purge test resources
- cron: "30 0,12 * * *"
AZURE_RG_DELETE_LIST_FILE: "az_rg_list.txt"
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
name: Azure resources clean-ups
runs-on: [ubuntu-latest]
- name: Login to Azure
run: |
az login --service-principal \
--username ${{ secrets.AZURE_SP_TESTS_APPID }} \
--password ${{ secrets.AZURE_SP_TESTS_PASSWORD }} \
--tenant ${{ secrets.AZURE_SP_TESTS_TENANTID }}
az account set --subscription ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTIONID_TESTS }}
- name: List Test Resource Groups
run: |
echo "## Test resource group list" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
az group list --query "[?starts_with(name, 'rg-samplestest-')].{Name:name, creationTime:tags.creationTime}" -o json > resource_groups.json
current_time=$(date +%s)
hours_ago=$((current_time - ${{ env.VALID_RESOURCE_WINDOW }}))
# This jq command processes the data in 'resource_groups.json'.
# For each object in the JSON array, it checks if the 'creationTime' property is null or less than the value of 'hours_ago'.
# Note that the 'creationTime' is converted to a number for the comparison.
# Then the name of the resource group is written to the file specified by the 'AZURE_RG_DELETE_LIST_FILE' environment variable.
jq -r '.[] | select(.creationTime == null // (.creationTime | tonumber) < '$hours_ago') | .Name' resource_groups.json > ${{ env.AZURE_RG_DELETE_LIST_FILE}}
# This jq command also processes the data in 'resource_groups.json'.
# For each object in the JSON array, it outputs a string containing the 'Name' property, and the 'creationTime' property.
# If 'creationTime' is null, it outputs the string "None" instead.
jq -r '.[] | "\(.Name) \(.creationTime // "None")"' resource_groups.json > $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
- name: Delete Azure Resource Groups
run: |
echo "## Deleting resource group list" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
cat ${{ env.AZURE_RG_DELETE_LIST_FILE}} | while read -r line
echo " * $line" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
az group delete --resource-group $line --yes --verbose
- name: Create GitHub issue on failure
if: failure()
run: |
gh issue create --title "Samples purge test resources failed" \
--body "Test failed on ${{ github.repository }}. See [workflow logs](${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}) for more details." \
--repo ${{ github.repository }}