Please note that doing trial Reset is not fair and legal process.The company and its developers have put in a lot of effort and money to create such software.It is better to show them the support by buying the full version. By using this software you are agreeing to the fact that me(the developer) will not be responsible for any damage or issues(both legal and Non-legal) casued by the user using this software.
Please make sure that you have the Adobe Acrobat installed in the default directory created by the software which is normally "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe" for both 64 and 32 bit Architecture systems.If it is not then the program won't be able to do the task, which is a limitation of my program.
- Close your Adobe acrobat pro
- Run the '.exe' file and extract files to a folder
- Run the 'Acrobat Pro Trial Resetter.exe' file in the extracted folder (Make sure that the software is runnning in administrative mode)
- Click on Reset Trial button
- Click on 'Ok' in the following popup window wait for few seconds until the other popup window with title 'SERIAL NUMEBER UPDATED'.
- That's all, Enjoy!!!!!