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Load main version from AzDo server #3

Load main version from AzDo server

Load main version from AzDo server #3

name: Handle versioning accros branches
# todo: add file paths of the files with version numbers
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: git-actions/set-user@v1
- name: Prevent branch warnings
run: |
# config git advice.detachedHead to false
git config advice.detachedHead false
- name: Get highest version number accross all branches
id: get-version
shell: pwsh
run: |
# get the last updated version for this extension from the server
$output = $(tfx extension show --token $env:AZURE_DEVOPS_CREATE_PAT --vsix $vsix --publisher "RobBos" --extension-id "GH…
$lastVersion = ($output.versions | Sort-Object -Property lastUpdated -Descending)[0]
Write-Host "Last version: [$($lastVersion.version)] from server"
# SemVer code
function Parse-SemVer ($version) {
$parts = $version.Split('.')
return @{
Major = [int]$parts[0]
Minor = [int]$parts[1]
Patch = [int]$parts[2]
$highestVersion = @{
Major = 0
Minor = 0
Patch = 0
# loop over all branches
$highestVersion = 0
foreach ($branch in $(git branch -r --format='%(refname:short)')) {
# checkout the branch
git checkout $branch
# get the semantic version number from the version in the dependencyReviewTask/task.json file
$version = Get-Content -Path "dependencyReviewTask/task.json" | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty version
Write-Host "Found version: [$version] in branch: [$branch]"
# check if the version is semantically higher than the highest version using SemVer
if ($version.Major -gt $highestVersion.Major -or
($version.Major -eq $highestVersion.Major -and $version.Minor -gt $highestVersion.Minor) -or
($version.Major -eq $highestVersion.Major -and $version.Minor -eq $highestVersion.Minor -and $version.Patch -gt $highestVersion.Patch))
$highestVersion = $version
Write-Host "New highest version from PR task.json: [$($highestVersion.Major).$($highestVersion.Minor).$($highestVersion.Patch)]"
Write-Host "Highest version: [$($highestVersion.Major).$($highestVersion.Minor).$($highestVersion.Patch)]"