released this
15 Oct 12:39
117 commits
to main
since this release
Well, this is my first formalization/gathering of codes that I have been implementing, maintaining and using from 2004 to 2021.
- Symmetric ciphers: arc4, seal, rabbit, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, des, 3des, 3des-ede, idea, rc2, rc5, rc6-128, rc6-192, rc6-256, feal, cast5, camellia-128, camellia-192, camellia-256, safer-k64, blowfish, serpent, tea, xtea, misty1, mars-128, mars-192, mars-256, present-80, present-128, shacal-1, shacal-2, noekeon, noekeon (direct key), gost (with DES s-boxes), gost.
- Supported block ciphers mode: ecb, cbc, ofb, ctr, gcm.
- Hashes: sha-1, sha-224, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512, sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384, sha3-512, keccak-224, keccak-256, keccak-384, keccak-512, md4, md5, ripemd-128, ripemd-160, tiger, whirlpool, blake2s256, blake2b512, blake2sN (variable output length), blake2bN (variable output length).
- HMAC: yes.
- PK: dh, ecdh, rsa, rsa/oaep, rsa/emsapss, elgamal, elgamal/oaep, dsa, ecdsa.
- Supported standard elliptic curves: BrainPoolP160R1, BrainPoolP160T1, BrainPoolP192R1, BrainPoolP192T1, BrainPoolP224R1, BrainPoolP224T1, BrainPoolP256R1, BrainPoolP256T1, BrainPoolP320R1, BrainPoolP320T1, BrainPoolP384R1, BrainPoolP384T1, BrainPoolP512R1, BrainPoolP512T1.
- KDFs: hkdf, pbkdf2, argon2 (version 19).
- Bcrypt: yes.
- Extra features: base64 and uuencode, huffman compression, pem encoding conveniences, ram swap avoidance, libc memory functions hooking avoidance, data wiping on freeing memory, unbiased random values from ranges, fortuna prng besides the default use of the system's csprng.
- Able to be used from user or kernel mode (watch the current kernel support).
- Supported kernels: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and Windows.
- Supported toolchains: gcc, clang and microsoft visual c (2019).
- License: GPLv2.
- None! 🥇