Selenium TestNG automation suite and framework for executing flight and hotel search scenarios in This project is data driven and page object model compliant
src/test/java/helper -> For helper methods src/test/java/pages -> page objects separation src/test/java/tests -> test methods driven by TestNG src/test/resources/config -> configuration details src/test/resources/data -> csv data kept here for multiple iterations src/test/resources/driver -> Chrome and Firefox Gecko driver executables
TestNG provides structure and test suite xml for executing and integrating with CI platforms. TestNG.xml in the project context is where the testsuite and test class details are provided
Test data iterations could be found in the form of csv files in the directory src/test/resources/data
browser config: firefox or chrome could be updated here: src/test/resources/config Also date format followed in the test methods is referrred here. headless only for firefox. not working in Chrome ''' headless works only for Firefox'''
It's bundled with maven for dependency management. Tests can be executed through testng from IDE or by entering mvn command from your command line
mvn clean test
Results are generated in \target\surefire-reports
Tested in Java 1.8