#NubbleApp This project is made in React Native CLI as part of the Coffstack course.
-Technologies and Libraries -Installation -File Structure -Screenshots
- React Native
- Typescript
- Restyle
- React Navigation
- TanStack Query v3
- Zustand
- Axios
- React Hook Form
- Zod
- Jest
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/rafaelteicas/nubbleapp
Project directory
cd project
Install dependencies
npm install or yarn
├─ __mocks__ ## Mock async storage
├─ .husky ## Husky lib for pre-commit hook
├─ coverage ## Coverage from jest library
├─ src ## Source code from project
├─ api ## Api calls
├─ assets
├─ brand ## Brand design
├─ components ## Components from UI
├─ domain ## The scope and context of application
├─ hooks ## Custom hooks
├─ infra ## The infrastructure of application
├─ routes ## Routes from application (BottomTab, Stack)
├─ screens ## Screens are divided by AuthStack and AppStack
├─ services ## The services from application
├─ test ## Jest setup and utils
├─ theme ## Theme config with Restyle lib
├─ types
├─ utils
├─ App.tsx ## Entry point with the providers
├─ jest.config.js
├─ tsconfig.json ## Config of typescript and absolute paths
├─ babel.config.js ## Babel and absolute paths
AuthStack | AppStack |