Utility library to help test the json schemas created by sequelize-to-json-schema
npm install --save-dev sequelize-to-json-schema-tester
const TestHelper = require('sequelize-to-json-schema-tester');
const SchemaFactory = require('sequelize-to-json-schema');
const Models = // your sequelize models;
const associations = { users: { profile: 'ref', friends: 'ref', address: 'inline' } };
const virtualProperties = {
users: {
followers: { type: 'INTEGER' },
const factory = new SchemaFactory({ associations, virtualProperties, hrefBase: '//myurl' });
const helper = TestHelper.getTestHelper(Models.subscriptions, factory.options);
describe('User schema endpoint', () => {
let response;
before(() => {
response = get('/myapi/schema/users.json');
it('describes all properties', () => {
const allProperties = [
'name', // An actual attribute of the model
'followers', // A virtual attribute not on the model but calculated
// Assert that the schema contains all expected attributes
helper.assertProperties(response, allProperties);
it('describes all associations', () => {
// Assert that all associations are present in the schema
helper.assertAssociations(response, ['profile', 'friends', 'address']);
it('fully describes all properties and associations', () => {
// Will recursively look through all inline associations
it('looks like an example json', () => {
const exampleUser = {
name: 'Gerald',
followers: 3,
helper.assertAllExampleFields(response, exampleUser);
Asserts that the schema contains all of the properties in the array of properties given. It ignores any properties present in the schema that are not in the array of property names to check
This checks that all the properties in the response are fully described. By default, this means checking that each property includes id, description, title, type and examples (It will still pass if any of these are empty strings/arrays)
For properties that are objects or arrays, it will check the nested elements within them
This allows for a quick check by passing an example object and verifying that the schema describes that object.
Associations is an array of strings being the property names of expected associations Checks that those associations are described and that they are appropriately described by either $ref or described inline depending on the settings passed to the SchemaFactory