Local equilibrium to GX/GS2 interface
This script creates a local Miller equilibrium for Tokamaks and generates all the relevant data needed for a gyrofluid calculation with GX or a gyrokinetic calculation with GS2 of that equilibrium.
For the moment:
- the code only works with Miller(up-down symmetric) equilibria
- there is no algorithm to handle more than 2 magnetic wells. Non-trivial to add arbitrary wells. See Jessica Baumgaertel's thesis(FIGG code).
- only kx = 0 data can be generated. Not hard to generalize.
- there is no guarantee that the local equilibrium is MHD stable. Difficult.
- Non-circular, finite aspect ratio, local equilibrium model R. L. Miller et al.
- Construction of local axisymmetric MHD equilibria C.M. Bishop
- [Mercier C and Luc N 1974 Technical Report Commission of the European Communities Report No EUR-5127e 140 Brussels]