I'm Raphaël, a software engineer student @HolbertonSchool in Paris, France 🇫🇷
During my first year at Holberton School, i worked mainly with C, Python, J.S language, and bash scripting. Thus i'm comfortable with C and Linux but also in Front development as i was Webdesigner / webmaster before.
I recreatied printf function and Linuix Shell with two different groups. Thanks to the school learning approach, we learned to work collaboratively, in persoon and remotely.
Throught the 2nd and 3rd trimester, we worked with different team on remote on AirBnB clone project, witch is a simple copy to the original plateform. This BIG project is divided into two parts : The front-end from scratch and the backend part using Python3, MySQL database, Flask as web framework and API calls.
Then i spent 5 month in a Montreal, Canada as a React Native software developper. I worked on the developpement of a Ios & Android APP for a energy independent smart home.
Link to the project :
- Designer language — research
- Portfolio Project : MERN Social media
- What happens when you type google.com in your browser and press Enter
- Recursion and how it works on the stack.