A base frame for measuring/analyzing in and outs. It's kind of a people counting software.
- line chart of strength at time(minute/hour wise)
- bar chart of month(each day people count - days window)
- bar chart of year(each month people count - months window)
- bar chart of onlys INs/OUTs(minute/hour wise)
- custom chart of current capacity percentage
[POST] /location
Body: {location_name, capacity, desc, gates = {`[gate_name, used_for, desc]}}
Return: {location_id, gates = {[gate_name, gate_id]}
[POST] /record
Body: {location_id, gate_id, entry_type, timestamp}
Return: {record_id}
each location_id will be a collection and each collection will have following:
"timestamp_minute_1": {
"tot_ins": "count",
"tot_outs": "count",
"records": [
"entry_id": "id",
"gate_id": "gate id",
"entry_type": "entry/exit",
"timestamp": "timestamp"
"entry_id": "id",
"gate_id": "gate id",
"entry_type": "entry/exit",
"timestamp": "timestamp"
"timestamp_minute_2": {
"tot_ins": "count",
"tot_outs": "count",
"records": [
"entry_id": "id",
"gate_id": "gate id",
"entry_type": "exit",
"timestamp": "timestamp"
{ "locations": [ { "id": "id", "name": "location name", "desc": "descrption", "capacity": 100, "gates": [ { "id": "id", "name": "gate name", "desc": "descrption", "used_for": "entry/exit" }, { "id": "id", "name": "gate name 1", "desc": "descrption", "used_for": "entry/exit" } ] }, { "id": "id", "name": "location name1", "desc": "descrption", "capacity": 1000, "gates": [ { "id": "id", "name": "gate name", "desc": "descrption", "used_for": "entry" }, { "id": "id", "name": "gate name 1", "desc": "descrption", "used_for": "entry_and_exit" } ] } ] }