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The big picture

Radu Marias edited this page Sep 10, 2024 · 6 revisions

This is the high level of the implementation. This needs to be broken in smaller tasks each documented in wiki.

Coordinator nodes

Data nodes

Communication between nodes

  • gRPC is good for inter services (nodes) communication. Protobufs is interesting, it's a very good protocol for serialization and communication
  • Apache Arrow format and Flight which communicates over gRPC. One advantage is it eliminates serialization, basically it sends over the wire the internal representation from memory and reads directly from that, seems like interesting to use
  • Extending from above it would be interesting to have*Arrow Flight with RDMA, they have a feature request for this but it's still in progress. In the meantime we can start using Apache Arrow Flight over gRPC
  • Services could also communicate over Kafka, Pulsar, RabbitMQ or any other Pub/Sub systems. At least messages intended for all nodes could be transmitted like that. Then for direct messages between nodes (some file sync state messages) we can use gRPC

Storing metadata

This is the synchronized DB that keeps metadata which all nodes need to access.

  • SurrealDB seems very interesting, they have multi model, based on your use case they use different solution underneath and they have distributed one, they use tikv, key-value pair, good enough for us. Other solution are CockroachDB it has strong consistency: uses the Raft consensus algorithm to ensure strong consistency, even Apache Cassandra but maybe it's too big for our needs. In the end the content size of the files would way exceed the metadata
  • Raft is widely used, very performant and easy to understand algorithm
  • ZooKeeper is a good distributed solution for services discovery and configuration management. There are better ones now like ClickHouse Keeper, kRaft which is used in Kafka, I assume I could use that one too. And there is etcd, which is used in Kubernates.
  • For multi-master configuration when something changes they will all need to consent before committing the change. This would add latency so I've read about CRDTs (Conflict-free replicated data type) and Eventual Consistency which sounds just like what we need. There are crates in Rust for these, so we're covered. Just need to see how DB and configuration management supports this (CockroachDB uses Raft which seems it does), if not we will go with what they have. Even if there's a little more latency, at least the file metadata is safe

File sync

  • We will use BitTorrent with transport layer over QUIC and using zero-copy, the speeds would be incredible I would imagine. This combination would be perfect as we have replicated shards, and as one node could read from several ones, BitTorrent protocol makes sense. I didn't found something like this implemented in Rust so it's a good starting project
  • I find deduplication very interesting and practical, heard about it in context of borgbackup (which I actively use to backup my files), which does inter-files deduplication. Given our service would store many files deduplication could have a major impact. Or course it would reduce the speed but it could be optional. Maybe an interesting idea would be to deduplicate only files which are rarely used, or some of the replicas only
  • Compression is also useful. LZ4 I see it's very used nowadays and it's quite fast with reasonable compression ratio. Alternatives are xz, LZMA, 7z, lzo (it's very fast from what I read). A benchmark
  • Some could want the content to be encrypted. For that we're thinking to use rencfs, which could be a good fit for this, and would benefit from the needed enhancements


  • Will use Grafana solutions and Prometheus for monitoring, logs, tracing and metrics.


  • AWS EKS would be a good fit for this. Had only good experience with k8s and I recommend it.

Cluster management

  • First will need a CLI to manage the cluster
  • Then will expose a REST API for more flexible management. We can use Keycloak for authentication with OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 for authorization. An S3-Compatible API would be great
  • gRPC service would be great
  • Thinking it would be practical to offer a FUSE interface to mount given parts of the cluster directly into OS and work with the filesystem. This would require a desktop app or at least a daemon. We will expose over NFS too
  • We could also have a webapp and have mobile apps to manage the cluster and access the files
  • Files would be grouped by tenant and user, so we could model something like S3, Google Drive, Dropbox but also Hadoop like

Tech stack

We'll build it mostly in Rust and maybe with a bit of Java if really needed for Spark and Flink and Python for Airflow.

Scope             | Solution
REST API, gRPC    | axum, tonic
Websocket         | tokio-tungstenite
Metadata DB       | SurrealDB, CockroachDB
Config            | ZooKeeper, ClickHouse Keeper, kRaft, etcd
Browser app       | egui, wasi, wasm-bindgen, rencfs
Desktop app       | egui, mainline, transmission_rs, 
                  | cratetorrent/rqbit,
                  | quinn, rencfs, pgp, fuse3
Local app mobile  | Kotlin Multiplatform
Sync daemon       | tokio, rencfs, mainline, transmission_rs,
                  | cratetorrent/rqbit, quinn
Use Kafka         | rdkafka
Keycloak          | axum-keycloak-auth (in app token verificaton) or
                  | Keycloak Gatekeeper
                  | (reverse proxy in front of the services)
Event Bus         | Kafka, Pulsar, RabbitMQ
Streaming         | Flink
processor         |
File storage      | RAID, ext4
Search and        | ELK, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Airflow
Analytics         |
Identity Provider | Keycloak
Cache             | Redis
Deploy            | Amazon EKS
Metrics           | Prometheus and Grafana Mimir
Tracing           | Prometheus and Grafana Tempo
Logs              | Grafana Loki
