Course Project for Columbia University : E4571 Personalization - Theory & Application
Team members: Deepak Maran, Kewei Liu, Rakshita Nagalla, Xiaohui Guo
For detailed explanation of the approach and discussion of the results, refer to this ipython notebook
BX-users.csv: Data file with information about the users
train.csv: Data used for validation and training
test.csv: Data used for testing
image: Folder containing all the plots
Data Cleaning and Cleans the BX-Book-ratings.csv file and splits into train and test files
Hyperparameter Tunning_1.ipynb: Cross-validation code for tuning latent factors and learning rate hyperparameters for SGD
Hyperparameter Tunning_2.ipynb: Cross-validation code for tuning regularization term hyperparameter for SGD Code for implementation of Probabilistic Matrix Factorization MAP inference coordinate ascent algorithm. Cross-validation code for tuning hyperparameters for kNN Training and test set accuracy and coverage for SGD, kNN and baseline models. Precision-recall curves also plotted Plots running time as a function of sample size Plots accuracy as a function of sample size
Software_Package_Requirements.txt: Software requirements to execute the code