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🛍️ Online Shopping Platform - gRPC Implementation 🛒

🌐 Overview

This project implements an Online Shopping Platform using gRPC, allowing communication between a central marketplace, sellers, and buyers. The platform is designed to demonstrate the practical application of gRPC in a distributed system where different components interact over a network. It uses Protocol Buffers for efficient data serialization.

🧩 Components

  • 🏪 Market (Central Platform): Central node for handling all operations related to item listings, seller and buyer registrations, and notifications.
  • 👩‍💼 Seller (Client): Clients that interact with the Market to manage their items (add, update, delete) and receive notifications about item purchases.
  • 👨‍💼 Buyer (Client): Clients that search for, buy items, add items to a wishlist, and rate items. Buyers also receive notifications when wish-listed items are updated.

📚 Dependencies

  • Python 3.x 🐍
  • gRPC and gRPC tools 🛠️
  • Protocol Buffers (proto3) 📦

💻 Installation

Before running the application, ensure you have Python and pip installed. Then, install the required Python packages:

pip install grpcio grpcio-tools

📁 Files Description

  • marketplace.proto: Contains Protocol Buffers message definitions and the service API for the marketplace.
  • Implements the server side of the marketplace service.
  • Client script for seller operations.
  • Client script for buyer operations.

📝 marketplace.proto Overview

This file defines the structure of data and services used across the platform, facilitating communication between the marketplace server and the clients (sellers and buyers).

  • Enum Category: Defines categories for items (ELECTRONICS, FASHION, OTHERS, ANY) to help in filtering search results.
  • Message Item: Represents an item with fields for ID, name, category, description, quantity, price, rating, and seller address.
  • Message SellerRegistration: Used for registering a seller with the marketplace, containing a UUID and notification port.
  • Message ItemManagement: For adding, updating, and deleting items, including a UUID for seller identification and an Item message.
  • Message BuyerOperation: Supports buyer operations like searching, buying, wishlisting, and rating items, with fields for item ID, quantity, category, rating, item name, and notification port.
  • Message Response: A generic response message containing a result message (e.g., SUCCESS, FAIL).
  • Message Notification: For sending notifications with an Item message and a custom message.
  • Service MarketplaceService and NotificationService: Define RPC methods for the marketplace operations and notification delivery, respectively.

📚 Functions

This script implements the server-side logic of the marketplace, handling requests from both sellers and buyers.

  • Class MarketplaceService: Implements the marketplace service defined in the marketplace.proto.
    • RegisterSeller: Registers a new seller with their UUID and notification port.
    • SellItem: Allows sellers to list a new item for sale.
    • UpdateItem: Sellers can update details of their listed items.
    • DeleteItem: Sellers can remove their listed items from the marketplace.
    • DisplaySellerItems: Lists all items a seller has put up for sale.
    • SearchItem: Allows buyers to search for items by name and/or category.
    • BuyItem: Buyers can purchase items, which also updates the item's quantity.
    • AddToWishList: Buyers can add items to a wishlist to receive updates.
    • RateItem: Buyers can rate items.
  • send_notification: A utility function to send notifications to clients using their notification service.

📚 Functions

This script represents the seller client, allowing interaction with the marketplace for item management and receiving notifications.

  • Class SellerClient: Encapsulates seller operations.
    • register_seller: Registers the seller with the marketplace.
    • sell_item: Lists a new item for sale.
    • update_item: Updates details of a listed item.
    • delete_item: Removes an item from the marketplace.
    • display_seller_items: Displays all items listed by the seller.
  • Class NotificationService: Handles incoming notifications for the seller.
  • start_notification_server: Starts a gRPC server to listen for notifications.

📚 Functions

This script represents the buyer client, enabling searching, buying, wishlisting, and rating items, along with receiving notifications.

  • Class BuyerClient: Encapsulates buyer operations.
    • search_item: Searches for items based on name and/or category.
    • buy_item: Purchases an item.
    • add_to_wishlist: Adds an item to the wishlist.
    • rate_item: Rates an item.
  • Class NotificationService: Handles incoming notifications for the buyer.
  • start_notification_server: Starts a gRPC server to listen for notifications.

📣 Notification Service

Both seller and buyer scripts include a simple notification service, running on a separate thread, to display real-time updates and notifications related to item transactions and updates.

🚀 Running the Application

  1. Compile the .proto file into Python files 📝
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. marketplace.proto

This will generate and files that are required for the server and client scripts.

  1. Start the Central Platform: 🏪
  1. Start a Seller Client: 👩‍💼

Open a new terminal window and run:


Follow the prompts to perform seller operations.

  1. Start a Buyer Client: 👨‍💼

Open another terminal window and run:


Follow the prompts to perform buyer operations.

Note: 📝 Replace any placeholder paths, IP addresses, or ports with actual values used in your environment. This readme assumes that the,, and scripts are located in the same directory and are run from the command line.