This is the documentation for the older VaultSharp 0.6.x version. A lot has changed in the latest VaultSharp versions. Please see Latest VaultSharp Docs for the latest docs.
- VaultSharp is a C# Library that can be used in any .NET application to interact with Hashicorp's Vault Service.
- The Vault system is a secret management system built as an Http Service by Hashicorp.
- This library supports all the Vault Service Apis documented here:
- This library is written for Hashicorp's Vault Service
- The Vault service is evolving constantly and the Hashicorp team is rapidly working on it.
- Pretty soon, they should have an 1.0.0 version of the Vault Service from Hashicorp.
- Because this client library is intended to facilititate the Vault Service operations, this library makes it easier for its consumers to relate to the Vault service it supports.
- Hence a version of 0.6.1 denotes that this library will completely support the Vault 0.6.1 Service Apis.
- Tomorrow when Vault Service gets upgraded to 0.6.2, this library will be modified accordingly and versioned as 0.6.2
- Add a Nuget reference from here:
- Instantiate a IVaultClient as follows:
// instantiate VaultClient with one of the various authentication options available.
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, authenticationInfo);
// use it for operations.
var consulCredentials = await vaultClient.ConsulGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(consulRoleName, consulMountPoint);
var consulToken = consulCredentials.Data.Token;
- All Authentication, Secret and Audit backends are supported by this library.
- All administrative (seal, unseal, write policy), end-user (generate credentials) and unauthenticated methods (get status, get root CA) are supported by this client.
- VaultSharp supports all the secret backends supported by the Vault 0.6.1 Service.
- This includes 100% support for a Consul Secret backend, which is the recommended secret backend for Vault.
- Please look at the API usage in the 'Consul' section of 'Secret Backends' below, to see all the Consul related methods in action.
- The generic READ/WRITE Apis of vault allow you to do a variety of operations.
- A lot or almost all of these operations are supported in a strongly typed manner with dedicated methods for them in this library.
- However, for some reason, if you want to use the generic READ and WRITE methods of Vault, you can use them as follows:
var path = "cubbyhole/foo/test";
var secretData = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"1", "1"},
{"2", 2},
{"3", false},
await vaultClient.WriteSecretAsync(path, secretData);
var secret = await vaultClient.ReadSecretAsync(path);
var data = secret.Data; // this is the original dictionary back.
- Absolutely. VaultSharp is a .NET Library.
- This means, apart from using it in your C#, VB.NET, J#.NET and any .NET application, you can use it in PowerShell automation as well.
- Load up the DLL in your PowerShell code and execute the methods. PowerShell can totally work with .NET Dlls.
- The methods are async as the defacto implementation. The recommended usage.
- However, there are innumerable scenarios where you would continue to want to use it synchronously.
- For all those cases, there are various options available to you.
- There is a lot of discussion around the right usage, avoiding deadlocks etc.
- This library allows you to set the 'continueAsyncTasksOnCapturedContext' option when you initialize the client.
- It is an optional parameter and defaults to 'false'
- Setting it to false, allows you to access the .Result property of the task with reduced/zero deadlock issues.
- There are other ways as well to invoke it synchronously, and I leave it to the users of the library. (Task.Run etc.)
- But please note that as much as possible, use it in an async manner.
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, authenticationInfo, continueAsyncTasksOnCapturedContext: true);
var consulSecret = vaultClient.ConsulGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(consulRole).Result;
- VaultSharp supports all the authentication backends supported by the Vault Service 0.4.0
- Here is a sample to instantiate the vault client with each of the authentication backends.
- Please note that the app-id auth backend has been deprecated by Vault. They recommend us to use the AppRole backend.
- VaultSharp still lets you use the app-id Apis, for backward compatibility.
- You can use the strongly typed api's to configure the appid and userid as follows.
// Configure app-id roles and users as follows.
await AdminVaultClient.AppIdAuthenticationConfigureAppId(appId, policy.Name, appId, path);
await AdminVaultClient.AppIdAuthenticationConfigureUserId(userId, appId, authenticationPath: path);
// now, setup the app-id based auth to get the right token.
IAuthenticationInfo appIdAuthenticationInfo = new AppIdAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, appId, userId);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, appIdAuthenticationInfo);
// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the app id and user id.
// setup the AppRole based auth to get the right token.
IAuthenticationInfo appRoleAuthenticationInfo = new AppRoleAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, roleId, secretId);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, appRoleAuthenticationInfo);
// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the app role and secret id.
// setup the AWS-EC2 based auth to get the right token.
IAuthenticationInfo awsEc2AuthenticationInfo = new AwcEc2AuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, pkcs7, nonce, roleName);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, awsEc2AuthenticationInfo);
// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the aws-ec2 role
IAuthenticationInfo gitHubAuthenticationInfo = new GitHubAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, personalAccessToken);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, gitHubAuthenticationInfo);
// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the github token.
IAuthenticationInfo ldapAuthenticationInfo = new LDAPAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, username, password);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, ldapAuthenticationInfo);
// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the LDAP username and password.
var clientCertificate = new X509Certificate2(certificatePath, certificatePassword, X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet);
IAuthenticationInfo certificateAuthenticationInfo = new CertificateAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, clientCertificate);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, certificateAuthenticationInfo);
// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the client certificate.
IAuthenticationInfo tokenAuthenticationInfo = new TokenAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, vaultToken);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, tokenAuthenticationInfo);
// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the vault token.
IAuthenticationInfo usernamePasswordAuthenticationInfo = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationInfo(mountPoint, username, password);
IVaultClient vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(vaultUriWithPort, usernamePasswordAuthenticationInfo);
// any operations done using the vaultClient will use the vault token/policies mapped to the username/password.
- VaultSharp supports all the secret backends supported by the Vault Service 0.4.0
- Here is a sample to instantiate the vault client with each of the secret backends.
// mount the backend
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(new SecretBackend
BackendType = SecretBackendType.AWS
// configure root credentials to create/manage roles and generate credentials
await vaultClient.AWSConfigureRootCredentialsAsync(new AWSRootCredentials
AccessKey = "access-key",
SecretKey = "secret-key",
Region = "region"
// create a named role with the IAM policy
await vaultClient.AWSWriteNamedRoleAsync("myAwsRole", new AWSRoleDefinition
Policy = "iam-policy-contents"
var awsCredentials = await vaultClient.AWSGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync("myAwsRole");
var awsAccessKey = awsCredentials.Data.AccessKey;
var awsSecretKey = awsCredentials.Data.SecretKey;
// mount the backend
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(new SecretBackend
BackendType = SecretBackendType.Cassandra
// configure root connection info to create/manage roles and generate credentials
await vaultClient.CassandraConfigureConnectionAsync(new CassandraConnectionInfo
Hosts = "hosts",
Username = "username",
Password = "password"
// create a named role
await vaultClient.CassandraWriteNamedRoleAsync("myCassandraRole", new CassandraRoleDefinition
CreationCql = "csql"
var cassandraCredentials = await vaultClient.CassandraGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync("myCassandraRole");
var cassandraUsername = cassandraCredentials.Data.Username;
var cassandraPassword = cassandraCredentials.Data.Password;
// mount the backend
var consulAddress = "";
var consulAclMasterToken = "raja";
var backend = new SecretBackend
BackendType = SecretBackendType.Consul,
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);
// configure access to Consul and create roles
var consulRole = "consulRole";
await vaultClient.ConsulConfigureAccessAsync(new ConsulAccessInfo()
AddressWithPort = consulAddress,
ManagementToken = consulAclMasterToken
// create a named role
await vaultClient.ConsulWriteNamedRoleAsync(consulRole, new ConsulRoleDefinition()
TokenType =,
var readRole = await vaultClient.ConsulReadNamedRoleAsync(consulRole);
Assert.Equal(, readRole.Data.TokenType);
var consulCredentials = await vaultClient.ConsulGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(consulRole);
var consulToken = consulCredentials.Data.Token;
await vaultClient.ConsulDeleteNamedRoleAsync(consulRole);
await vaultClient.UnmountSecretBackendAsync(SecretBackendType.Consul.Type);
var path = "cubbyhole/foo1/foo2";
var values = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"foo", "bar"},
{"foo2", 345 }
await vaultClient.CubbyholeWriteSecretAsync(path, values);
var readValues = await vaultClient.CubbyholeReadSecretAsync(path);
var data = readValues.Data; // gives back the dictionary
await vaultClient.CubbyholeDeleteSecretAsync(path);
var mountpoint = "secret" + Guid.NewGuid();
var path = mountpoint + "/foo1/blah2";
var values = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"foo", "bar"},
{"foo2", 345 }
vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(new SecretBackend()
BackendType = SecretBackendType.Generic,
MountPoint = mountpoint
await vaultClient.GenericWriteSecretAsync(path, values);
var readValues = await vaultClient.GenericReadSecretAsync(path);
var data = readValues.Data; // gives back the dictionary
await vaultClient.GenericDeleteSecretAsync(path);
// mount the backend
var mountPoint = "mongodb" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
MountPoint = mountPoint,
BackendType = SecretBackendType.MongoDB,
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);
// configure root connection info to create/manage roles and generate credentials
var mongoDbConnectionInfo = new MongoDbConnectionInfo
ConnectionStringUri = "mongodb://root:password@"
await vaultClient.MongoDbConfigureConnectionAsync(mongoDbConnectionInfo, mountPoint);
var lease = new CredentialTimeToLiveSettings
TimeToLive = "1m1s",
MaximumTimeToLive = "2m1s"
await vaultClient.MongoDbConfigureCredentialLeaseSettingsAsync(lease);
// create a named role
var roleName = "mongodb-role";
var role = new MongoDbRoleDefinition
Database = "admin",
Roles = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new object[] { "readWrite", new { role = "read", db = "bar" } })
await vaultClient.MongoDbWriteNamedRoleAsync(roleName, role);
var queriedRole = await vaultClient.MongoDbReadNamedRoleAsync(roleName);
var generatedCreds = await vaultClient.MongoDbGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(roleName, mountPoint);
var username = generatedCreds.Data.Username;
var password = generatedCreds.Data.Password;
// mount the backend
var mountPoint = "mssql" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
MountPoint = mountPoint,
BackendType = SecretBackendType.MicrosoftSql,
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);
// configure root connection info to create/manage roles and generate credentials
var microsoftSqlConnectionInfo = new MicrosoftSqlConnectionInfo
ConnectionString = "server=localhost\sqlexpress;port=1433;user id=sa;password=****;database=master;app name=vault",
MaximumOpenConnections = 5,
VerifyConnection = true
await vaultClient.MicrosoftSqlConfigureConnectionAsync(microsoftSqlConnectionInfo, mountPoint);
var lease = new CredentialTtlSettings()
TimeToLive = "1m1s",
MaximumTimeToLive = "2m1s"
await vaultClient.MicrosoftSqlConfigureCredentialLeaseSettingsAsync(lease, mountPoint);
// create a named role
var roleName = "msssqlrole";
var role = new MicrosoftSqlRoleDefinition
Sql = "CREATE LOGIN '[{{name}}]' WITH PASSWORD = '{{password}}'; USE master; CREATE USER '[{{name}}]' FOR LOGIN '[{{name}}]'; GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo TO '[{{name}}]'"
await vaultClient.MicrosoftSqlWriteNamedRoleAsync(roleName, role, mountPoint);
var queriedRole = await vaultClient.MicrosoftSqlReadNamedRoleAsync(roleName, mountPoint);
var msSqlCredentials = await vaultClient.MicrosoftSqlGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(roleName, backend.MountPoint);
var msSqlUsername = msSqlCredentials.Data.Username;
var msSqlPassword = msSqlCredentials.Data.Password;
// mount the backend
var mountPoint = "mysql" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
MountPoint = mountPoint,
BackendType = SecretBackendType.MySql,
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);
// configure root connection info to create/manage roles and generate credentials
await vaultClient.MySqlConfigureConnectionAsync(new MySqlConnectionInfo()
DataSourceName = "root:root@tcp("
}, mountPoint);
var sql = "CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO '{{name}}'@'%';";
await vaultClient.MySqlConfigureCredentialLeaseSettingsAsync(new CredentialLeaseSettings()
LeaseDuration = "1h",
MaximumLeaseDuration = "2h"
}, mountPoint);
// create a named role
var mySqlRole = "mysql-readonly-role";
await vaultClient.MySqlWriteNamedRoleAsync(mySqlRole, new MySqlRoleDefinition()
Sql = sql
}, mountPoint);
var readRole = await vaultClient.MySqlReadNamedRoleAsync(mySqlRole, mountPoint);
var roleSql = readRole.Data.Sql;
var mySqlCredentials = await vaultClient.MySqlGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(mySqlRole, backend.MountPoint);
var mySqlUsername = mySqlCredentials.Data.Username;
var mySqlPassword = mySqlCredentials.Data.Password;
// mount the backend
var mountpoint = "pki" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
BackendType = SecretBackendType.PKI,
MountPoint = mountpoint
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);
// write expiry
var expiry = "124h";
var commonName = "";
await vaultClient.PKIWriteCRLExpirationAsync(expiry, mountpoint);
var readExpiry = await vaultClient.PKIReadCRLExpirationAsync(mountpoint);
Assert.Equal(expiry, readExpiry.Data.Expiry);
// read certificate in various ways
var nocaCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCACertificateAsync(CertificateFormat.pem, mountpoint);
// generate root certificate
var rootCertificateWithoutPrivateKey =
await vaultClient.PKIGenerateRootCACertificateAsync(new RootCertificateRequestOptions
CommonName = commonName,
ExportPrivateKey = false
}, mountpoint);
var rootCertificate =
await vaultClient.PKIGenerateRootCACertificateAsync(new RootCertificateRequestOptions
CommonName = commonName,
ExportPrivateKey = true
}, mountpoint);
// read certificate in various ways
var caCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCACertificateAsync(CertificateFormat.pem, mountpoint);
var caReadCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCertificateAsync("ca", mountpoint);
Assert.Equal(caCert.CertificateContent, caReadCert.Data.CertificateContent);
var caSerialNumberReadCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCertificateAsync(rootCertificate.Data.SerialNumber, mountpoint);
Assert.Equal(caCert.CertificateContent, caSerialNumberReadCert.Data.CertificateContent);
var crlCert = await vaultClient.PKIReadCertificateAsync("crl", mountpoint);
var crlCert2 = await vaultClient.PKIReadCRLCertificateAsync(CertificateFormat.pem, mountpoint);
// write and read certificate endpoints
var crlEndpoint = _vaultUri.AbsoluteUri + "/v1/" + mountpoint + "/crl";
var issuingEndpoint = _vaultUri.AbsoluteUri + "/v1/" + mountpoint + "/ca";
var endpoints = new CertificateEndpointOptions
CRLDistributionPointEndpoints = string.Join(",", new List<string> { crlEndpoint }),
IssuingCertificateEndpoints = string.Join(",", new List<string> { issuingEndpoint }),
await vaultClient.PKIWriteCertificateEndpointsAsync(endpoints, mountpoint);
var readEndpoints = await vaultClient.PKIReadCertificateEndpointsAsync(mountpoint);
Assert.Equal(crlEndpoint, readEndpoints.Data.CRLDistributionPointEndpoints.First());
Assert.Equal(issuingEndpoint, readEndpoints.Data.IssuingCertificateEndpoints.First());
// rotate CRL
var rotate = await vaultClient.PKIRotateCRLAsync(mountpoint);
await vaultClient.RevokeSecretAsync(rootCertificateWithoutPrivateKey.LeaseId);
// Create new Role
var roleName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var role = new CertificateRoleDefinition
AllowedDomains = "",
AllowSubdomains = true,
MaximumTimeToLive = "72h",
await vaultClient.PKIWriteNamedRoleAsync(roleName, role, mountpoint);
var readRole = await vaultClient.PKIReadNamedRoleAsync(roleName, mountpoint);
Assert.Equal(role.AllowedDomains, readRole.Data.AllowedDomains);
var certificateCredentials =
new CertificateCredentialsRequestOptions
CommonName = commonName,
CertificateFormat = CertificateFormat.pem
}, mountpoint);
var privateKey = certificateCredentials.Data.PrivateKey;
// mount the backend
var mountPoint = "postgresql" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
MountPoint = mountPoint,
BackendType = SecretBackendType.PostgreSql,
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);
await vaultClient.PostgreSqlConfigureCredentialLeaseSettingsAsync(new CredentialLeaseSettings()
LeaseDuration = "1h",
MaximumLeaseDuration = "2h"
}, mountPoint);
// configure root connection info to create/manage roles and generate credentials
await vaultClient.PostgreSqlConfigureConnectionAsync(new PostgreSqlConnectionInfo
ConnectionString = "con_string",
MaximumOpenConnections = 5
}, mountPoint);
var sql = "CREATE ROLE \"{{name}}\" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '{{password}}' VALID UNTIL '{{expiration}}'; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO \"{{name}}\";";
// create a named role
var postgreSqlRole = "postgresql-readonly-role";
await vaultClient.PostgreSqlWriteNamedRoleAsync(postgreSqlRole, new PostgreSqlRoleDefinition()
Sql = sql
}, mountPoint);
var readRole = await vaultClient.PostgreSqlReadNamedRoleAsync(postgreSqlRole, mountPoint);
Assert.Equal(sql, readRole.Data.Sql);
var postgreSqlCredentials = await vaultClient.PostgreSqlGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(postgreSqlRole, backend.MountPoint);
// mount the backend
await vaultClient.QuickMountSecretBackendAsync(SecretBackendType.RabbitMQ);
// configure root connection info to create/manage roles and generate credentials
var connectionInfo = new RabbitMQConnectionInfo
ConnectionUri = "http://localhost:15672",
Username = "guest",
Password = "guest",
VerifyConnection = true
await vaultClient.RabbitMQConfigureConnectionAsync(connectionInfo);
var lease = new CredentialTimeToLiveSettings
TimeToLive = "1m1s",
MaximumTimeToLive = "2m1s"
await vaultClient.RabbitMQConfigureCredentialLeaseSettingsAsync(lease);
var queriedLease = await vaultClient.RabbitMQReadCredentialLeaseSettingsAsync();
var roleName = "rabbitmqrole";
var role = new RabbitMQRoleDefinition
VirtualHostPermissions = "{\"/\":{\"write\": \".*\", \"read\": \".*\"}}"
await vaultClient.RabbitMQWriteNamedRoleAsync(roleName, role);
var queriedRole = await vaultClient.RabbitMQReadNamedRoleAsync(roleName);
var generatedCreds = await vaultClient.RabbitMQGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(roleName);
// mount the backend
var sshKeyName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var sshRoleName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var mountPoint = "ssh" + Guid.NewGuid();
var backend = new SecretBackend
BackendType = SecretBackendType.SSH,
MountPoint = mountPoint,
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);
// configure key and role
var privateKey = @"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- key ---";
var ip = "";
var user = "rajan";
await vaultClient.SSHWriteNamedKeyAsync(sshKeyName, privateKey, mountPoint);
await vaultClient.SSHWriteNamedRoleAsync(sshRoleName, new SSHOTPRoleDefinition
RoleDefaultUser = user,
CIDRValues = "",
}, mountPoint);
var role = await vaultClient.SSHReadNamedRoleAsync(sshRoleName, mountPoint);
Assert.True(role.Data.KeyTypeToGenerate == SSHKeyType.otp);
var credentials = await
vaultClient.SSHGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync(sshRoleName, ip,
sshBackendMountPoint: mountPoint);
Assert.Equal(user, credentials.Data.Username);
// mount the backend
var backend = new SecretBackend
BackendType = SecretBackendType.Transit,
MountPoint = "transit" + Guid.NewGuid(),
await vaultClient.MountSecretBackendAsync(backend);
// create encryption key
var keyName = "test_key" + Guid.NewGuid();
var context = "context1";
var plainText = "raja";
var encodedPlainText = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText));
await vaultClient.TransitCreateEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, true, backend.MountPoint);
var keyInfo = await vaultClient.TransitGetEncryptionKeyInfoAsync(keyName, backend.MountPoint);
Assert.Equal(keyName, keyInfo.Data.Name);
// configure the key
await vaultClient.TransitConfigureEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, isDeletionAllowed: true, transitBackendMountPoint: backend.MountPoint);
keyInfo = await vaultClient.TransitGetEncryptionKeyInfoAsync(keyName, backend.MountPoint);
var cipherText = await vaultClient.TransitEncryptAsync(keyName, encodedPlainText, context, transitBackendMountPoint: backend.MountPoint);
var plainText2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String((await vaultClient.TransitDecryptAsync(keyName, cipherText.Data.CipherText, context, backend.MountPoint)).Data.PlainText));
Assert.Equal(plainText, plainText2);
await vaultClient.TransitRotateEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, backend.MountPoint);
var cipherText2 = await vaultClient.TransitEncryptAsync(keyName, encodedPlainText, context, transitBackendMountPoint: backend.MountPoint);
Assert.NotEqual(cipherText.Data.CipherText, cipherText2.Data.CipherText);
var cipherText3 = await vaultClient.TransitRewrapWithLatestEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, cipherText.Data.CipherText, context, backend.MountPoint);
var newKey1 = await vaultClient.TransitCreateDataKeyAsync(keyName, false, context, 128, backend.MountPoint);
newKey1 = await vaultClient.TransitCreateDataKeyAsync(keyName, true, context, 128, backend.MountPoint);
await vaultClient.TransitDeleteEncryptionKeyAsync(keyName, backend.MountPoint);
- VaultSharp supports all the audit backends supported by the Vault Service 0.4.0
- Here is a sample to instantiate the vault client with each of the audit backends.
var audits = (await vaultClient.GetAllEnabledAuditBackendsAsync()).ToList();
// enable new file audit
var newFileAudit = new FileAuditBackend
BackendType = AuditBackendType.File,
Description = "store logs in a file - test cases",
Options = new FileAuditBackendOptions
FilePath = "/var/log/file"
await vaultClient.EnableAuditBackendAsync(newFileAudit);
// get audits
var newAudits = (await vaultClient.GetAllEnabledAuditBackendsAsync()).ToList();
Assert.Equal(audits.Count + 1, newAudits.Count);
// hash with audit
var hash = await vaultClient.HashWithAuditBackendAsync(newFileAudit.MountPoint, "testinput");
// disabled audit
await vaultClient.DisableAuditBackendAsync(newFileAudit.MountPoint);
// enable new syslog audit
var newSyslogAudit = new SyslogAuditBackend
BackendType = AuditBackendType.Syslog,
Description = "syslog audit - test cases",
Options = new SyslogAuditBackendOptions()
await vaultClient.EnableAuditBackendAsync(newSyslogAudit);
// get audits
var newAudits2 = (await vaultClient.GetAllEnabledAuditBackendsAsync()).ToList();
Assert.Equal(1, newAudits2.Count);
// disabled audit
await vaultClient.DisableAuditBackendAsync(newSyslogAudit.MountPoint);
// get audits
var oldAudits2 = (await vaultClient.GetAllEnabledAuditBackendsAsync()).ToList();
Assert.Equal(audits.Count, oldAudits2.Count);
- VaultSharp supports all the operations supported by the Service.
- These include administrative ones like Inititalize, Unseal, Seal etc.
- Here are some samples.
await noAuthInfoClient.InitializeAsync(5, 3, null);
await vaultClient.SealAsync();
await vaultClient.UnsealAsync(masterKey); // need to run this in a loop for all master keys
await vaultClient.UnsealQuickAsync(allMasterKeys); // unseals the Vault in 1 shot.
await vaultClient.GetSealStatusAsync();
// all policy operations
// write a new policy
var newPolicy = new Policy
Name = "gubdu",
Rules = "path \"sys/*\" { policy = \"deny\" }"
await vaultClient.WritePolicyAsync(newPolicy);
// get new policy
var newPolicyGet = await vaultClient.GetPolicyAsync(newPolicy.Name);
Assert.Equal(newPolicy.Rules, newPolicyGet.Rules);
// write updates to a new policy
newPolicy.Rules = "path \"sys/*\" { policy = \"read\" }";
await vaultClient.WritePolicyAsync(newPolicy);
// get new policy
newPolicyGet = await vaultClient.GetPolicyAsync(newPolicy.Name);
Assert.Equal(newPolicy.Rules, newPolicyGet.Rules);
// delete policy
await vaultClient.DeletePolicyAsync(newPolicy.Name);
- VaultSharp supports some awesome features like quick mount, quick unseal, quick rekey etc.
- It also supports setting Proxy settings, custom message handlers for the HttpClient.
// quickly mount a secret backend
await vaultClient.QuickMountSecretBackendAsync(SecretBackendType.AWS);
// quickly mount an auth backend
await vaultClient.QuickEnableAuthenticationBackendAsync(AuthenticationBackendType.GitHub);
// quickly unseal Vault with a single call.
var sealStatus = await UnauthenticatedVaultClient.QuickUnsealAsync(AllMasterKeys);
// quickly rekey Vault with a single call.
var quick = await UnauthenticatedVaultClient.QuickRekeyAsync(AllMasterKeys, rekeyStatus.Nonce);
var vaultClient = VaultClientFactory.CreateVaultClient(VaultUriWithPort, new TokenAuthenticationInfo(someToken), postHttpClientInitializeAction:
httpClient =>
// set proxy or custom handlers here.
- If the above documentation doesn't help you, feel free to create an issue or email me.
- Also, the Intellisense on IVaultClient class should help. I have tried to add a lot of documentation.
Happy Coding folks!