- Download tar ball (C++) version (python version does not include ARGWeaver-D features)
- "tar -zxvf mdrasmus-argweaver-fee3d32.tar.gz"
- navigate into mdrasmus-argweaver-fee3d32
- "make"
- "make install prefix=/users/your_user_name/path_to_install/"
- "./arg-sim" to test installation (will return help menu)
- Download static binary version for Linux
- "tar -zxvf relate_v1.0.16_x86_64_static.tgz"
- navigate into relate_v1.0.16_x86_64_static/bin
- "./Relate" to test installation (will return help menu)
- Requires python 3 - set up virtual environment as needed!
- "pip install tsinfer"
- Info: https://tsinfer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html
- Requires python 3 - set up virtual environment as needed!
- run individual scripts using python
- Info: https://github.com/mathiesonlab/thread