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What will you need

  • Clone this repository:nodejs-typescript
  • An IDE or text editor like VS Code
  • Node version installed above 20.12.1
  • A package manager such as NPM or Yarn
  • Install MySQL and phpMyAdmin
  • API testing tool like Postman
  • Run the npm run dev commands

Project Run Commands

  • npm install
  • npm run dev

Key Topics

The following topics covered in this unit:

  • User and Product CRUD with MySQL
  • User SignUp and Login
  • Request method like Get, Post, Put, Patch, sDelete
  • JWT authorization and authentication
  • Joi validation
  • Winston error and info loggers
  • Bcrypt for password hashing and compare
  • Helmet
  • Eslint
  • Bable-node
  • Multi environment config
  • PM2 for alive forever
  • Prettier for code formatter
  • Postman collection

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© 2024 Rajneshwar Singh