Deploy WordPress on LEMP Stack using Docker Compose
Clone the repository,
git clone
andcd LEMP-WordPress
go to Install step to setup WordPress
This repository contains WordPress application running on LEMP Stack, supported by Docker and orchestrated by Docker Compose.
It Includes:
A container for Nginx;
A container for WordPress;
A container for MariaDB;
A container for Adminer;
script will install docker and docker compose if you don't have them on the server
If you want to proceed manually, make sure Docker and Docker Compose installed on the server where you are going to install the stack.
Create wordpress and db folders as well in the same directory to persist WordPress and MariaDB data.
If you are cloning the repository, then no need to create below files. or else Please make sure you have below secret files created in the directory
wordpress_db_host.txt -->It should have db host name. Here it is db:3306
wordpress_db_user.txt -->It shoould have user name to log into db container. Here it is someuser
wordpress_db_name.txt -->It shoould have database name for WordPress container. Here it is wordpress-user
mysql_user.txt -->It should be same as wordpress_db_name.txt
mysql_db_password.txt -->It shoould have password to connect and utilise wordpress database. Here it is somesecret
wordpress_table_prefix.txt -->It shoould have table prefix for the databases for security purposes. Here it is sometext_
mysql_database.txt -->It shoould have database name for WordPress container. Here it is wordpress
mysql_root_password.txt -->It shoould have user name to manage MariaDB container through Adminer. Here it is root
Please make sure to update
in Nginx Configuration before proceeding to install WordPresss
Also make sure that
DNS entry (
updated withIP
of the server where you are installing the script
Clone or Download this repository. Once after getting the repository, there is a script file "" if you want to automate whole process.
Change the file permission with 777
sudo chmod 777
Run the script with sudo.
sudo ./
If you want to proceed manual process; please make sure pre-requisites installed to proceed further.
Once after getting the repository, use docker-compose up -d
and wait for the containers to configure the WordPress site.
to validate the WordPress installation.
Also we can use
text browser to
command to validate the installation.
Change the file permission with 777 for
sudo chmod 777
Run the script with sudo.
sudo ./
If you want to stop the containers manully...
Use command sudo docker-compose down
removes the containers, but preserves your WordPress database.
Change the file permission with 777 for
sudo chmod 777
Run the script with sudo.
sudo ./
If you want to remove manully...
Use command sudo docker-compose down --volumes
to remove everything from the server, i.e containers, network, WordPress data and MariaDB data.