The contents of this repository are my personal webpage files. I thought it better to host my site on github than on some paid service or on a college machine. And it looks cool having a address :D
features implemented so far -
- style sheets corresponding to the menu bar being on the left, right, top and bottom of the web page.
- style sheet giving a two column/checkered layout to the webpage.
- date and time of update.
- font and color combinations.
- converted npx to n% on main stylesheet, to be done on the rest!
- making a list of good fonts, a never-ending process!
- added research pages corresponding to ATSOA, POS. Need to add intern research pages!
- border around the content and links. I'm satisfied with the overall design now.
- background image - subtlebackground, grey.
- the first of the css exercises on codeschool are done, the rest are behind a paywall. talks about html attributes aside, article. Also checkout the new html attributes in html5!
- currently using sawasdee on the webpage, set starry background image and white for text/image. more changes (to links!)?
- the star wars themed text scroller implemented. reference
- removed redundant left/right & top/bottom css file copies and added them as comments at the end of the css files.
- created div code for code blocks. see git routine blog post for example. although problems exist between parent and child div!
- implemented rounded edges using border-radius
- added rocket.png file as the head shortcut image. found here
- manually added time stamps on posts
- @media css queries can be used to modidfy css depending on screen size - mobile or desktop!
- height of encompass div temporarily solved using overflow = auto which creates a scroll option inside the div instead of on the page!
to be implemented -
- how to fill boxes with text to the end using apostaphies instead of full words being skipped to the next sentence - using css regions and css exclusions refer to the tutorial here
- use a terminal themed site which can access files using ls/more/less/cd etc similar to the one found here
- add a projects page where i mention the side projects i work on or a page similar to what sanjith has where he talks about his side projects!
learning excersises -
- animated tiles in javascript, for the shaastra landing page and for my checkered page. ex1 - completely tiled page where the tiles rotate on mouseover. ex2 - tiles in the checkered page which act rotate on mouse over and act as links to relevant pages.
- bootstrap!
some interesting fonts to use are -
- verdana is too fat. arial is too thick
- times new roman is just bleh and not cambria either
- courier new is typical!
- Palatino linotype is ohkay
- segoe print/script are interesting and gabriola is a fancy font
- consolas is terminal font and so is corbel! :D...
- candara is awesome and trebuchet just close to perfection.
- Source Sans Pro and Old Standard TT
- Rockwell, Roboto, Raleway, PT Sans, Open Sans, Gill Sans
- Exo, Futura, Droid Sans, Coustard, Cabin, Arvo, Bitter
- dejavu, droid, freemono, freesans, sawasdee - fonts that work.
I should learn how to install and use new fonts and check out some of the fonts available here, here and here.
and some interesting colors to choose are -
- #FFFFFA, #00D9FF, #FF9933, #FFCC66
- #99CCFF, #0099CC, #29A3A3
- #CCFFFF, #669999 W3color picker page is a good reference.
for help with markdown, refer to the mastering markdown guide by github.