This app was created on Rocketseat course and was build to improve the ReactJS advanced concepts, like, useCallback, memo and useMemo, and more about modals and accessibility. It's resume the best options to api RESTFUll request from frontend to backend. Language: Typescript, some libs: Axios, Styled Components, Radix-UI, React hook form and more.
This project is the third part of Rocketseat ReactJs course with i am using to stay solid with the most actual and best practices on frontend projects. This project simulate a wallet in a bank account with transactions options and monetary balance.
You can clone the project and start on your local host or open the site hospeded here
git clone
Install Dependencies
npm i
Start Server
npm run dev
The browser will remote open on the local link on port 5173 (usually in Vite projects). Exemple .:
- You can see the list of transactions received from API.
- You can add new transactions by click on "New Transaction" button.
- HTML - Markup Language
- Styled Components - CSS Superset
- Typescript - Javascript with super powers language
- ReactJS - Javascript Superset Library
- Vite - Next Generation Frontend Tooling
- @raferdev - build
- @rocketseat - idea