- Reading: Hein, Schierup and Wiuf (2005) Gene Genealogies: Variation and Evolution. Chapter 5. Oxford University Press.
- Workshop: Installing Relate, ARGWeaver. Relate toy dataset.
- Reading: Rasmussen, Hubisz, Gronau and Siepal (2013) Genome-wide Inference of Ancestral Recombination Graphs. PLOS Genetics
- Reading: Hubisz, Williams and Siepal (2019) Mapping gene flow between ancient hominins through demography-aware inference of the ancestral recombination graph. bioRxiv
- Reading: Speidel, Forest, Shi and Meyers (2019) A method for genome-wide genealogy estimation for thousands of samples. Nature Genetics
- Reading: Kelleher, Wong, Wahns, Fadil, Albers and McVean (2019) Inferring whole-genome histories in large population datasets. Nature Genetics
Presentations: "Ancestral Haplotype Reconstruction in Endogamous Populations using Identity-By-Descent" by Sara Mathieson
- Reading: Mathieson (2019) Limited evidence for selection at the FADS locus in Native American populations. bioRxiv
- Cox, Ruff, Meier and Mathieson (2019) "Genetic contributions to variation in human stature in prehistoric Europe". PNAS
- Additional reading provided to attendees during previous sessions: "Ancestral haplotype reconstruction in endogamous populations using Identity-by-Descent"