- Download and install .NET SDK
- Have a game instrumented with AltTester Unity SDK
- Have AltTester Desktop app installed (to be able to inspect game)
- Download and install iProxy (for Windows there are binaries builded here, while for MacOS and Linux there are official install steps on libimobiledevice)
- On Windows just add path of the exe files to environment system PATh variable in order to be available from everywhere (as AltDriver command implements that)
This repository is a test project that uses NUnit as the test library. It was generated using following command (as suggested in documentation)
dotnet new nunit
AltTester Unity SDK framework contains AltDriver
class used to connect to the instrumented game developed w/ Unity. AltTester-Driver for C# is available as a nuget package. Install AltTester-Driver nuget package
dotnet add package AltTester-Driver --version 1.8.2
Install the app on device
- only from macOS, using Xcode could install app as .ipa file
- depending on macOS version, corresponding Xcode version had to be installed
Check device is connected via USB and can it be accessed, execute:
Run tests manually (with dotnet CLI)
- Launch game manually
- From
execute all tests:
dotnet test
! Make sure to have the AltTester Desktop App closed, otherwise the test won't be able to connect to proper port.
dotnet test --filter <test_class_name>
dotnet test --filter <test_class_name>.<test_name>
- get
from here and put in project's bin\Debug\net7.0