Singly Linked List implmentation in c.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "data_structure/singly_linked_list.h"
typedef struct
int id;
char* name;
} data_t;
// The format function to print the data.
void format(void* data) {
data_t* d = data;
printf("{ %d, %s }", d->id, d->name);
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
// create a new list where each item is a `data_t`. The first
// argument is the size of the data and the second argument is
// a custom free function.
owl_sll_t* list = owl_sll_init(sizeof(data_t), NULL);
// Here we'll load some data into the list. Insert operations performs a copy of the data.
owl_sll_finsert(list, &(data_t){ .id=1, .name="Alice" });
owl_sll_finsert(list, &(data_t){ .id=2, .name="Bob" });
// Print function takes in a custom format function that will
// print the data. The last argument is a optional symbol that
// will be used to represent connection between two nodes.
owl_sll_print(list, format, "-");
// returns the pointer to the data on the heap.
data_t *data = owl_sll_fremove(list);
// free the data when we are done.
printf("length: %zu\n", owl_sll_length(list));
// deallocate resources
/* Ouput
{ 2, Bob } - { 1, Alice } - END
length: 1
owl_sll_init # allocate a new linked list
owl_sll_free # free the linked list
owl_sll_finsert # forward insert a new node
owl_sll_binsert # backward insert a new node
owl_sll_fremove # remove and return a node's data from forward
owl_sll_bremove # remove and return a node's data from backward
owl_sll_print # print the list
owl_sll_head # get a pointer to the head
owl_sll_tail # get a pointer to the tail
owl_sll_length # get the current length
owl_sll_t *owl_sll_init(size_t el_size, void (*el_free)(void *data)); // return a handle to the list.
void owl_sll_free(owl_sll_t *list);
void owl_sll_binsert(owl_sll_t *list, void *data);
void *owl_sll_bremove(owl_sll_t *list);
void owl_sll_finsert(owl_sll_t *list, void *data);
void *owl_sll_fremove(owl_sll_t *list);
void owl_sll_print(owl_sll_t *list, void (*format)(void *data), char *connection_sym);
// Getters
owl_sll_node_t *owl_sll_head(owl_sll_t *list);
owl_sll_node_t *owl_sll_tail(owl_sll_t *list);
size_t owl_sll_length(owl_sll_t *list);